Love 020: Beyond a Beautiful Smile

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Love 020: Beyond a Beautiful Smile
Author: katikatka
Time: 2022-07-19

  A Hao Mei and KO fan fiction based on both the novel and the series; ”Love O2O / Just One Smile is Very Alluring”; novel by Gu Man and series directed by Lin Yufen. I will also be referencing ”Lets ea...

  • 1 Chapter One- The Trouble With Fantasies
  • 2 Chapter 2- Food for though
  • 3 Chapter 3- Common Ground
  • 4 Chapter 4- Dreaming of a Galaxy
  • 5 Chapter 5- Love Chanel
  • 6 Chapter 6- Some Secrets are Hard to Keep
  • 7 Chapter 7- The Start of Something New
  • 8 Chapter 8- Hacking the Hacker
  • 9 Chapter 9- Drinking for Inspiration
  • 10 Chapter 10- Be Careful of Your Choice in Reading Materials
  • 11 Chapter 11- A New Team Member
  • 12 Chapter 12- A Preview
  • 13 Chapter 13- Cooking a Frog in Warm Water
  • 14 Chapter 14- House Hunting
  • 15 Chapter 15- Of Mice and Men
  • 16 Chapter 16- Surprise
  • 17 Chapter 17- Chengde Day 1
  • 18 Chapter 18- Silent Nigh
  • 19 Chapter 19- Chengde Day 2
  • 20 Chapter 20- A Whole New World
  • 21 Chapter 21- Bring to the Boil, Then Simmer
  • 22 Chapter 22- The Little Intern
  • 23 Chapter 23- The Little Intern, cont.
  • 24 Chapter 24- The Mark of a True Husband
  • 25 Chapter 25- When Peter Pan Grows Up
  • 26 Chapter 26- A Meeting of Minds
  • 27 Chapter 27- The Rockiest Paths are Lined with Good Intentions
  • 28 Chapter 28- Blood is Thicker than Water
  • 29 Chapter 29- Living Alone
  • 30 Chapter 30- Newbie Village Task 1
  • 31 Chapter 31- Hinting at Dreams
  • 32 Chapter 32- Do Dreams Come True?
  • 33 Chapter 33- The Talk. Kind of.
  • 34 Chapter 34- The Talk. Take Two. Kind of.
  • 35 Chapter 35- The Talk. Take 3.
  • 36 Chapter 36- Donst Talk With Your Mouth Full
  • 37 Chapter 37- Three Matchmakers and Six Proofs
  • 38 Chapter 38- No One puts Beauty in a Corner
  • 39 Chapter 39- Orchids, Lillies and Chrysanthemums
  • 40 Chapter 40- The Wedding Nigh
  • 41 Chapter 41- With Roses, Come Thorns
  • 42 Chapter 42- The Red Packe
  • 43 Chapter 43- Human No More
  • 44 Chapter 44- And So It Goes
  • 45 Chapter 45- Making the Best of a Bad Situation
  • 46 Chapter 46- Countdown
  • 47 Chapter 47- Suits, courtesy of Xiao Nai
  • 48 Chapter 48- Every Mountain has a Valley
  • 49 Chapter 49- House Warming
  • 50 Chapter 50- Sneaking Through the Back Door
  • 51 Chapter 51- Even the Dead have Ears
  • 52 Chapter 52- The Family You Choose
  • 53 Chapter 53- The Lull Before the Storm
  • 54 Chapter 54- The Line in the Sand
  • 55 Chapter 55- The Best Defence is a Strong Offence
  • 56 Chapter 56- Size Matters
  • 57 Chapter 57- Happily Ever After and all that Sap
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