Lightning Is the Only Way

Fantasy 5370K Active
Lightning Is the Only Way
Author: Warmaisach
Time: 2022-07-25

  With a father as strong as the highest heavens themselves, nothing hindered Gravis from having a comfortable life.But when Heaven used him in a scheme to get back at his father, Gravis realized that h...

  • Chapter 1 - Gravis
  • Chapter 2 - Heavens Plot
  • Chapter 3 – Heavens Problem
  • Chapter 4 - Research Assistant
  • Chapter 5 – Energy Gathering
  • Chapter 6 – Fighting Experience
  • Chapter 7 – Fighting the Tortoise
  • Chapter 8 - The Cruelty of Life
  • Chapter 9 - This Feeling Again...
  • Chapter 10 - The Last Fight
  • Chapter 11 - Review
  • Chapter 12 – Family
  • Chapter 13 - Luck
  • Chapter 14 – Furious Thirst for Power (1)
  • Chapter 15 - Furious Thirst for Power (2)
  • Chapter 16 – Will
  • Chapter 17 - Beginning
  • Chapter 18 - Of course...
  • Chapter 19 – Tastes like Chicken
  • Chapter 20 - One Request, One Wish
  • Chapter 21 - Bandits
  • Chapter 22 - Stagnation
  • Chapter 23 - Weapon
  • Chapter 24 – The Town Lord’s Action
  • Chapter 25 – Senior Hunter
  • Chapter 26 – Mission Completion
  • Chapter 27 – Intimidation
  • Chapter 28 – Tiger
  • Chapter 29 – The Tigers Death
  • Chapter 30 – A Lesson
  • Chapter 31 – No Missions
  • Chapter 32 – Anthony
  • Chapter 33 – Offer
  • Chapter 34 – Trade
  • Chapter 35 – The Demon
  • Chapter 36 – Centipede
  • Chapter 37 – Wealth
  • Chapter 38 – Tempered Skin
  • Chapter 39 – The Bandit
  • Chapter 40 – Heaven
  • Chapter 41 – Posturing
  • Chapter 42 – Increase in Strength
  • Chapter 43 – Origin Melon
  • Chapter 44 – Fight With Jeros
  • Chapter 45 – Farewell to the Bandits
  • Chapter 46 – Body City
  • Chapter 47 – Martial Hall
  • Chapter 48 – William
  • Chapter 49: Fighting a Beast?
  • Chapter 50: Demonstration
  • Chapter 51: Training
  • Chapter 52: Outsider
  • Chapter 53: Greed
  • Chapter 54: Heavenborn
  • Chapter 55: Tempered Organs and blood?
  • Chapter 56: Test of Will
  • Chapter 57: The Winners
  • Chapter 58: Agreement
  • Chapter 59: Basin of Nature
  • Chapter 60: Ambush
  • Chapter 61: Finally, Some Peace
  • Chapter 62: Tempered Bones
  • Chapter 63: Rampage
  • Chapter 64: Absolute Carnage
  • Chapter 65: Lying
  • Chapter 66: Get out!
  • Chapter 67: Saber
  • Chapter 68: Sigur
  • Chapter 69: Nice
  • Chapter 70: The Lightning Guild
  • Chapter 71: Frank
  • Chapter 72: General Overview of the Elements
  • Chapter 73: Lightning
  • Chapter 74: Fred and Steve
  • Chapter 75: Lightning Tower
  • Chapter 76: Lightning Seed
  • Chapter 77: Notice Boards
  • Chapter 78: An Offer to Heaven
  • Chapter 79: Plans for the Future
  • Chapter 80: Powerful Visitor
  • Chapter 81: Heaven Sect
  • Chapter 82: Jaimy
  • Chapter 83: The Tournament
  • Chapter 84: Goodbye, Body Tempering
  • Chapter 85: Jaimys Revenge
  • Chapter 86: Hatred
  • Chapter 87: Reforging
  • Chapter 88: More Power!
  • Chapter 89: Lightnings Temperament
  • Chapter 90: Hunted
  • Chapter 91: Dealing With Everything
  • Chapter 93: Lightning Disciples
  • Chapter 94: Wind Bird
  • Chapter 95: Test of Strength
  • Chapter 96: Upside-Down Battle
  • Chapter 97: Advantage of Battle Experience
  • Chapter 98: Gaining the Upper Hand
  • Chapter 99: Very Disadvantageous Fighting Stage
  • Chapter 100: Gravis vs. Flern
  • Chapter 101: Gravis vs. Escura
  • Chapter 102: End of the Battle
  • Chapter 103: Talk
  • Chapter 104: Nature
  • Chapter 105: What Happened?
  • Chapter 106: Shopping
  • Chapter 107: Outsmarted
  • Chapter 108: Turn of Events
  • Chapter 109: One-on-One
  • Chapter 110: Just Like Back Then
  • Chapter 111: Skye
  • Chapter 112: Karmic Luck and Beasts
  • Chapter 113: Teaching Skye
  • Chapter 114: Under Attack
  • Chapter 115: Crisis
  • Chapter 116: The End of the Hunt
  • Chapter 117: Heavenly Pressure
  • Chapter 118: Heavens Balance Cultivation Technique
  • Chapter 119: Gold, Please
  • Chapter 120: Jobs
  • Chapter 121: First Job
  • Chapter 122: Getting Sidetracked
  • Chapter 123: Lightning Palace
  • Chapter 124: His Side of the Story
  • Chapter 125: Talking About the Past
  • Chapter 126: Hidden Danger
  • Chapter 127: A Mistake
  • Chapter 128: Exchange List
  • Chapter 129: The Power of Pre-Forming
  • Chapter 130: Person From the Past
  • Chapter 131: The Wind Guild
  • Chapter 132: Freedom
  • Chapter 133: Wendy
  • Chapter 134: Her Story
  • Chapter 135: Something Different
  • Chapter 136: Is This What I Want to Be?
  • Chapter 137: Priorities
  • Chapter 138: Body Ascension Pill
  • Chapter 139: Back to Tempering
  • Chapter 140: The Time Has Come
  • Chapter 141: Proposition
  • Chapter 142: Introduction
  • Chapter 143: Genius at the Seventh Level
  • Chapter 144: Thats Not How Its Supposed to Go!
  • Chapter 145: A Helping Hand
  • Chapter 146: Defense Line
  • Chapter 147: First Proper Fight
  • Chapter 148: Crimson
  • Chapter 149: Red
  • Chapter 150: Fight Against Red
  • Chapter 151: Dire Straits
  • Chapter 152: The Plan
  • Chapter 153: Willpower!
  • Chapter 154: No More Tempering
  • Chapter 155: Exchange
  • Chapter 156: New Plans
  • Chapter 157: Energy Beast?
