Chapter 130 - Accidental breakthrough (1/1)

Jakob looked at the orb made of a material he had never even heard of with a skeptical expression. ”i don't understand what's so special about this stuff just from looking at it.” jakob said confused. nick nodded his head in understanding since as a smith himself he understood that materials were ranked according to their energy levels and this new material barely had the energy of a tier 2 material. ”this stuff is rather unique since the amount of energy it has actually doesn't matter , but rather the properties of the material make it perfect for what we are going to use it for.” nick said calmly. jakob was surprised to hear this since it flew in the face of everything he knew. ”what properties would those be?” he asked curious while lo mia and the goddess appear from the dark. nick welcomed the two girls to join the conversation while grinning. ”this material can fly without the need for any outside interference as well as the fact that it is about as durable as a tier 6 material.” nick said proudly. the three were dumbfounded at the ridiculous properties that nick just pointed out.

”but can the material be controlled? it would be useful as a weapon material but little else if not.” lo mia pointed out seriously. nick chuckled ”of course it can be controlled otherwise i wouldn't have gone through so much trouble to make the stuff watch.” nick said before making a few handsigns and pointing at the orb. a thick rope of energy left the pointing finger before attaching to the floating orb which quivered briefly before becoming still again. ”i can now manipulate any part of the material i want.” nick said before making a crushing motion with his hands and lo and behold the orb began to flatten while spreading out until it was a flat circle that was just as wide as the base needed. ” now we just need to build on this shape to make the foundation.” nick said completely ignoring to look on the other threes face. ”the way you controlled that orb. can you use that on other materials?” jakob asked with an exited look on his face. nick didn't understand why jakob was so exited but answered anyway. ”if i modified it a bit i suppose it could be used for any other material why?”

jakob was smiling widely ” you just solved a problem that has been bothering cultivators since the dawn of time!” he exclaimed happily. now it was nicks turn to be dumbfounded since he had no idea what jakob was talking about. ”you might not know since the search for a solution was for the most part dropped but craftsmen have been trying to figure out how to forge bone since as far as anyone can remember. the actual problem was besides using bones for pills there was no way to use them for anything else which was considered a horrible shame since the bones of many beast had amazing properties that would be great in weapons and armors but any attempt to work with the bone would remove any useful property if not just straight up destroying the bone , that is until now.” jakob explained excitedly. nick was stunned as understanding came to him that indeed he had just accidentally solved a crafting problem of huge proportions.