Part 63 (1/2)

While gazing on the moon's light, A moment from her smile I turned, To look at orbs, that, more bright, In lone and distant glory burned.

But _too_ far Each proud star, For me to feel its warming flame; Much more dear That mild sphere.

Which near our planet smiling came; Thus, Mary, be but thou my own; While brighter eyes unheeded play, I'll love those moonlight looks alone, That bless my home and guide my way.

The day had sunk in dim showers, But midnight now, with l.u.s.tre meet.

Illumined all the pale flowers, Like hope upon a mourner's cheek.

I said (while The moon's smile Played o'er a stream, in dimpling bliss,) ”The moon looks ”On many brooks, ”The brook can see no moon but this;”[1]

And thus, I thought, our fortunes run, For many a lover looks to thee, While oh! I feel there is but _one_, _One_ Mary in the world for me.

[1] This image was suggested by the following thought, which occurs somewhere In Sir William Jones's works: ”The moon looks upon many night- flowers, the night flower sees but one moon.”


When daylight was yet sleeping under the billow, And stars in the heavens still lingering shone.

Young Kitty, all blus.h.i.+ng, rose up from her pillow, The last time she e'er was to press it alone.

For the youth! whom she treasured her heart and her soul in, Had promised to link the last tie before noon; And when once the young heart of a maiden is stolen The maiden herself will steal after it soon.

As she looked in the gla.s.s, which a woman ne'er misses.

Nor ever wants time for a sly glance or two, A b.u.t.terfly,[1] fresh from the night-flower's kisses.

Flew over the mirror, and shaded her view.

Enraged with the insect for hiding her graces, She brushed him--he fell, alas; never to rise: ”Ah! such,” said the girl, ”is the pride of our faces, ”For which the soul's innocence too often dies.”

While she stole thro' the garden, where heart's-ease was growing, She culled some, and kist off its night-fallen dew; And a rose, further on, looked so tempting and glowing, That, spite of her haste, she must gather it too: But while o'er the roses too carelessly leaning, Her zone flew in two, and the heart's-ease was lost: ”Ah! this means,” said the girl (and she sighed at its meaning), ”That love is scarce worth the repose it will cost!”

[1] An emblem of the soul.


By the hope within us springing, Herald of to-morrow's strife; By that sun, whose light is bringing Chains or freedom, death or life-- Oh! remember life can be No charm for him, who lives not free!

Like the day-star in the wave, Sinks a hero in his grave, Midst the dew-fall of a nation's tears.

Happy is he o'er whose decline The smiles of home may soothing s.h.i.+ne And light him down the steep of years:-- But oh, how blest they sink to rest, Who close their eyes on victory's breast!