  • Chapter 158: Introspection
  • Chapter 159: Earths Disposition
  • Chapter 160: What?
  • Chapter 161: The Darkness Guild
  • Chapter 162: Really Dark Around Here
  • Chapter 163: More Scheming
  • Chapter 164: Energy and Pills
  • Chapter 165: The High Priest
  • Chapter 166: Asking Heaven
  • Chapter 167: Aion Sets Off
  • Chapter 168: Skyes Issue
  • Chapter 169: Goodbye, Skye
  • Chapter 170: Plan C
  • Chapter 171: The Enemy
  • Chapter 172: Talk about Wendy
  • Chapter 173: The Wind Wall
  • Chapter 174: The Core-Continent
  • Chapter 175: Aions Power
  • Chapter 176: No Way Out
  • Chapter 177: The Jade Token
  • Chapter 178: Creation
  • Chapter 179: The Opposers Decision
  • Chapter 180: Awakening
  • Chapter 181: Nice Talk
  • Chapter 182: New Beliefs
  • Chapter 183: Experimenting
  • Chapter 184: Better Movement
  • Chapter 185: Aions Explanation
  • Chapter 186: More Ways to Fight
  • Chapter 187: So Much Gold
  • Chapter 188: New Look
  • Chapter 189: Strong Bird
  • Chapter 190: Telling Skyes Story
  • Chapter 191: Initial Repayment
  • Chapter 192: Spirit Forming Body
  • Chapter 193: Economy of Guilds
  • Chapter 194: The Board
  • Chapter 195: Last Target
  • Chapter 196: Big Disagreement
  • Chapter 197: Testing
  • Chapter 198: Close Combat
  • Chapter 199: End of Testing
  • Chapter 200: Repayment
  • Chapter 201: Consequences
  • Chapter 202: Lightning Board
  • Chapter 203: Debts
  • Chapter 204: Spectacular Failure
  • Chapter 205: Surprise!
  • Chapter 206: Sears Ambition
  • Chapter 207: Good Food
  • Chapter 208: Counter-Surprise
  • Chapter 209: Group Fight
  • Chapter 210: Suicidal
  • Chapter 211: Cultivation Speed
  • Chapter 212: Fear City
  • Chapter 213: The Greys
  • Chapter 214: Joining
  • Chapter 215: Introduction
  • Chapter 216: The Rakshasa Saber
  • Chapter 217: Lightning Sphere
  • Chapter 218: True Power
  • Chapter 219: How to Increase Lightning
  • Chapter 220: The Greens
  • Chapter 221: Borrowed Power?
  • Chapter 222: Close Fight
  • Chapter 223: Pathetic Whimper
  • Chapter 224: Naivety
  • Chapter 225: Ploy
  • Chapter 226: The Way Forward
  • Chapter 227: Change in Goals
  • Chapter 228: Manuel
  • Chapter 229: Manuels Experience
  • Chapter 230: Fight Against Manuel
  • Chapter 231: Conspiracy
  • Chapter 232: Na?ve Arrogance
  • Chapter 233: Old Man Lightning
  • Chapter 234: Lasar
  • Chapter 235: Regaining Consciousness
  • Chapter 236: Punching Boulders
  • Chapter 237: Force Lines
  • Chapter 238: New House
  • Chapter 239: Me
  • Chapter 240: Freyas birch
  • Chapter 241: Feeding the Tree
  • Chapter 242: Threshold
  • Chapter 243: Meeting With the Sect Master
  • Chapter 244: Weakness
  • Chapter 245: Identity Revealed
  • Chapter 246: Solution
  • Chapter 247: Finishing the Tale
  • Chapter 248: Issue With the Self Stage
  • Chapter 249: More About the War
  • Chapter 250: Something to Do
  • Chapter 251: The Priest
  • Chapter 252: The Priest vs. Old Man Lightning
  • Chapter 253: Kindness
  • Chapter 254: Angry High Priest
  • Chapter 255: The Lightning Towers Price
  • Chapter 256: Tempering Disciples
  • Chapter 257: Not Everyone Reaches the Top
  • Chapter 258: Unknowing Change
  • Chapter 259: Seed Stage
  • Chapter 260: Testing the Threshold
  • Chapter 261: One Year
  • Chapter 262: Oath
  • Chapter 263: The Ogre
  • Chapter 264: Gravis vs. Ogre
  • Chapter 265: Visitors
  • Chapter 266: Stubbornness and Loyalty
  • Chapter 267: Belief or Life?
  • Chapter 268: Shattering of Beliefs
  • Chapter 269: Eros and Old Man Lightning
  • Chapter 270: Serious Issue
  • Chapter 271: The Problem With Destruction Lightning
  • Chapter 272: How to Move Forward?
  • Chapter 273: Gravis Grand Ideas
  • Chapter 274: Powerful Future
  • Chapter 275: Changes Take Effect
  • Chapter 276: Declaration of Battle
  • Chapter 277: Illusion Array
  • Chapter 278: Cruel Tactics
  • Chapter 279: New Tactics
  • Chapter 280: Preparations
  • Chapter 281: The Changing World
  • Chapter 282: Off to the Freya Clan
  • Chapter 283: The Freya Clan
  • Chapter 284: Fucking Misunderstandings
  • Chapter 285: Nickname
  • Chapter 286: The Good Comes With the Bad
  • Chapter 287: Two Personalities, One Personality
  • Chapter 288: Resolution
  • Chapter 289: Joyces Conviction
  • Chapter 290: More Freedom
  • Chapter 291: Joyces New Goal
  • Chapter 292: Heavens Trial
  • Chapter 293: Mundane Conversation
  • Chapter 294: Big Family Argument
  • Chapter 295: Joyces Path Forward
  • Chapter 296: Group Composition
  • Chapter 297: Old Acquaintances
  • Chapter 298: Small Incident
  • Chapter 299: Wall
  • Chapter 300: Splitting Up
  • Chapter 301: Successive Breakthroughs
  • Chapter 302: Perfect Counter
  • Chapter 303: The Only Chance
  • Chapter 304: Spear
  • Chapter 305: Waiting Gravis
  • Chapter 306: Trade
  • Chapter 307: Telling Secrets
  • Chapter 308: Would You Rather
  • Chapter 309: Emotional Mistakes
  • Chapter 310: Plan Backfiring
  • Chapter 311: Weird Tree Stage
  • Chapter 312: Incredible Opportunity
  • Chapter 313: The Five Heroic Men
  • Chapter 314: Guide
  • Chapter 315: Teaching
  • Chapter 316: Power of Life Lightning
  • Chapter 317: Increasing Battle-Strength
  • Chapter 318: Claudes Test of Mindset
  • Chapter 319: Different Darkness
  • Chapter 320: Talk
  • Chapter 321: Last Trial
  • Chapter 322: Talking to Oneself
  • Chapter 323: Equation
  • Chapter 324: Self Stage
  • Chapter 325: Recounting of Events
  • Chapter 326: Solution
  • Chapter 327: Leaving After Three Years
  • Chapter 328: More Schemes
  • Chapter 329: Unexpected Arrival
  • Chapter 330: Battle of Words
  • Chapter 331: Wood Element
  • Chapter 332: Finally Being Rich!
