He Who Fights With Monsters

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He Who Fights With Monsters
Author: Shirtaloon
Time: 2022-07-22

  Jason wakes up in a mysterious world of magic and monsters. He’ll face off against cannibals, cultists, wizards, monsters, and that’s just the first day. He’s going to need courage, he’s going to need wit and he’s going to need some magic powers of his own. But first, he’s going to need pants.

  • Chapter 5: Wizard
  • Chapter 21: I Have the Power
  • Chapter 22: Apocalypse Stone
  • Chapter 23: I May Have Made a Huge Mistake
  • Chapter 24: Astral Space
  • Chapter 25: Blasphemy is Kind of My Thing
  • Chapter 26: Waterfall
  • Chapter 27: Water, Fall
  • Chapter 28: How Did You All Fit in There?
  • Chapter 29: That’s What Adventurers Do
  • Chapter 30: Closing the Door Too Hard
  • Chapter 31: Taming the Beast
  • Chapter 32: Monster Hunting For Beginners
  • Chapter 33: Mistrun River
  • Chapter 34: Waving the Flag for Secular Morality
  • Chapter 35: Greenstone
  • Chapter 14: Worlds Apart
  • Chapter 15: Outworlder
  • Chapter 16: Rescue Party
  • Chapter 17: A Conservative Pillage
  • Chapter 18: One of Us
  • Chapter 19: I Want a Lava Cannon
  • Chapter 20: By the Power of Grayskull
  • Chapter 36: The Island
  • Chapter 37: A Good Adventurer and a Great One
  • Chapter 38: Just Another Adventurer
  • Chapter 39: Training
  • Chapter 40: Eyebeams and the Ethics of Adventuring
  • Chapter 41: Vulnerable and Exposed
  • Chapter 42: This is the Pits
  • Chapter 43: Nightingale
  • Chapter 44: Complimentary Ointment
  • Chapter 45: So Much For Atheism
  • Chapter 46: Blatant Manipulation
  • Chapter 47: Mirage Chamber
  • Chapter 48: An Endless, Inescapable Nightmare
  • Chapter 49: A Voice From Home
  • Chapter 50: The Full Keanu
  • Chapter 51: Song of the Nightingale
  • Chapter 52: Pain
  • Chapter 53: Nightlife
  • Chapter 54: Field Assessment
  • Chapter 55: Rune Tortoise
  • Chapter 56: Gary’s Gift
  • Chapter 57: Rainbow Smoke
  • Chapter 58: A Man of Malevolent Intellect
  • Chapter 59: Falling Short
  • Chapter 60: Making Music
  • Chapter 61: Trade Hall
  • Chapter 62: Have Some Damn Adventures
  • Chapter 63: Sunk-Cost Fallacy
  • Chapter 64: Take My Wife, Please
  • Chapter 65: Curious Urges
  • Chapter 81: Crazy Desperation Move
  • Chapter 82: Choices
  • Chapter 83: It Makes No Difference to the Ant
  • Chapter 84: Injury & Death
  • Chapter 85: Because I’m an Adventurer
  • Chapter 86: Some Kind of Secret
  • Chapter 87: Can’t Lose
  • Chapter 88: The Nature of Absolution
  • Chapter 89: Anti-Pirate Operations
  • Chapter 90: The Path to Bronze
  • Chapter 91: Life & Death
  • Chapter 92: Unusual Contract
  • Chapter 93: Truth
  • Chapter 94: Consequences
  • Chapter 95: Punishment
  • Chapter 66: A Stronger Weapon Than the One in Your Hand
  • Chapter 67: This is What it Means to Fight Me
  • Chapter 68: Good News For Clive
  • Chapter 69: Dumpling Soup
  • Chapter 70: Rewards
  • Chapter 71: A Bit of Poo
  • Chapter 72: Rat Race
  • Chapter 73: A Grim Sword to Live By
  • Chapter 74: Doing Better
  • Chapter 75: Progress
  • Chapter 76: Preparations
  • Chapter 77: Group Cohesion
  • Chapter 78: Jason Has the Good Biscuits
  • Chapter 79: Sand Everywhere
  • Chapter 80: It’s Not Work if You Love What You Do
