Part 15 (1/2)

This strainer should be removed after every five to eight hours running of the engine and cleaned thoroughly with gasoline. It is also advisable to squirt distillate up into the case through the opening where the strainer has been removed. Allow this distillate to drain out thoroughly before replacing the plug with strainer attached. Be sure gasket is in place on plug before replacing. Pour new oil in through either of the two breather pipes on exhaust side of motor. Be sure to replace strainer screens if removed. If, through oversight, the engine does not receive sufficient lubrication and begins to heat or pound, it should be stopped immediately. After allowing engine to cool pour at least three gallons of oil into oil sump. Fill radiator with water after engine has cooled.

Should there be apparent damage, the engine should be thoroughly inspected immediately without further running. If no obvious damage has been done, the engine should be given a careful examination at the earliest opportunity to see that the running without oil has not burned the bearings or caused other trouble.

Oils best adapted for Hall-Scott engines have the following properties: A flash test of not less than 400 F.; viscosity of not less than 75 to 85 taken at 21 F. with Saybolt's Universal Viscosimeter.

_Zeroline heavy duty oil_, manufactured by the Standard Oil Company of California; also,

_Gargoyle mobile B oil_, manufactured by the Vacuum Oil Company, both fulfill the above specifications. One or the other of these oils can be obtained all over the world.

Monogram extra heavy is also recommended.


The splash system of lubrication that depends on the connecting rod to distribute the lubricant is one of the most successful and simplest forms for simple four- and six-cylinder vertical automobile engines, but is not as well adapted to the oiling of airplane power plants for reasons previously stated. If too much oil is supplied the surplus will work past the piston rings and into the combustion chamber, where it will burn and cause carbon deposits. Too much oil will also cause an engine to smoke and an excess of lubricating oil is usually manifested by a bluish-white smoke issuing from the exhaust.

A good method of maintaining a constant level of oil for the successful application of the splash system is shown at Fig. 78. The engine base casting includes a separate chamber which serves as an oil container and which is below the level of oil in the crank-case. The lubricant is drawn from the sump or oil container by means of a positive oil pump which discharges directly into the engine case. The level is maintained by an overflow pipe which allows all excess lubricant to flow back into the oil container at the bottom of the cylinder. Before pa.s.sing into the pump again the oil is strained or filtered by a screen of wire gauze and all foreign matter removed. Owing to the rapid circulation of the oil it may be used over and over again for quite a period of time. The oil is introduced directly into the crank-case by a breather pipe and the level is indicated by a rod carried by a float which rises when the container is replenished and falls when the available supply diminishes. It will be noted that with such system the only apparatus required besides the oil tank which is cast integral with the bottom of the crank-case is a suitable pump to maintain circulation of oil. This member is always positively driven, either by means of shaft and universal coupling or direct gearing. As the system is entirely automatic in action, it will furnish a positive supply of oil at all desired points, and it cannot be tampered with by the inexpert because no adjustments are provided or needed.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 78.--Sectional View of Typical Motor Showing Parts Needing Lubrication and Method of Applying Oil by Constant Level Splash System. Note also Water Jacket and s.p.a.ces for Water Circulation.]

In most airplane power plants it is considered desirable to supply the oil directly to the parts needing it by suitable leads instead of depending solely upon the distributing action of scoops on the connecting rod big ends. A system of this nature is shown at Fig. 77.

The oil is carried in the crank-case, as is common practice, but the normal oil level is below the point where it will be reached by the connecting rod. It is drawn from the crank-case by a plunger pump which directs it to a manifold leading directly to conductors which supply the main journals. After the oil has been used on these points it drains back into the bottom of the crank-case. An excess is provided which is supplied to the connecting rod ends by pa.s.sages drilled into the webs of the crank-shaft and part way into the crank-pins as shown by the dotted lines. The oil which is present at the connecting rod crank-pins is thrown off by centrifugal force and lubricates the cylinder walls and other internal parts. Regulating screws are provided so that the amount of oil supplied the different points may be regulated at will. A relief check valve is installed to take care of excess lubricant and to allow any oil that does not pa.s.s back into the pipe line to overflow or bi-pa.s.s into the main container.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 79.--Pressure Feed Oil-Supply System of Airplane Power Plants has Many Good Features.]