  • Chapter 333: Strongest Tree
  • Chapter 334: Last Thing on the Agenda
  • Chapter 335: Unity Achieved
  • Chapter 336: Math and Experiments
  • Chapter 337: Fight Me!
  • Chapter 338: The Terror of the Weak
  • Chapter 339: The Apocalypse
  • Chapter 340: Farewell
  • Chapter 341: Return and Another Goodbye
  • Chapter 342: Bureaucracy
  • Chapter 343: Hidden Danger
  • Chapter 344: Scanner
  • Chapter 345: Trade Finished
  • Chapter 346: The Outside
  • Chapter 347: Grass and Ground
  • Chapter 348: Dangerous Roots
  • Chapter 349: Philosophical Truths
  • Chapter 350: A Fathers Love
  • Chapter 351: Punishment Lightning
  • Chapter 352: The Lower Worlds Fate
  • Chapter 353: A Mothers Love
  • Chapter 354: The Opposers Past
  • Chapter 355: Emptiness
  • Chapter 356: Letting Go
  • Chapter 357: Alternative Cultivation
  • Chapter 358: Melody
  • Chapter 359: Weak Body
  • Chapter 360: Realms for the Middle World
  • Chapter 361: How to Forge
  • Chapter 362: Lots of Reading
  • Chapter 363: How Do Laws Work?
  • Chapter 364: First Smelting
  • Chapter 365: Becoming Better at Forging
  • Chapter 366: Forging Learned
  • Chapter 367: Hidden Rule
  • Chapter 368: Birthday
  • Chapter 369: The Middle World
  • Chapter 370: New Body
  • Chapter 371: Gathering Food
  • Chapter 372: First Evolution
  • Chapter 373: Stockpiling
  • Chapter 374: Second Evolution
  • Chapter 375: Corals?
  • Chapter 376: Orthar
  • Chapter 377: Third Evolution
  • Chapter 378: Traveling to the Continent
  • Chapter 379: Reaching the Shore
  • Chapter 380: Chieftain
  • Chapter 381: Snake
  • Chapter 382: Plans for the Future
  • Chapter 383: Planning the Invasion
  • Chapter 384: Preparations Complete
  • Chapter 385: The Invasion Begins
  • Chapter 386: Brutal War
  • Chapter 387: Breaking the Laws
  • Chapter 388: The Founding of the River Tribe
  • Chapter 389: Discussing the River Tribes Future
  • Chapter 390: Truth of the World
  • Chapter 391: The River Tribes Change
  • Chapter 392: Crafting the Perfect Body
  • Chapter 393: New Body
  • Chapter 394: The Hyena Tribe
  • Chapter 395: The Fate of the Spies
  • Chapter 396: The Princess Attacks
  • Chapter 397: Condition
  • Chapter 398: Trust
  • Chapter 399: Worthless Pride
  • Chapter 400: New Conviction
  • Chapter 401: Silvas Leadership
  • Chapter 402: The Matriarch
  • Chapter 403: The Power of Unity
  • Chapter 404: Liza
  • Chapter 405: Silvas and Shiras Evolution
  • Chapter 406: Shiras Crisis
  • Chapter 407: Gravis Talks With Shira
  • Chapter 408: New Program
  • Chapter 409: The Neighbors Crisis
  • Chapter 410: Visitor
  • Chapter 411: Lightning Fork
  • Chapter 412: Waiting for the Enemy
  • Chapter 413: Teamfight
  • Chapter 414: Shark Fight
  • Chapter 415: Crab Battle
  • Chapter 416: The End of the Fight
  • Chapter 417: The Tribes Rapid Growth
  • Chapter 418: Shiras Return
  • Chapter 419: True Freedom Hurts
  • Chapter 420: Relations Break Down
  • Chapter 421: Resolution
  • Chapter 422: Goodbyes
  • Chapter 423: Lizard and Ape
  • Chapter 424: Disadvantage
  • Chapter 425: Close
  • Chapter 426: Red Hawk
  • Chapter 427: Golden Dragon
  • Chapter 428: Plan
  • Chapter 429: Last Option
  • Chapter 430: Turnaround
  • Chapter 431: The Fight Is Over
  • Chapter 432: Frustration
  • Chapter 433: The Red Kingdom
  • Chapter 434: Kara
  • Chapter 435: Cynthia
  • Chapter 436: Beast Procreation
  • Chapter 437: Ore to Weapon
  • Chapter 438: Powerful Disciple
  • Chapter 439: Duality of Light
  • Chapter 440: Destructive Truth
  • Chapter 441: Specifics of The Armor
  • Chapter 442: Cynthias Change
  • Chapter 443: Bet
  • Chapter 444: Gravis purpose
  • Chapter 445: Awkward Tempering
  • Chapter 446: Melancholy
  • Chapter 447: Comprehending Laws
  • Chapter 448: The Empires Rules
  • Chapter 449: Entering the Empire
  • Chapter 450: Water Buffalo
  • Chapter 451: Stepping Onto the Mountain
  • Chapter 452: The Empress
  • Chapter 453: Opponents Chosen
  • Chapter 454: Unfair Advantage
  • Chapter 455: Hawk
  • Chapter 456: Armor
  • Chapter 457: Horrible Mistake
  • Chapter 458: Forgetfulness
  • Chapter 459: Complex Threat
  • Chapter 460: Third Opponent
  • Chapter 461: Beast vs. Human
  • Chapter 462: Weird
  • Chapter 463: The Competition Ends
  • Chapter 464: Secrets of the World
  • Chapter 465: Giving the Empress a Choice
  • Chapter 466: The Devastating Truth
  • Chapter 467: Bargaining
  • Chapter 468: Outlet
  • Chapter 469: Water Movement
  • Chapter 470: No Use
  • Chapter 471: Kingdoms Importance
  • Chapter 472: Bad Thoughts
  • Chapter 473: Meeting With the Army
  • Chapter 474: The Invasion Begins
  • Chapter 475: Steam
  • Chapter 476: Gravis Becomes Active
  • Chapter 477: Fighting the Moray Eel
  • Chapter 478: Plan B
  • Chapter 479: Target
  • Chapter 480: Ambush
  • Chapter 481: Mantis
  • Chapter 482: Hippo
  • Chapter 483: The Result of the Battle
  • Chapter 484: Reward
  • Chapter 485: Lightning Something
  • Chapter 486: Demonstration
  • Chapter 487: Traitors Among Beasts
  • Chapter 488: Confrontation