  • Chapter 96: You Don’t Get a Third
  • Chapter 97: Integrity is Sexy
  • Chapter 98: The Point of Money and Power
  • Chapter 99: Someone Else’s Game
  • Chapter 100: Legwork
  • Chapter 101: Fantasy World Goodness
  • Chapter 102: You Fight Like Me
  • Chapter 103: Silver Hair
  • Chapter 104: An Outcome That Satisfies
  • Chapter 105: You Aren’t in Control of What Happens Next
  • Chapter 106: Something Shady
  • Chapter 107: All The Good People We Can Get
  • Chapter 108: You Don’t Have the Strength
  • Chapter 109: The Tyranny of Rank
  • Chapter 110: Help Arrives
  • Chapter 111: Strange Star
  • Chapter 112: The Accumulation of a Life
  • Chapter 113: You Should Work on Making Enemies
  • Chapter 114: Climbing Mountains
  • Chapter 115: Nothing Can Hurt You Like Hope
  • Chapter 116: See You in Court
  • Chapter 117: Six-Month Lease
  • Chapter 118: The Perks of Being an Essence User
  • Chapter 119: This is the Moment
  • Chapter 120: Iron Rank
  • Chapter 121: Getting Stoned
  • Chapter 122: Children
  • Chapter 123: Star Seed
  • Chapter 124: It’s About How You Use It
  • Chapter 125: We End Here
  • Chapter 126: Poison Pill
  • Chapter 127: Let’s Just Fight Monsters
  • Chapter 128: Damage You Shouldn’t Walk Away From
  • Chapter 129: Picking Out the Good Ones
  • Chapter 130: Events Loom Large
  • Chapter 131: What the Geller Name is Worth
  • Chapter 132: Cleansed
  • Chapter 133: It Just Takes Practise
  • Chapter 134: World Building
  • Chapter 135: Fabulous Prizes
  • Chapter 136: Any Team Except Yours
  • Chapter 137: More Than One Clown
  • Chapter 138: Resurrection
  • Chapter 139: Manifestation
  • Chapter 140: Potential
  • Chapter 141: Weaponising a Barbecue
  • Chapter 142: This Town Ain’t Big Enough
  • Chapter 143: The Second-Best Adventurer
  • Chapter 144: Arrival
  • Chapter 145: Full Jason
  • Chapter 146: Versatile
  • Chapter 147: I Don’t Like This Plan
  • Chapter 148: Impossible to Subdue
  • Chapter 149: The Price We Pay Doesn’t Matter
  • Chapter 150: Make the Most of It
  • Chapter 151: Wake
  • Chapter 152: I Can’t Trust Any of It
  • Chapter 153: Legacy
  • Chapter 154: A Rash Decision
  • Chapter 155: It’s A Good One
  • Chapter 156: The City of Fallen Echoes
  • Chapter 157: Shade
  • Chapter 158: Seriously Hardcore
  • Chapter 159: Mixed Medication
  • Chapter 160: Giving People Choices
  • Chapter 161: A Well-Informed Man
  • Chapter 162: The Danger is Us
  • Chapter 163: Surplus to Requirements
  • Chapter 164: A Worse Plan
  • Chapter 165: No One Has That Coming
  • Chapter 166: Part of Being a Team
  • Chapter 167: Making a Spectacle of Himself
  • Chapter 168: Team Change
  • Chapter 169: Company Worth Keeping
  • Chapter 170: He Who Fights With Monsters
  • Chapter 171: Irreconcilable Ideals
  • Chapter 172: Meanwhile, Two Weeks Ago in Greenstone…
  • Chapter 173: Take the Loot and Go
  • Chapter 174: Making an Exit
  • Chapter 175: Shallow Earth
  • Chapter 176: Relief
  • Chapter 177: Glory
  • Chapter 178: Display of Gratitude
  • Chapter 179: The Person I Decided to Be
  • Chapter 180: You Have Freinds to Help You
  • Chapter 181: Blob Body
  • Chapter 182: Particular Appetites
  • Chapter 183: Domineering, Territorial and Robust
  • Chapter 184: More Shady as We Go Along
  • Chapter 185: Magnificent Entity
