Transcending Limits

Fantasy 710K Active
Transcending Limits
Author: _Transcendent
Time: 2022-07-20

  “Why am I so awesome?” Sheng Tian sighed for the Nth time as he stood on a mountain cliff.*Blurgh* *Blurgh* *Blurgh* The ground below was dyed red as the three people behind him spat out blood. They w...

  • -1 Preface
  • 1 Prologue
  • 2 First Time
  • 3 Righteous and Kind!
  • 4 The Unconventional Fiancee
  • 5 Mythical World
  • 6 Not a Hero!
  • 7 The Hidden bitterness
  • 8 Fate
  • 9 A Strange Relationship
  • 10 Demoness
  • 11 My humble self
  • 12 Donst thank me
  • 13 The Forbidden Love!
  • 14 Sea of Consciousness - Origin
  • 15 Gift?
  • 16 Training
  • 17 Damnit, the Script is totally Wrong!
  • 18 The Strange Land
  • 19 Mythical God?
  • 20 What is Strength?
  • 21 Ism just too Awesome!
  • 22 Heartss Dream
  • 23 The Legacy of a God!
  • 24 Celestial Body Tome
  • 25 A Strong Woman!
  • 26 Extreme Elemental Realms
  • 27 You are not worthy!
  • 28 36 Jade Seals
  • 29 Assassination
  • 30 Donst worship me!
  • 31 Cold Beauty
  • 32 The Blood Lake
  • 33 The hunt begins
  • 34 A talk about life
  • 35 Bottom of the lake
  • 36 Clash in the Forest of Bones
  • 37 Ripples in the frozen hear
  • 38 A hidden ..........?
  • 39 The Chamber of Inheritance
  • 39 The Hall of Inheritance
  • 40 Trials? I am just too awesome for them
  • 41 The Remnants of Evil
  • 42 Will he remember......?
  • 43 The Four Passages
  • 44 The final trial....?
  • 45 The Impending Crisis
  • 46 The Plot is changed!
  • 47 The Legendary War God and Battle Queen
  • 48 Ice Phoenix Blessing
  • 49 Descent of Divine! Her Secret!
  • 50 The Aftermath and Rewards
  • 51 The Legend of Qin Ancestor
  • 52 Who are we to each other?
  • 53 The Silent Day
  • 54 Meeting her again.
  • 55 Hearts donst forget!
  • 56 Heavenly Soul Lotus?!
  • 57 War of Heroes and Baddies
  • 58 Myriad Treasure Star House
  • 59 Heart Slayer and Soul Stealer
  • 60 Body Cultivation
  • 61 Her smile
  • 62 Luring the Alluring Snake
  • 63 The Battle that shook the City
  • 64 A Terrifying Young Man!
  • 65 The Demoness and the Grand Auction
  • 66 The Auction
  • 67 Ancient Chicken and Elder Con Man
  • 68 I was so lonely at the top~
  • 69 Legends never fade
  • 70 The Old Geezer
  • 71 The Secret Expert!
  • 72 The Scheme
  • 73 Unprecedented Breakthrough!
  • 74 Why am I so awesome?
  • 75 Senior Brothers
  • 76 Beliefs and Pursuits
  • 77 Frozen Hell
  • 78 Core disciple
  • 79 Hey Ice Goddess~
  • 80 The Arrogant Young Man
  • 81 A Battle Against Fate
  • 82 Overthrowing Fate
  • 83 Mystic Ice Profound Arts
  • 84 The Qualification Tes
  • 85 Spoiler title.......
  • 86 The Truth
  • 87 The First.......
  • 88 The Snow Wolves
  • 89 Approaching the DangerZone
  • 90 The Onslaught TEASER
  • 90 The Imperishable Tree
  • 91 Not again!
  • 92 Springs Nectar!
  • 93 Escaping Death
  • 94 To the Beast Empire
  • 95 I wish....
  • 96 Off to the Beast Empire
  • 97 The Strange Graveyard
  • 98 The Ancient War
  • 99 The grudge of millenniums
  • 100 Ism sorry
  • 101 Xiao Lian wakes up
  • 102 Facing off a Sea of Enemies
  • 103 Ending the Fight in shengs way
  • 104 Wings of Heaven
  • 105 Lake of Frozen Tears
  • 106 The Seven Ancient Clans
  • 107 Heavens End Ice Flame
  • 108 Tear of a Goddess
  • 109 One Hell of a Fight!
  • 110 Author Strikes!
  • 111 Cruel Truth and Sweet Lie
  • 112 Looming Danger
  • 113 Can you afford it?
  • 114 Beyond Mortal and Divine
  • 115 A Promise
  • 116 Despair Nigh
  • 117 A Perfect End?
  • 118 Origin Ice Extermination
  • 119 Unveiling Truth
  • 120 In the Clouds
  • 121 Sheng Tians gif
  • 122 Terror
  • 124 Spoiler Title
  • 125 Lets kill the author and revive the story
  • 126 Quotes from characters upcoming version
  • Top