  • Chapter 489: The Middle Heavens Wrath
  • Chapter 490: Pool
  • Chapter 491: Unexpected Gains
  • Chapter 492: Striders
  • Chapter 493: World Management
  • Chapter 494: Procreation
  • Chapter 495: Watching
  • Chapter 496: Areas
  • Chapter 497: Aris
  • Chapter 498: Centipede
  • Chapter 499: Three Fighting Styles
  • Chapter 500: Progress
  • Chapter 501: Switched Situation
  • Chapter 502: Siblings Meet
  • Chapter 503: Aris vs. Cera
  • Chapter 504: Yersi
  • Chapter 505: Family Meets
  • Chapter 506: Gravis Teachings
  • Chapter 507: Mindset
  • Chapter 508: How to Jump Levels
  • Chapter 509: Subsidiary Tribes
  • Chapter 510: Family Goodbyes
  • Chapter 511: King
  • Chapter 512: Ironic
  • Chapter 513: Pulse
  • Chapter 514: No Longer a Mate
  • Chapter 515: New Squad
  • Chapter 516: Jessy
  • Chapter 517: Change in Sea Beasts
  • Chapter 518: Commander Rime
  • Chapter 519: Gravis vs. Jessy
  • Chapter 520: Danger
  • Chapter 521: Purity
  • Chapter 522: Morality
  • Chapter 523: Rules Are Dead
  • Chapter 524: The Law of Danger
  • Chapter 525: Law Rank
  • Chapter 526: Backlash
  • Chapter 527: Shrapnel
  • Chapter 528: Escort
  • Chapter 529: Ultimates
  • Chapter 530: Judgment
  • Chapter 531: The Empress Explanation
  • Chapter 532: Guidance
  • Chapter 533: Ferris
  • Chapter 534: Middle-Tier Material Composition Law
  • Chapter 535: One Law at a Time
  • Chapter 536: Happy Ferris
  • Chapter 537: Ferris Trust
  • Chapter 538: Categorization of a Powerful Law
  • Chapter 539: Elements of Beasts
  • Chapter 540: Going Somewhere Else
  • Chapter 541: The Bulwark
  • Chapter 542: The Inferno Emperor
  • Chapter 543: Off to the Bulwark!
  • Chapter 544: The Plant Ultimate
  • Chapter 545: Trade?
  • Chapter 546: A Humans Weapon
  • Chapter 547: Finishing the Trade
  • Chapter 548: Setting a Goal
  • Chapter 549: Composition of Elements
  • Chapter 550: Composition
  • Chapter 551: Scattered Insight
  • Chapter 552: Goodbye to Meadow
  • Chapter 553: Pit-Stop
  • Chapter 554: Air and Wind
  • Chapter 555: Memories
  • Chapter 556: 100 years over
  • Chapter 557: Confusion
  • Chapter 558: Ferris Path
  • Chapter 559: Reunion
  • Chapter 560: Familial Love Among Beasts
  • Chapter 561: Tirade
  • Chapter 562: Wasted Time?
  • Chapter 563: Attack!
  • Chapter 564: Suspicions
  • Chapter 565: Life Energy
  • Chapter 566: Defensive Battle
  • Chapter 567: Trying to Survive
  • Chapter 568: Turn of Events
  • Chapter 569: The Judge
  • Chapter 570: The Empress Task
  • Chapter 571: Keeping Himself Together
  • Chapter 572: Rare Opportunity
  • Chapter 573: Will Tempering
  • Chapter 574: The Empress Becomes Azure
  • Chapter 575: An Acquaintance
  • Chapter 576: Conflict
  • Chapter 577: Ultimate Conflict
  • Chapter 578: Meadows Power
  • Chapter 579: Sary
  • Chapter 580: Physical Fight
  • Chapter 581: Body Composition
  • Chapter 582: Gravis Unnoticed Transformation
  • Chapter 583: Careless Words
  • Chapter 584: Sary vs. Ultimates
  • Chapter 585: Old Acquaintance
  • Chapter 586: Two Debts
  • Chapter 587: The Fighting Ends
  • Chapter 588: The Competition
  • Chapter 589: Orthars Story
  • Chapter 590: Arriving At the Present
  • Chapter 591: Gravis Knowledge
  • Chapter 592: Orthars Decision
  • Chapter 593: Average Power of This World
  • Chapter 595: Finally
  • Chapter 596: Old Man Gravis
  • Chapter 597: New Fighting Style
  • Chapter 598: Microorganisms
  • Chapter 599: Life Energy and Microorganisms
  • Chapter 600: Uses of the Body Composition Law
  • Chapter 601: Soft Complex Is Complex
  • Chapter 602: Creating a New Attack
  • Chapter 603: The End of the Meet
  • Chapter 604: The Immortals
  • Chapter 605: Bargain
  • Chapter 606: Monumental Changes
  • Chapter 607: Styr, the Emperor
  • Chapter 608: Going into Seclusion
  • Chapter 609: Living World, Dead World
  • Chapter 610: I Dont Know
  • Chapter 611: Friend
  • Chapter 612: Simple Wisdom
  • Chapter 613: Complex Elements
  • Chapter 614: The Delicate Touch of Humanity
  • Chapter 615: Perfectly Suited Mindset
  • Chapter 616: Evolving Battle Styles
  • Chapter 617: Visitors
  • Chapter 618: Transforming World
  • Chapter 619: Morus, Go Do Something!
  • Chapter 620: New Law, New Use
  • Chapter 621: Mixed Elements Complete
  • Chapter 622: Mixed Elemental Law
  • Chapter 623: Stars
  • Chapter 624: Element Neutral Temperature Laws
  • Chapter 625: Into the Ground
  • Chapter 626: Gravity
  • Chapter 627: Supreme Leader
  • Chapter 628: Similarities
  • Chapter 629: Preparations Finished
  • Chapter 630: Morus Control
  • Chapter 631: Unforeseen Developments
  • Chapter 632: Confinement?
  • Chapter 633: Tornado Emperor
  • Chapter 634: Experienced Opponent
  • Chapter 635: Long Shot
  • Chapter 636: Mortality
  • Chapter 637: Law Comprehension Realm
  • Chapter 638: Elements
  • Chapter 639: Family Reunion
  • Chapter 640: What Happened
  • Chapter 641: No Big Deal
  • Chapter 642: Another One
  • Chapter 643: Beast Disadvantages
  • Chapter 644: There Can Only Be Two
  • Chapter 645: Why a Century?