  • Chapter 186: I Try to Find the Truth, But That’s Your Hiding Place
  • Chapter 187: The Last Reward
  • Chapter 188: Impossible Wasn’t Enough
  • Chapter 189: Eclipse
  • Chapter 190: A Question You Don’t Yet Know to Ask
  • Chapter 191: Looking Forward
  • Chapter 192: Adventurers Are People Too
  • Chapter 193: Valkyrie
  • Chapter 194: Departures
  • Chapter 195: No Pot of Gold
  • Chapter 196: The Glory of Success or the Price of Failure
  • Chapter 197: Adequate
  • Chapter 198: Trash Bonanza
  • Chapter 199: Strangeness
  • Chapter 200: Full Circle
  • Chapter 201: Regretting it Later
  • Chapter 202: Swat
  • Chapter 203: The Purpose of the Adventure Society
  • Chapter 204: Elven Storage Solutions
  • Chapter 205: Disbanded
  • Chapter 206: The Man Behind the Mouth
  • Chapter 207: Search
  • Chapter 208: Defiance
  • Chapter 209: Hanging Around
  • Chapter 210: What Doesn’t Kill You
  • Chapter 211: Lingering Doubts
  • Chapter 212: Scars
  • Chapter 213: I Won’t Let Them Turn Me Into That
  • Chapter 214: Putting the Band Back Together
  • Chapter 215: Nothing Speaks Louder Than Power
  • Chapter 216: My Name is Jason Asano
  • Chapter 217: While They Watch Me Kill You
  • Chapter 218: Inherently Corrupting
  • Chapter 219: Beholden to No One
  • Chapter 220: Evil Detector
  • Chjapter 221: The World Needs People Like You
  • Chapter 222: I’m Very Big on Cowardice
  • Chapter 223: More Powerful Than We Anticipated
  • Chapter 224: Fate Can’t Wait to Kill Us All
  • Chapter 225: Running Towards Something
  • Chapter 226: Greenhouse Flowers
  • Chapter 227: A Man Transformed
  • Chapter 228: The Worst Possible Option
  • Chapter 229: Brave Little Tailor
  • Chapter 230: Terms of the Pact
  • Chapter 261 (interval): Recruitment
  • Chapter 262 (interval): Ducking Responsibility
  • Chapter 263 (interval): Show and Tell
  • Chapter 264 (interval): Beyond Our Ability to Control
  • Chapter 265 (interval): A Time For Parting
  • Chapter 266 (interval): Old Secrets
  • Chapter 231: Trading Safety Today For Death Tomorrow
  • Chapter 232: Stalwart
  • Chapter 233: I’m Sick of Fighting Magic Rocks
  • Chapter 234: Crossing the Threshold
  • Chapter 235: Anyone Can be Useful
  • Chapter 236: A Series of Familiar Powers
  • Chapter 237: It’s Not About Killing Monsters
  • Chapter 238: Sin Eater
  • Chapter 239: The Most Dangerous Thing in the Dark
  • Chapter 240: The Boss Comes to Town
  • Chapter 241: It’s Very Complicated and You All Need to Go Away
  • Chapter 242: Strong Foundations
  • Chapter 243: A Valiant Death
  • Chapter 244: Ambitions
  • Chapter 245: Faith and Glory
  • Chapter 246: Thadwick
  • Chapter 247: The True Danger
  • Chapter 248: Forsaken Place
  • Chapter 249: Being What He Needs to Be
  • Chapter 250: A Significantly More Dangerous Entity
  • Chapter 251: Losing the Battle to Win the War
  • Chapter 252: War of Adaptation
  • Chapter 253: The Hero of This Story
  • Chapter 254: Good News, Bad News
  • Chapter 255: Here We Go
  • Chapter 256: Outmatched
  • Chapter 257: The Power of Friendship
  • Chapter 258: A War of Stolen Moments
  • Chapter 259 (interval): Clive Takes Charge
  • Chapter 260 (interval): Lessons
  • Chapter 1: Strange Business
  • Chapter 2: Of Course Magic is a Thing
  • Chapter 3: Local Cuisine
  • Chapter 4: Cannibals and Spelunking
  • Chapter 6: Potent Potable
