
Fantasy 1110K Active
Author: FattyBai
Time: 2022-07-21

  Reed, a young man that had spent his entire life in the slums wished for a miracle. He dreamt that one day hed escape the ghetto he had been born in and travel across the world. He longed to embark on an adventure and truly begin living a real life.Alas, it was not meant to be. The stars had other plans in mind for the young man.

  • 1 A Second Chance
  • 2 Instructor Axtorius
  • 3 Reed the Bookworm
  • 4 A Meeting with the Outcasts
  • 5 Almas Blessing
  • 6 The Isle of Infinity
  • 7 The White Egg
  • 8 The Celebrity
  • 9 The Mountain of Madness
  • 10 Moving Forward
  • 11 The Result of His Effor
  • 12 A Blizzard Is Coming
  • 13 Love is Heavy
  • 14 A Summer Retreat With Her
  • 15 Imprisoned in Darkness, Again...
  • 16 A Forgotten Feeling
  • 17 Trust Your Instincts
  • 18 City of the Sun
  • 19 His Dream and Her Call
  • 20 The Beach Boys Woes
  • 21 You Did What?
  • 22 Meeting Her; Meeting Him
  • 23 Island For Two
  • 24 Worthy of Bliss
  • 25 Farewell, Paradise...
  • 26 He Hated I
  • 27 She Marched In; He Cried
  • 28 The Council of Sages
  • 29 The Hunters and the Hunted
  • 30 The Spicy Peppers Admonition
  • 31 Childhoods End
  • 32 All Is Well In Heaven
  • 33 A Magnificent Message
  • 34 A Fathers Pride
  • 35 Fall From Grace
  • 36 The Signal
  • 37 First Contac
  • 38 Welcome Home
  • 39 A Fleeting Glimpse
  • 40 Citlai, The Crown of The Stars
  • 41 Her Holiness, Daughter of the Moon
  • 42 The Slumbering One
  • 43 A Silent Roar In Winter
  • 44 The Young Man and The Noble Princess
  • 45 A Mothers Righ
  • 46 The Hidden Inheritance
  • 47 Departing Gift From You
  • 48 The Roughest Gems Shine Brightes
  • 49 Waking Up the Ghost in the Cloak
  • 50 Severing the Connection
  • 51 The Return Back Home
  • 52 The Lord of Evergreen
  • 53 His Truths Are Many
  • 54 Elder Speech
  • 55 Tree of Life
  • 56 An Unrefusable Invitation
  • 57 An Easy Job
  • 58 Sibling Love And Devotion
  • 59 Meeting the Family
  • 60 Our Mission
  • 61 Getting The Band Back Together
  • 62 Leon The Scoundrel
  • 63 Visiting Rosenfield
  • 64 A Warm Invitation
  • 65 An Honest Spy
  • 66 A Second Home
  • 67 Leon Goldentree
  • 68 Maids and Princesses
  • 69 Mistakes Were Made
  • 70 Sunset Waltz
  • 71 The Woman Who Sold the World
  • 72 The Stainless Prince of the Eas
  • 73 A Weapon of Mass Destruction
  • 74 Tea Time and Storms of Change
  • 75 Ma
  • 76 Memories From Another Time
  • 77 A Message For Them
  • 78 As Far Apart as the Universe Is Wide
  • 79 A Goddamned Idio
  • 80 Fourth Heaven
  • 81 The Truth
  • 82 The Sleepers Memories
  • 83 The Purge
  • 84 Consequences
  • 85 The Demon Lord and His Wife
  • 86 The Sacrifice
  • 87 Judgemen
  • 88 Sweeter Than Victory
  • 89 Lottery Winner
  • 90 Jolly Saints and Superweapons
  • 91 The Sinner
  • 92 No Rest For the Wicked
  • 93 The Pursuit of Freedom
  • 94 Heaven Built Upon Hell
  • 95 Hell Built Upon Heaven
  • 96 The Ninth Layer of Hell
  • 97 Heart of Darkness
  • 98 Herald of the End
  • 99 Shadow of Despair
  • 100 Headfirst Into Storm
  • 101 The Twilight Children
  • 102 The Eve of Ruin
  • 103 Not A Hero
  • 104 The White Shore
  • 105 The World On His Shoulders
  • 106 The Twilight War
  • 107 Metamorphosis
  • 108 Salvation
  • 109 A Price Paid In Tears
  • 110 His Painful Immaturity
  • 111 The Weight of His Karma
  • 112 Epilogue: The Last Sunse
  • 113 The World Without Him
  • 114 Finding Him; Finding Her
  • 115 No Longer Alone
  • 116 A Sea Full Of Stars
  • 117 Together, They Are Without Bounds
  • 118 Paradise Unbroken
  • 119 The Sun and His Sunflower
  • 120 Rhapsody In Spring
  • 121 The Desperation They Fel
  • 122 The Parting Gift Dont Purchase Until This is Gone!