  • Chapter 646: Darkness
  • Chapter 647: Gravis Plan
  • Chapter 648: Immortal
  • Chapter 649: Dead World
  • Chapter 650: Heaven
  • Chapter 651: Avatar
  • Chapter 652: The Opposers Past
  • Chapter 653: Loss
  • Chapter 654: Apathy
  • Chapter 655: Longevity
  • Chapter 656: Variable
  • Chapter 657: Soul and Spirit
  • Chapter 658: After Suppression
  • Chapter 659: Doing What You Want
  • Chapter 660: Backwards
  • Chapter 661: Parents and Children
  • Chapter 662: Big Family
  • Chapter 663: Socializing
  • Chapter 664: Killed Them
  • Chapter 665: Childrens Future
  • Chapter 666: Aris and Cera
  • Chapter 667: Money!
  • Chapter 668: Moms Power
  • Chapter 669: Opposer City
  • Chapter 670: God Realms
  • Chapter 671: Customer
  • Chapter 672: Good Luck or Bad Luck?
  • Chapter 673: Honesty
  • Chapter 674: World Weapon
  • Chapter 675: Paperwork
  • Chapter 676: Outstanding Forging
  • Chapter 677: Supervisor
  • Chapter 678: Weapon Cultivator
  • Chapter 679: Housing Market
  • Chapter 680: Old Acquaintance
  • Chapter 681: Strange Man
  • Chapter 682: Irrelevant Question
  • Chapter 683: Power
  • Chapter 684: Emptiness
  • Chapter 685: Power and Happiness
  • Chapter 686: Seeking Help
  • Chapter 687: Parents
  • Chapter 688: Last Year
  • Chapter 689: World of Shops
  • Chapter 690: Orthars Value
  • Chapter 691: Harvest
  • Chapter 692: Runner
  • Chapter 693: Earning Money
  • Chapter 694: Security of the City
  • Chapter 695: Virtualization Arrays
  • Chapter 696: Apartments
  • Chapter 697: Big Business
  • Chapter 698: Trip Down Memory Lane
  • Chapter 699: Power of Honesty
  • Chapter 700: Dancing Fools
  • Chapter 701: End of Gravitas
  • Chapter 702: Shopping
  • Chapter 703: Perceived Reality
  • Chapter 704: Human Form
  • Chapter 705: Asking About His Friends
  • Chapter 706: Changes
  • Chapter 707: Brilliance
  • Chapter 708: Five Down
  • Chapter 709: Evaluation
  • Chapter 710: Yersis Future
  • Chapter 711: Graphite
  • Chapter 712: Favor
  • Chapter 713: Gravis and Lightning
  • Chapter 714: The Unsolvable Issue
  • Chapter 715: Frost and Shadow
  • Chapter 716: Magical Past
  • Chapter 717: Mother
  • Chapter 718: Scheme?
  • Chapter 719: Sharing Worries
  • Chapter 720: Freedom and Power
  • Chapter 721: Goals Met
  • Chapter 722: A Talk
  • Chapter 723: Thread
  • Chapter 724: Deepest Secret
  • Chapter 725: Planning for the Higher World
  • Chapter 726: Name
  • Chapter 727: Yersis Struggle
  • Chapter 728: Departure
  • Chapter 729: Arrival in the Higher World
  • Chapter 730: Power Is Everything
  • Chapter 731: Punishment Cleaver Sect
  • Chapter 732: Testing
  • Chapter 733: Burial Ground
  • Chapter 734: Interference
  • Chapter 735: Core Disciple
  • Chapter 736: Intense Atmosphere
  • Chapter 737: New Arrival
  • Chapter 738: Choice
  • Chapter 739: Horrible Luck
  • Chapter 740: Unrestrained
  • Chapter 741: Everyone Has Their Story
  • Chapter 742: Arthur Vs. Liran
  • Chapter 743: Finally Over
  • Chapter 744: Truth About Freedom
  • Chapter 745: Long Means Dragon
  • Chapter 746: Weapon Avatar
  • Chapter 747: Lesson in Freedom
  • Chapter 748: Teacher
  • Chapter 749: Training Ground
  • Chapter 750: Culture Shock
  • Chapter 751: Isolated Family
  • Chapter 752: Arc
  • Chapter 753: Background Revealed
  • Chapter 754: The Lake Is Beautiful
  • Chapter 755: Future Issues
  • Chapter 756: What Are Weapon Laws?
  • Chapter 757: Focus
  • Chapter 758: Returning to the Sect
  • Chapter 759: Resource Points
  • Chapter 760: Planning Finished
  • Chapter 761: Preparation for Battle
  • Chapter 762: Opponents Meet
  • Chapter 763: Opponents Shocked
  • Chapter 764: Burning Sky Slash
  • Chapter 765: Perceived Reality vs. Physical Reality
  • Chapter 766: Mutually Assured Destruction
  • Chapter 767: Tribulation
  • Chapter 768: Request
  • Chapter 769: Stellas Reason
  • Chapter 770: Power Difference
  • Chapter 771: Power Revealed
  • Chapter 772: Samantha
  • Chapter 773: Frustration
  • Chapter 774: Level Four Law
  • Chapter 775: Close Combat
  • Chapter 776: Restrained Sect
  • Chapter 777: Diplomacy
  • Chapter 778: Teaching
  • Chapter 779: Vultures
  • Chapter 780: Reflection
  • Chapter 781: Free Flow
  • Chapter 782: Connection
  • Chapter 783: Truth about the Past
  • Chapter 784: Indecipherable Mess
  • Chapter 785: Plan for Stella
  • Chapter 786: Demonstration
  • Chapter 787: Surprising Mindset
  • Chapter 788: Stellas Demonstration
  • Chapter 789: Underworld
  • Chapter 790: Attuned to Lightning
  • Chapter 791: Defeat
  • Chapter 792: Close
  • Chapter 793: Farewell
  • Chapter 794: Calm before the Storm
  • Chapter 795: Illusion
  • Chapter 796: Calamity of the Unrestrained Sect
  • Chapter 797: Spirit Poison
  • Chapter 798: Chaotic Battle
  • Chapter 799: Finally!