  • Chapter 7: Spoils
  • Chapter 8: Dark Magic
  • Chapter 9: Escape
  • Chapter 10: The Evil Pit of Evil
  • Chapter 11: Dashing Heroics
  • Chapter 12: Sanguine Horror
  • Chapter 13: This is the Part Where We Step Back
  • Chapter 267 (Volume II): A Better Pants Solution
  • Chapter 268: Time to Front Up
  • Chapter 269: The Single Greatest Thing on This Planet
  • Chapter 270: Some Secrets Change You Forever
  • Chapter 271: It Would Be Weirder If Magic Wasn’t Responsible
  • Chapter 272: Not the Regular Sort of Dangerous
  • Chapter 273: Boogie Man
  • Chapter 274: More Plausible Than the Reality
  • Chapter 275: I Suggest You Be Very Polite
  • Chapter 276: A Leather Coat and Tight, Black Pants
  • Chapter 277: A Knife in Its Sheath
  • Chapter 278: Underworld Bargain
  • Chapter 279: Time to Rip Off the Band-Aid
  • Chapter 280: Bullets, Bikes and Blood
  • Chapter 281: A Good Friend and Very Bad Enemy
  • Chapter 282: Flavour Text
  • Chapter 283: Time For Context
  • Chapter 284: Brown Trousers Time
  • Chapter 285: The Complete Set
  • Chapter 286: More Valuable Than a Life
  • Chapter 287: Uncontrolled Factor
  • Chapter 288: Agendas
  • Chapter 289: Hegemons
  • Chapter 290: Guity Conscience
  • Chapter 291: Uncommon Mistake
  • Chapter 292: It’s Complicated
  • Chapter 293: A Big Dose of Normal
  • Chapter 294: Moppet
  • Chapter 295: Always Tell the Truth if You Can Get Away With It
  • Chapter 296: Discretion is a Good Idea
  • Chapter 297: The Cold Eyes of a Stranger
  • 298: Looking Down the Point of a Sword
  • Chapter 299: What Your Uncle Has Been Telling You
  • Chapter 300: The Moments That Decide Who You Are
  • Chapter 301: I’m Mysterious Now
  • Chapter 302: Hardline Position
  • Chapter 303: Otherwise Best Avoided
  • Chapter 304: Terms
  • Chapter 305: Section
  • Chapter 306: Core Users
  • Chapter 307: What You Call Observing
  • Chapter 308: Not the Monster
  • Chapter 309: Letting Him Run Rampant
  • Chapter 310: Old Testament Power
  • Chapter 311: My Turn
  • Chapter 312: Visually Distinctive Henchman
  • Capter 313: Of Course It’s Him
  • Chapter 314: The Price of Transgression
  • Chapter 315: The Time For Bold, Decisive Men
  • Chapter 316: Technical Issue
  • Chapter 317: The Long Game
  • Chapter 318: A Moment For Drastic Measures
  • Chapter 319: Foiled Plans
  • Chapter 320: Quite the Year
  • Chapter 321: Full Houseboat
  • Chapter 322: A Wizard Did It
  • Chapter 323: The King of Everyone
  • Chapter 324: I Came Back to Show You Wonders
  • Chapter 325: Mercy
  • Chapter 326: Ideal Circumstances
  • Chapter 327: The Blood and Death Guy
  • Chapter 328: A Lot of Anomalies
  • Chapter 329: Pitch Meetings
  • Chapter 330: Moving Forward
  • Chapter 331: Flemish Baroque
  • Chapter 332: Not Ready to Leave
  • Chapter 333: Decision
  • Chapter 334: What You Have to Do
  • Chapter 335: The Direction We Want Them to Go
  • Chapter 336: The Dangers of What I Do
  • Chapter 337: We Were All Monsters
  • Chapter 338: Options
  • Chapter 339: I Need Time
  • Chapter 340: Walkabout
  • Chapter 341: Too Valuable to Lose
  • Chapter 342: All I Can Do is My Best
  • Chapter 343: A Modern Myth
  • Chapter 344: Breakneck Pace
  • Chapter 345: Grand Tour
  • Chapter 346: New Groove
  • Chapter 347: Get to the Chopper
  • Chapter 348: What’s Left of Your Principles
