Summoning at Random

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Summoning at Random
Latest: Chapter 20
Time: 2022-07-22

  A world governed by a Light G.o.d, a Dark G.o.d, and a slightly ‘my pace’ Evil G.o.d.The religion that boasted the most power in the world, the Church of Sacred Light, had suddenly lost its influence.The panicking upper echelons of the church decided to perform the Hero Summoning Ritual, as the symbol of their revival.However, due to the intervention of an even more ‘my pace’ Evil G.o.d, the summoned young man was granted a troublesome skill.Followed about by turmoil, the young man met a certain girl, and together they opposed the absurdity of the world.Would he ever safely make it back to his old world…?It was all “a matter of luck”.