  • Chapter 800: After the Battle
  • Chapter 801: Liran Returns
  • Chapter 802: Revenge
  • Chapter 803: Retribution
  • Chapter 804: Secret Revealed
  • Chapter 805: And Thats That
  • Chapter 806: Dealing with the Lightning Star
  • Chapter 807: Which Laws to Comprehend
  • Chapter 808: The Exciting Start
  • Chapter 809: My Property
  • Chapter 810: Responsibility
  • Chapter 811: Disturbance
  • Chapter 812: Ogre
  • Chapter 813: Lightning Balls
  • Chapter 814: Pure Destruction
  • Chapter 815: Violent Law Comprehension
  • Chapter 816: Its All Ogre
  • Chapter 817: Interrogation
  • Chapter 818: Test
  • Chapter 819: All Lightning Battle Laws
  • Chapter 820: Suppression
  • Chapter 821: Aftermath
  • Chapter 822: Future
  • Chapter 823: The Long Journey Begins
  • Chapter 824: Answers
  • Chapter 825: Younglings
  • Chapter 826: Questions
  • Chapter 827: Fern
  • Chapter 828: World
  • Chapter 829: Pressure
  • Chapter 830: Time and Effect
  • Chapter 831: Power of Brilliance
  • Chapter 832: Purist
  • Chapter 833: Different Suppression
  • Chapter 834: Shadow
  • Chapter 835: Assassin
  • Chapter 836: Slave Ring
  • Chapter 837: Big Plans
  • Chapter 838: Deep Wood
  • Chapter 839: Core
  • Chapter 840: An Old Ability
  • Chapter 841: Battle Laws Done
  • Chapter 842: Plant Growth
  • Chapter 843: Too Much Time
  • Chapter 844: Times Up
  • Chapter 845: Immortal King
  • Chapter 846: Hidden Danger
  • Chapter 847: Life Sect Branch
  • Chapter 848: Map
  • Chapter 849: Mixed Children
  • Chapter 850: Journeying to the Beast Territory
  • Chapter 851: Benefitting from Karmic Luck
  • Chapter 852: True Form
  • Chapter 853: Barricade
  • Chapter 854: Exchange
  • Chapter 855: Directions
  • Chapter 856: Spear Mountain
  • Chapter 857: A Different Tortoise Fight
  • Chapter 858: Using Everything
  • Chapter 859: Unforeseeable Danger
  • Chapter 860: Tree
  • Chapter 861: Hidden Power of the World
  • Chapter 862: True Power in Ones Hand
  • Chapter 863: Money
  • Chapter 864: Blonde Guy
  • Chapter 865: Danger Zones
  • Chapter 866: Power of the Life Fruit
  • Chapter 867: Mortal Wish
  • Chapter 868: Putting Arcs Power into Perspective
  • Chapter 869: Yi Lu
  • Chapter 870: Eran
  • Chapter 871: Power of Space
  • Chapter 872: Violent Clash
  • Chapter 873: Magma
  • Chapter 874: The Last Attack
  • Chapter 875: Decision
  • Chapter 876: Future
  • Chapter 877: Talking With Oneself
  • Chapter 878: Mortis
  • Chapter 879: Not as Expected
  • Chapter 880: What to Do?
  • Chapter 881: Mortis Meets Arc
  • Chapter 882: Past and Future
  • Chapter 883: What about Highest Heaven?
  • Chapter 884: Focus
  • Chapter 885: Experiments
  • Chapter 886: Finally Useful
  • Chapter 887: Narcissus
  • Chapter 888: Samsara
  • Chapter 889: Mortis Mistake
  • Chapter 890: The Nine Elements Sect
  • Chapter 891: Coming into Contact with Underworld
  • Chapter 892: Suspicious
  • Chapter 893: Preparation
  • Chapter 894: Holy Judgment Sect
  • Chapter 895: Senior Judge
  • Chapter 896: Everythings prepared
  • Chapter 897: Elimination
  • Chapter 898: End of the Preliminary Tournament
  • Chapter 899: Vice-Sect Master
  • Chapter 900: Sect Masters
  • Chapter 901: Unaffiliated vs. Sect
  • Chapter 902: Gravis "Fight"
  • Chapter 903: Stellas Decision
  • Chapter 904: She Knows!
  • Chapter 905: The Last Two
  • Chapter 906: Why the All-Matter Sect Wants Stella
  • Chapter 907: Visions
  • Chapter 908: Aftereffects
  • Chapter 909: Underworld Will Pay!
  • Chapter 910: Frontlines
  • Chapter 911: The Ancestor
  • Chapter 912: The War
  • Chapter 913: Danger
  • Chapter 914: Gravis Must Die!
  • Chapter 915: Going East
  • Chapter 916: Secrets and Risk
  • Chapter 917: Middle World
  • Chapter 918: Finished Tale
  • Chapter 919: Meeting Heaven
  • Chapter 920: Exar
  • Chapter 921: Choice
  • Chapter 922: Artemis
  • Chapter 923: The Plan
  • Chapter 924: Liam
  • Chapter 925: Location
  • Chapter 926: Meeting Mortis
  • Chapter 927: Being Interrogated
  • Chapter 928: Gravitas Is Ready to Open
  • Chapter 929: First Customer
  • Chapter 930: Money Rolling in!
  • Chapter 931: Living the Life
  • Chapter 932: Phase Three
  • Chapter 933: Forging Techniques
  • Chapter 934: Fruits
  • Chapter 935: Gravitas Success
  • Chapter 936: Goodbye Gravitas
  • Chapter 937: Siral Regains His Freedom
  • Chapter 938: Liams Problem
  • Chapter 939: Comprehending Together
  • Chapter 940: Black Sun
  • Chapter 941: Gate of Death
  • Chapter 942: Helping Hand
  • Chapter 943: Form Laws
  • Chapter 944: Gravis Gets Angry
  • Chapter 945: Bull
  • Chapter 946: The Simplest Law Comprehension Area
  • Chapter 947: Token
  • Chapter 948: Life Enlightenment
  • Chapter 949: Life
  • Chapter 950: Planet
  • Chapter 951: Power of the Living World
  • Chapter 952: Fast Snake
  • Chapter 953: Mortis Finds Tempering
  • Chapter 954: Ready
  • Chapter 955: Three Black Demons
  • Chapter 956: Gravis Is More Dangerous!
  • Chapter 957: Weapons
  • Chapter 958: Surviving
  • Chapter 959: Relaxed Mind
  • Chapter 960: Hatred
  • Chapter 961: Gravis vs. Mortis
  • Chapter 962: Mortis thoughts
  • Chapter 963: Still So Many Laws
  • Chapter 964: Honey Time
  • Chapter 965: Shocking Revelation
  • Chapter 966: Honeymoon
  • Chapter 967: Gains
  • Chapter 968: Form Law of the Saber
  • Chapter 969: Exar Leaves
  • Chapter 970: Changing World
  • Chapter 971: Tribulation
  • Chapter 972: Ocean and Desert
  • Chapter 973: True Power
  • Chapter 974: The Purist Sect
  • Chapter 975: Purist Sect Selection Process
  • Chapter 976: Queuing Up
  • Chapter 977: Vice-Sect Masters Doubts
  • Chapter 978: Boasting
  • Chapter 979: Sect Master
  • Chapter 980 - 980 – Samantha
  • Chapter 981 - 981 – Position Of Ancestor
  • Chapter 982 - 982 – Happiest Time
  • Chapter 983 - 983 – King
  • Chapter 984 - 984 – Hopeless
  • Chapter 985 - 985 – Pushover
  • Chapter 986 - 986 – Humility
  • Chapter 987 - 987 – Tempering?