  • Chapter 349: Contingencies
  • Chapter 350: Humanity
  • Chapter 351: Media Blitz
  • Chapter 352: Grandmotherly Advice
  • Chapter 353: A Bloke With Vast Cosmic Power
  • Chapter 354: A Very Long To-Do List
  • Chapter 355: Another Step Forward
  • Chapter 356: Tactical Flexibility
  • Chapter 357: Broken
  • Chapter 358: Never Enough
  • Chapter 359: Media Landscape
  • Chapter 360: Instability
  • Chapter 361: Supernatural
  • Chapter 362: Arms Race
  • Chapter 363: Sword-Fighting With No Shirt On
  • Chapter 364: Candid and Authentic
  • Chapter 365: Warmth and Levity
  • Chapter 366: An Intelligent King
  • Chapter 367: Hunted
  • Chapter 368: Gamble
  • Chapter 369: Dying of Thirst in the Desert
  • Chapter 370: Enough Power
  • Bonus Chapter: Silver
  • Chapter 371: Old Affairs
  • Chapter 372: End Run
  • Chapter 373: Giving Face
  • Chapter 374: Not in a Position to Criticise
  • Chapter 375: Honour
  • Chapter 376: They Get to See What I’m Like
  • Chapter 377: Fanboy
  • Chapter 378: A Very Bad Mistake
  • Chapter 379: An Unexpected Direction
  • Chapter 380: Parade of Delights
  • Chapter 381: Collateral Damage
  • Chapter 382: I Intend to Do Damage
  • Chapter 383: A Chance to Control the Narrative
  • Chapter 384: You Shouldn’t Lie to Your Wife
  • Chapter 385: The Decision Has Been Made
  • Chapter 386: First Priority
  • Chapter 387: Node Space
  • Chapter 388: Loaded For Battle
  • Chapter 389: Going For Gold
  • Chapter 390: Prepare For the Rematch
  • Chapter 391: Finish the Job
  • Chapter 392: Inevitability
  • Chapter 393: The Edge of Madness
  • Chapter 394: Trying to Be Merciful
  • Chapter 395: Appreciation
  • Chapter 396: Brooding Loner
  • Chapter 397: High Maintenance
  • Chapter 398: Treachery or Cowardice
  • Chapter 399: Comely Wenches
  • Chapter 400: A Lot Like a Guess
  • Chapter 401: It’s Okay to Laugh
  • Chapter 402: Dignified Moment
  • Chapter 403: When Someone is Under Your Gun
  • Chapter 404: When, Not If
  • Chapter 405: Not Entirely Ethical
  • Chapter 406: Ahead of Schedule
  • Chapter 407: Open Wound
  • Chapter 408: Looting a House Burning Down Around You
  • Chapter 409: Domain
  • Chapter 410: Needs of the Moment
  • Chapter 411: A Beautiful Woman and a Sack of Cash
  • Chapter 412: You Have to Be True to Yourself
  • Chapter 413: One More Secret
  • Chapter 414: Instinct is All We Have
  • Chapter 415: Step Back
  • Chapter 416: Guns & Money
  • Chapter 417: Old Habit
  • Chapter 418: It’s Still Not About Killing Monsters
  • Chapter 419: Open to the Unanticipated
  • Chapter 420: I’m Going to Bet on Myself
  • Chapter 421: No Perfect Options
  • Chapter 422: Stillness
  • Chapter 423: Whatever We Face
  • Chapter 424: You Really Aren’t Local
  • Chapter 425: A Sliver of Hope
  • Chapter 426: End-User Licence Agreement
  • Chapter 427: Negotiations
  • Chapter 428: Another Day for Vampires
  • Chapter 429: Less Freud and More God of Healing
  • Chapter 430: Little Cost in Exploring
  • Chapter 431: Intentions
  • Chapter 432: I Need That Song to Play Out
  • Chapter 433: Wash Them First
  • Chapter 434: The Language of Passion
  • Chapter 435: Forthright Honesty
  • Chapter 436: Pertinent Factor
  • Chapter 437: More Focus on Nipples
  • Chapter 438: The Job That’s in Front of You
  • Chapter 439: Going Suspiciously Well