  • 122 The Parting Gif
  • 123 The Schism Between He and Himself
  • 124 Sprouts of Wisdom
  • 125 The Lighthouse of Hope
  • 126 The Torchbearer Who Shone Ligh
  • 127 Cem-Elle In Twiligh
  • 128 An Endless Tu-dey In Mediocrity
  • 129 Labyrinth of the Abyss
  • 130 Freeing His Prisoners
  • 131 Twice Betrayed
  • 132 A Frank Discussion With Oneself
  • 133 Back In The Saddle
  • 134 A Reckoning In the Making
  • 135 Depature
  • 135 Beckoning Toward Depature
  • 136 Much Ado About Love
  • 137 Haufin, The Seashell of the Sea
  • 137 The Geniuses War of Love and Brains?
  • 138 A Wish Fufilled at the Bottom of the Sea
  • 139 A Fool He Was No
  • 140 Faith Unmatched
  • 141 Letting Go
  • 142 Purging the Infection
  • 143 A Daring Escape For Two
  • 144 Chasing a Phantom
  • 145 Fear of the World
  • 146 Nothing to Worry Abou
  • 147 Make Them All Understand
  • 148 The Silvermoon Grasslands
  • 149 Ballad of the Symmetry
  • 150 The Artificial Seed-Myth Hath Blossomed
  • 151 A Race Against Time
  • 152 Age of Chaos
  • 153 Im a Person, Too.
  • 154 The Pot and the Kettle
  • 155 The Fields of Forgiveness
  • 156 Easy Peasy
  • 157 The Maze of Time
  • 158 Secrets Best Forgotten
  • 159 All Good Things Must Come To An End
  • 160 Running From Destiny
  • 161 A Woven Myth
  • 162 The Perfect Knigh
  • 163 The Edge of the Cliff
  • 164 An Inconvenient Truth
  • 165 Oh God
  • 165 We are Fair. We are Generous. We are Just.
  • 166 The Choice Given To Him
  • 167 My All Is Yours To Take
  • 168 Itroch, the Spirit of Undying Love
  • 169 Three Years Can Do A Lo
  • 170 Much Ado About Loves Woes
  • 171 A City Of Shattered Dreams and Hopes
  • 172 In Absence Of Life; In Abundance Of Death
  • 173 Nanny Duty
  • 174 The Woe Of The Shepherd
  • 175 Old Scars and New Wounds
  • 176 In Peaceful Slumber, May You Rest Eternally
  • 177 A Message From Heaven To My—
  • 178 An Agent Of God... He Was No
  • 179 The Greatest Hail Mary In History
  • 180 Upon Closer Inspection...
  • 181 ...Its All Screwed.
  • 182 Wanna See How Big My _____ Is?
  • 183 Out Of Touch In The Right Way
  • 184 The Rug Makes Some Convincing Points
  • 185 Let Thy Love Turn A Cruel Man Into A Sain
  • 186 A Holy Day
  • 187 The Morning Star Need Not Fear The Dark
  • 188 The Bug In The System
  • 189 The Advent Of Change
  • 190 The Eventide of Faith
  • 191 Let Justice Be Done...
  • 192 Though The Heavens May Fall
  • Chapter 193 - Afterword: The Eventide Of Faith
  • Chapter 194 - I Had A Cup Of Coffee With The Devil
  • Chapter 195 - The Descent Into His Wonderland
  • Chapter 196 - Not All Fairy Tales Start Pleasantly
  • Chapter 197 - Daydreams Of Better Times
  • Chapter 199 - The Price of Happiness
  • Chapter 201 - Disownment
  • Chapter 203 - No More Running
  • Chapter 204 - Ad Meliora?
  • Chapter 206 - There Will Be Blood
  • Chapter 207 - Old World, Old Blood, and Old Grudges...
  • Chapter 208 - Doing Things Her Own Way
  • Chapter 209 - To Be A Mother.
  • Chapter 210 - Saintly Liars And Honest Devils
  • Chapter 211 - The Long Walk Home
  • Chapter 212 - In Pursuit Of A Shadow
  • Chapter 213 - The Devil In My Father
  • Chapter 214 - Mind Your Step
  • Top