  • Chapter 988 - 988 – The Incident That Shook The World
  • Chapter 989 - 989 – Nira
  • Chapter 990 - 990 – Take Care
  • Chapter 991 - 991 – Arcs Authority
  • Chapter 992 - 992 – Opponents Meet
  • Chapter 993 - 993 – Mortis Power
  • Chapter 994 - 994 – Avalanche
  • Chapter 995 - 995 – Niras Past
  • Chapter 996 - 996 – Uncertainty
  • Chapter 997 - 997 – Equations
  • Chapter 998 - 998 – Emotional Freedom
  • Chapter 999 - 999 – Strongest In The World
  • Chapter 1000 - 1000 – Arcs Reason
  • Chapter 1001 - 1001 – Peak Immortal Emperor
  • Chapter 1002 - 1002 – Visiting
  • Chapter 1003 - 1003 – Leadership
  • Chapter 1004 - 1004 – Capable Sect Master
  • Chapter 1005 - 1005 – Weak Determination
  • Chapter 1006 - 1006 – Ascension
  • Chapter 1007 - 1007 – Cosmos
  • Chapter 1008 - 1008 – Primordial Force
  • Chapter 1009 - 1009 – Distrust
  • Chapter 1010 - 1010 – Death
  • Chapter 1011 - 1011 – Future
  • Chapter 1012 - 1012 – Watching
  • Chapter 1013 - 1013 – Physical Reality
  • Chapter 1014 - 1014 – Primordial Chaos
  • Chapter 1015 - 1015 – Finding A Way
  • Chapter 1016 - 1016 – Being Real
  • Chapter 1017 - 1017 – Law Of Sentience
  • Chapter 1018 - 1018 – Easy Solution
  • Chapter 1019 - 1019 – Power Of Sentience And Death
  • Chapter 1020 - 1020 – Agreement
  • Chapter 1021 - 1021 – Reveal
  • Chapter 1022 - 1022 – Gravis Purpose
  • Chapter 1023 - 1023 – Secret Of The Cosmoses
  • Chapter 1024 - 1024 – Power Of Heaven Breakers
  • Chapter 1025 - 1025 – Wish Granted
  • Chapter 1026 - 1026 – Finally Home
  • Chapter 1027 - 1027 – Joyce
  • Chapter 1028 - 1028 – Worthless Promise
  • Chapter 1029 - 1029 – Dorians Unique Power
  • Chapter 1030 - 1030 – Friends
  • Chapter 1031 - 1031 – Introducing Arc
  • Chapter 1032 - 1032 – Rankings
  • Chapter 1033 - 1033 – The Opposers Warning
  • Chapter 1034 - 1034 – Falling Battle-Strength
  • Chapter 1035 - 1035 – Lower World Story
  • Chapter 1036 - 1036 – Middle World Stories
  • Chapter 1037 - 1037 – Orpheus
  • Chapter 1038 - 1038 – Accept Or Not?
  • Chapter 1039 - 1039 – Friends Talents
  • Chapter 1040 - 1040 – Unachievable Star God Realm
  • Chapter 1041 - 1041 – Rules Change
  • Chapter 1042 - 1042 – Average Power Of The Highest World
  • Chapter 1043 - 1043 – How To Temper
  • Chapter 1044 - 1044 – Solution
  • Chapter 1045 - 1045 – The Heaven Company
  • Chapter 1046 - 1046 – Myriad
  • Chapter 1047 - 1047 – Friends Disperse
  • Chapter 1048 - 1048 – Heavenly Lightning
  • Chapter 1049 - 1049 – Aris And Gravis
  • Chapter 1050 - 1050 – Gravis Wisdom
  • Chapter 1051 - 1051 – Fruits
  • Chapter 1052 - 1052 – Miners
  • Chapter 1053 - 1053 – Cera
  • Chapter 1054 - 1054 – Manuel
  • Chapter 1055 - 1055 – A Sect
  • Chapter 1056 - 1056 – Fathers Sacrifice
  • Chapter 1057 - 1057 – Title
  • Chapter 1058 - 1058 – Trial
  • Chapter 1059 - 1059 – Problem
  • Chapter 1060 - 1060 – Investigator
  • Chapter 1061 - 1061 – Sorting Machine
  • Chapter 1062 - 1062 – Instruction
  • Chapter 1063 - 1063 – First Job
  • Chapter 1064 - 1064 – Hopeless Hope
  • Chapter 1065 - 1065 – Fucked Up Relationship
  • Chapter 1066 - 1066 – Manager
  • Chapter 1067 - 1067 – Contribution Points
  • Chapter 1068 - 1068 – Broad Walker
  • Chapter 1069 - 1069 – Angry Master
  • Chapter 1070 - 1070 – Senior Brother
  • Chapter 1071 - 1071 – Information Pavilion
  • Chapter 1072 - 1072 – Interrogation Warrant
  • Chapter 1073 - 1073 – One Glance
  • Chapter 1074 - 1074 – Whos In Control?
  • Chapter 1075 - 1075 – Favorite Child
  • Chapter 1076 - 1076 – No Way
  • Chapter 1077 - 1077 – Changing Places
  • Chapter 1078 - 1078 – Gravis Leaves, Stella Joins
  • Chapter 1079 - 1079 – Honesty Chambers
  • Chapter 1080 - 1080 – Legal Paperwork
  • Chapter 1081 - 1081 – Reborn
  • Chapter 1082 - 1082 – The Rise And Fall Of The Broad Earth Sect
  • Chapter 1083 - 1083 – Present
  • Chapter 1084 - 1084 – Manuels Terrifying Mindset
  • Chapter 1085 - 1085 – Stella And Liam
  • Chapter 1086 - 1086 – Samsara Ends
  • Chapter 1087 - 1087 – Can Siral Be Saved?