A simple system of this nature is shown graphically in a phantom view of the crank-case at Fig. 79, in which the oil pa.s.sages are made specially prominent. The oil is taken from a reservoir at the bottom of the engine base by the usual form of gear oil pump and is supplied to a main feed manifold which extends the length of the crank-case. Individual conductors lead to the five main bearings, which in turn supply the crank-pins by pa.s.sages drilled through the crank-shaft web. In this power plant the connecting rods are hollow section bronze castings and the pa.s.sage through the center of the connecting rod serves to convey the lubricant from the crank-pins to the wrist-pins. The cylinder walls are oiled by the spray of lubricant thrown off the revolving crank-shaft by centrifugal force. Oil projection by the dippers on the connecting rod ends from constant level troughs is unequal upon the cylinder walls of the two-cylinder blocks of an eight- or twelve-cylinder V engine.

This gives rise, on one side of the engine, to under-lubrication, and, on the other side, to over-lubrication, as shown at Fig. 80, A. This applies to all modifications of splash lubricating systems.

When a force-feed lubricating system is used, the oil, escaping past the cheeks of both ends of the crank-pin bearings, is thrown off at a tangent to the crank-pin circle in all directions, supplying the cylinders on both sides with an equal quant.i.ty of oil, as at Fig. 80, B.


The reader should understand from preceding chapters that the power of an internal-combustion motor is obtained by the rapid combustion and consequent expansion of some inflammable gas. The operation in brief is that when air or any other gas or vapor is heated, it will expand and that if this gas is confined in a s.p.a.ce which will not permit expansion, pressure will be exerted against all sides of the containing chamber.

The more a gas is heated, the more pressure it will exert upon the walls of the combustion chamber it confines. Pressure in a gas may be created by increasing its temperature and inversely heat may be created by pressure. When a gas is compressed its total volume is reduced and the temperature is augmented.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 80.--Why Pressure Feed System is Best for Eight-Cylinder Vee Airplane Engines.]

The efficiency of any form of heat engine is determined by the power obtained from a certain fuel consumption. A definite amount of energy will be liberated in the form of heat when a pound of any fuel is burned. The efficiency of any heat engine is proportional to the power developed from a definite quant.i.ty of fuel with the least loss of thermal units. If the greater proportion of the heat units derived by burning the explosive mixture could be utilized in doing useful work, the efficiency of the gasoline engine would be greater than that of any other form of energizing power. There is a great loss of heat from various causes, among which can be cited the reduction of pressure through cooling the motor and the loss of heat through the exhaust valves when the burned gases are expelled from the cylinder.

The loss through the water jacket of the average automobile power plant is over 50 per cent. of the total fuel efficiency. This means that more than half of the heat units available for power are absorbed and dissipated by the cooling water. Another 16 per cent. is lost through the exhaust valve, and but 33-1/3 per cent. of the heat units do useful work. The great loss of heat through the cooling systems cannot be avoided, as some method must be provided to keep the temperature of the engine within proper bounds. It is apparent that the rapid combustion and continued series of explosions would soon heat the metal portions of the engine to a red heat if some means were not taken to conduct much of this heat away. The high temperature of the parts would burn the lubricating oil, even that of the best quality, and the piston and rings would expand to such a degree, especially when deprived of oil, that they would seize in the cylinder. This would score the walls, and the friction which ensued would tend to bind the parts so tightly that the piston would stick, bearings would be burned out, the valves would warp, and the engine would soon become inoperative.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 81.--Operating Temperatures of Automobile Engine Parts Useful as a Guide to Understand Airplane Power Plant Heat.]

The best temperature to secure efficient operation is one on which considerable difference of opinion exists among engineers. The fact that the efficiency of an engine is dependent upon the ratio of heat converted into useful work compared to that generated by the explosion of the gas is an accepted fact. It is very important that the engine should not get too hot, and on the other hand it is equally vital that the cylinders be not robbed of too much heat. The object of cylinder cooling is to keep the temperature of the cylinder below the danger point, but at the same time to have it as high as possible to secure maximum power from the gas burned. The usual operating temperatures of an automobile engine are shown at Fig. 81, and this can be taken as an approximation of the temperatures apt to exist in an airplane engine of conventional design as well when at ground level or not very high in the air. The newer very high compression airplane engines in which compressions of eight or nine atmospheres are used, or about 125 pounds per square inch, will run considerably hotter than the temperatures indicated.