  • Chapter 440: One of Asano’s Secrets
  • Chapter 441: Swarm Against Swarm
  • Chapter 442: Necessary Evil
  • Chapter 443: Balls
  • Chapter 444: Which One of Us is the Villian
  • Chapter 445: That Passion Didn’t Come From Nowhere
  • Chapter 446: The Upstart Magician
  • Chapter 447: Too Much Over Pride
  • Chapter 448: Trust All the Way
  • Chapter 449: Time to Choose
  • Chapter 450: Four-Score Men
  • Chapter 451 : The Very Opposite of Fantastical
  • Chapter 452: Small Mercies
  • Chapter 453: Salus Mundi Suprema Lex Esto
  • Chapter 454: Something Other Than Human
  • Chapter 455: Everyone Calls Me Gary
  • Chapter 456: I’m the Bait in Question
  • Chapter 457: The Past Can Wait
  • Chapter 458: Dragon Lady
  • Chapter 459: What Could Possibly Go Wrong
  • Chapter 460: Kind of His Thing
  • Chapter 461: Of Course He Doesn’t Have Pants
  • Chapter 462: Connotations
  • Chapter 463: What a Monster Surge Feels Like
  • Chapter 464: Strategic Doctrine
  • Chapter 465: I’ve Seen Your Best
  • Chapter 466: Responsible Dad
  • Chapter 467: Surge Protocols
  • Chapter 468 : Disappointed or Relieved
  • Chapter 469 : More Paperwork
  • Chapter 470: Multi-Talented
  • Chapter 471: Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned
  • Chapter 472: Contribution
  • Chapter 473: Small-Town Lifestyle
  • Chapter 474: I Don’t Need to Invent Icecream
  • Chapter 475: Remaining Unremarkable
  • Chapter 476: A Damn Fine Way to Start Off a War
  • Chapter 477: It Will Not Be Fine
  • Chapter 478: A Story of War
  • Chapter 479: Any Help They Can Get
  • Chapter 480: Supplies
  • Chapter 481: Enemies Even I Would Fear
  • Chapter 482: True Elites
  • Chapter 483: Diligent and Considerate
  • Chapter 484: That Doesn’t Make the Pebble Important
  • Chapter 485: They Don’t Sent Their Best People
  • Chapter 386: An Old Friend That He Had No Time For
  • Chapter 487: Never Underestimate Adventurers
  • Chapter 488: Better Strange Than Scary
  • Chapter 489: Going Overland
  • Chapter 490: Small
  • Chapter 491: Uneasy Allies
  • Chapter 492: Supply Chain Problems
  • Chapter 493: The Hitting It a Bunch Plan
  • Chapter 494: I Liked the Fighting Better
  • Chapter 495: That Usually is My Day
  • Chapter 496: Unyielding Faith
  • Chapter 497: Something He Could Never Get Back
  • Chapter 498: Dignified Young Adventurer
  • Chapter 499: I Can Do Sleazy
  • Chapter 500: An Object Lesson in Foolish Risks
  • Chapter 501: Murky Waters
  • Chapter 502: Integrity is Forever
  • Chapter 503: How Deep a Hole
  • Chapter 504: The Part That Knows How to Quit
  • Chapter 505: Bad Apples
  • Chapter 506: Idiot Plan
  • Chapter 507: The Days They Sing Songs About
  • Chapter 508: The Source of the Madness
  • Chapter 509: A Fair Fight
  • Chapter 510: Put the Mask Back On
  • Chapter 511: I Don’t Think You’re Angry
  • Chapter 512: Staying with Friends
  • Chapter 513: Meanwhile, Two Weeks Ago in Vitesse
  • Chapter 514: Hegemon’s Will
  • Chapter 515: A Story About a Magic Trowel
  • Chapter 516: What It Sent Us
  • Chapter 517: I Am Not Jason Asano
  • Chapter 518: That Powerful and That Old
  • Chapter 519: One Battle at a Time
  • Chapter 521: A Lot More Steps
  • Chapter 522: A Normal Man
  • Chapter 523: This One Time
  • Chapter 524: Between Mortal and Something Else
  • Chapter 520: No One Telling Me I Can’t
  • Top