  • Chapter 1088 - 1088 – Unexpected Idol
  • Chapter 1089 - 1089 – Creating A Dead World
  • Chapter 1090 - 1090 – Future Plans
  • Chapter 1091 - 1091 – Eternal Fire Sect
  • Chapter 1092 - 1092 – War
  • Chapter 1093 - 1093 – Ishtar And Mortis
  • Chapter 1094 - 1094 – Void Needle
  • Chapter 1095 - 1095 – New Arrival
  • Chapter 1096 - 1096 – Heaven Clash
  • Chapter 1097 - 1097 – Mortis Shamelessness
  • Chapter 1098 - 1098 – Child Of Heaven
  • Chapter 1099 - 1099 – Continuous Fighting
  • Chapter 1100 - 1100 – Heroic Protector
  • Chapter 1101 - 1101 – Divine Gods Leave
  • Chapter 1102 - 1102 – The War Ends
  • Chapter 1103 - 1103 – Negotiations
  • Chapter 1104 - 1104 – New Place
  • Chapter 1105 - 1105 – Hooligan
  • Chapter 1106 - 1106 – Star God Levels
  • Chapter 1107 - 1107 – Condensing A Star
  • Chapter 1108 - 1108 – Sudden Intervention
  • Chapter 1109 - 1109 – No Love
  • Chapter 1110 - 1110 – Shining Purity Sect
  • Chapter 1111 - 1111 – Tempering
  • Chapter 1112 - 1112 – Destroying A Sect
  • Chapter 1113 - 1113 – The Silent Dispersal Of The Shining Purity Sect
  • Chapter 1114 - 1114 – World Breaking Down
  • Chapter 1115 - 1115 – Sin Aura
  • Chapter 1116 - 1116 – What Do I Do?
  • Chapter 1117 - 1117 – Support
  • Chapter 1118 - 1118 – Sin Monster
  • Chapter 1119 - 1119 – Glimpse
  • Chapter 1120 - 1120 – Last Tests
  • Chapter 1121 - 1121 – Contribution Points
  • Chapter 1122 - 1122 – Portals
  • Chapter 1123 - 1123 – Gravitas Sect
  • Chapter 1124 - 1124 – Legendary Techniques
  • Chapter 1125 - 1125 – Stress
  • Chapter 1126 - 1126 – Unimaginable Stress
  • Chapter 1127 - 1127 – Being Heaven
  • Chapter 1128 - 1128 – Going Back
  • Chapter 1129 - 1129 – Orpheus
  • Chapter 1130 - 1130 – The Undying Doctor
  • Chapter 1131 - 1131 – Impact On The World
  • Chapter 1132 - 1132 – Sinister Sally
  • Chapter 1133 - 1133 – Making Up
  • Chapter 1134 - 1134 – Price
  • Chapter 1135 - 1135 – Death
  • Chapter 1136 - 1136 – Everyone Will Die One Day
  • Chapter 1137 - 1137 – Friction
  • Chapter 1138 - 1138 – Fallout
  • Chapter 1139 - 1139 – Peace?
  • Chapter 1140 - 1140 – Grand Gravity Sect
  • Chapter 1141 - 1141 – New Ascender
  • Chapter 1142 - 1142 – Explanation From The Eternal Fire Sect
  • Chapter 1143 - 1143 – Plant War
  • Chapter 1144 - 1144 – Plant Life
  • Chapter 1145 - 1145 – Mortis Struggles
  • Chapter 1146 - 1146 – Experiment
  • Chapter 1147 - 1147 – Plants
  • Chapter 1148 - 1148 – Love
  • Chapter 1149 - 1149 – Power Surge
  • Chapter 1150 - 1150 – Money Problems… Again
  • Chapter 1151 - 1151 – Torturer
  • Chapter 1152 - 1152 – First Client
  • Chapter 1153 - 1153 – Will-Tempering
  • Chapter 1154 - 1154 – Lost Wind Sect
  • Chapter 1155 - 1155 – Fateful Day
  • Chapter 1156 - 1156 – Rich!
  • Chapter 1157 - 1157 – Similarity
  • Chapter 1158 - 1158 – Level Seven Laws
  • Chapter 1159 - 1159 – Surrender
  • Chapter 1160 - 1160 – Crossroads
  • Chapter 1161 - 1161 – Lesson
  • Chapter 1162 - 1162 – End Of The Myriad Sect
  • Chapter 1163 - 1163 – Matter Laws Done
  • Chapter 1164 - 1164 – Manuels Faction
  • Chapter 1165 - 1165 – More Laws
  • Chapter 1166 - 1166 – Perceived Time Dilation
  • Chapter 1167 - 1167 – So Much Time
  • Chapter 1168 - 1168 – Formation Arrays And Equipment
  • Chapter 1169 - 1169 – Stellas Worries
  • Chapter 1170 - 1170 – Gravis Side
  • Chapter 1171 - 1171 – Help
  • Chapter 1172 - 1172 – Family
  • Chapter 1173 - 1173 – Zeros Essence
  • Chapter 1174 - 1174 – One Million
  • Chapter 1175 - 1175 – Talk With Orpheus
  • Chapter 1176 - 1176 – The End Of The Way
  • Chapter 1177 - 1177 – 600,000 Years Of Comprehension
  • Chapter 1178 - 1178 – Repayment
  • Chapter 1179 - 1179 – Gate
  • Chapter 1180 - 1180 – Conviction
  • Chapter 1181 - 1181 – Workings
  • Chapter 1182 - 1182 – Trial One: Time
  • Chapter 1183 - 1183 – No Distractions
  • Chapter 1184 - 1184 – First Trial Complete
  • Chapter 1185 - 1185 – Recovering
  • Chapter 1186 - 1186 – Second Trial: Alternate Path
  • Chapter 1187 - 1187 – Second Trial Complete
  • Chapter 1188 - 1188 – Third Trial: Proof
  • Chapter 1189 - 1189 – Trial Three: Complete
  • Chapter 1190 - 1190 – Opponent
  • Chapter 1191 - 1191 – True World
  • Chapter 1192 - 1192 – Perilous Fight
  • Chapter 1193 - 1193 – On The Cusp Of Death
  • Chapter 1194 - 1194 – Fifth Trial
  • Chapter 1195 - 1195 – Pressure And Brutality
  • Chapter 1196 - 1196 – No Choice
  • Chapter 1197 - 1197 – Hatred
  • Chapter 1198 - 1198 – Manifestation
  • Chapter 1199 - 1199 – Brutality
  • Chapter 1200 - 1200 – Will Of Death
  • Chapter 1201 - 1201 – Reason For Creation
  • Chapter 1202 - 1202 – Reward
  • Chapter 1203 - 1203 – Coming Back
  • Chapter 1204 - 1204 – Planning
  • Chapter 1205 - 1205 – Weird Comprehension
  • Chapter 1206 - 1206 – Break
  • Chapter 1207 - 1207 – Ancestral God
  • Chapter 1208 - 1208 – Guard
  • Chapter 1209 - 1209 – Proof Of Power
  • Chapter 1210 - 1210 – Teachings
  • Chapter 1211 - 1211 – Human Cooperation
  • Chapter 1212 - 1212 – Right And Wrong
  • Chapter 1213 - 1213 – Darkest Stygian Sect
  • Chapter 1214 - 1214 – Meeting
  • Top