4 Chapter 3: Look Inward (1/2)

Every student needs to look inward in order to make progress on the outward. One of life's major discoveries is to understand that there is something in you that can make life more

meaningful and more interesting on the outside. You will do well to look inside into what it is.

Many students go through life without realizing these special abilities that are divinely bestowed on them to make life easy. This is saddening! But not too late. Many students look up always for help. Wow! What a beautiful thing. However, it is more beautiful to look inward than to look up because everything you need in life has been transferred from up into you.

Believe this; you have a special gift that can make a difference, not just in your life, but in the world at large. There is a deposit of intrinsic worth in you. Look inward. You have an outstanding endowment from heaven to acquire the kind of money you envisage, even right in your school. Search inside. The resources needed to turn your dream of making money on campus into reality are within you, merely waiting for the day you will finally decide to wake up and claim your birthright.

Purify your mind of the 'scarcity-mentality' you have carried around all your life. Purge your reasoning faculty. There is nothing as shortage of funds around you; you only have shortage of skills. No matter how overwhelming your present financial challenges are, they can be completely eliminated if only you can tap into the reservoir of abilities you have been endowed with. There are virtues loaded in you. There are potentials buried in you. There are treasures waiting to be exhumed. There are gifts waiting to be discovered. You can not become wealthy until you believe this. Believe it and make up your mind to discover them, and your life begins to experience a change. Your decision today will determine your destiny tomorrow.

All the money you need is with you right where you sit now. Once you can grasp this understanding that there is something you can do to make money, you will never have to worry about money anymore. Upgrade your reasoning faculty. Discard the scarcity mentality and acquire the abundance mentality. You have all you need.

Everyone who has succeeded knows this: to succeed in life, you will first need to identify what your potential is. This is a crucial factor in wealth acquisition. It is a major way of gaining mastery over one's financial situation. This is because you can not make it outside your place of interest. Strive to identify what catches your interest; that is likely your area of dominant gift. Every man's making is in his gift. Even the Bible says ”A gift opens doors for the one who gives it and brings him into the presence of great people” Prov. 18:16. It is only in exploring the gifts of G.o.d upon your life that wealth flows towards you.

If you know that there is something you can do so pa.s.sionately, turn that pa.s.sion into profit. There is something you are cut out for. No matter how useless you have been made to think you are, there is something you still can do. It might look negligible, but do not despise it, there lies your wealth.

A profound truth is hidden in Proverb 13:23 where G.o.d bears His mind ”Much food is in the tillage of the poor:” This means even the poor man is not poor in the real sense, he is only poor because he does not want to do anything. If he is really willing to do something, then he will no longer be poor because there is much food in his tillage.

Same is applicable to students. Ever seen a poor student? He is poor not because he does not have money, but because he does not want to make money. There is much food in his tillage.

Do you want to be successful in life? This is the secret: do what you are gifted for continually until it begins to yield profit to you. What you love to do is a pointer to what your potential is. Whatever gives you excitement and makes you enthusiastic is an indicator of your prevailing ability.

It is very important that you do what you love if you must make money because money only flows to those who focus on such. If you also do, the end product will be wealth.

This discovery helps you to gain financial freedom. There is a strong link between this discovery and your money supply. G.o.d has configured man in such a way that what he naturally enjoys doing can also serve as his main source of income. This discovery of what you are created to do will take you to a new level in your finances because wealth and potential can not be separated.

One of the highest paid people in the world today are footballers. However, football was not their initial career; it was a hobby. Then, it later became their main source of income. There is an area of interest of your life that can also become a main source of income to you in years to come if only you will be careful enough to discover it, train up yourself in it and keep at it until you eventually become the best in it.

The journey from poverty to wealth is not imaginary. It is a conscious one. Whether or not you make money while in school, and how much money you will make while in school will be solely dependent on how serious you take this issue. If you take it with all seriousness, you will experience financial progression, but if not, financial turmoil awaits you. Money continually flows only to those whose focal point is primarily on their most dominant skill. Even the Bible says skill will bring success (Ecc.10:10).

Of a truth, some students finds it difficult combining their gifting and academics together and still make headway, but then there is something every student can do naturally which will not affect his academics. It just comes naturally to his person. There is an area of interest which he will naturally find so easy to do without having a negative impact on his studies. That is it. That is just it!

It is not just about doing something but about doing something worthwhile. It is not all about being busy but about being busy with the right thing. It is not about activity but about productivity. Whatever you want to do to make money in school must be centered on what will work best for you.

Take a cue from the people making waves in the entertainment industry, either the music or the film industry. Most of them really did not study such courses in school. But they discovered early in life their areas of interest and despite their course of study, kept at developing this ability. So many of them started making waves as students and their names are now household names, simply because they looked inward and brought out what was within.

How much money you make is as important as what you do. You can only flourish where you are planted. A fish can perform wonders in the aquarium, but if thrown out of it, it dies a natural death. You will bloom where you are planted. So, understand where you are planted so that you can extend your roots to every corner of the soil, grab all the richness of the earth, and bloom your brightest blossom.

You cannot be doing the wrong things and be expecting the right rewards. There is no shortcut to true and lasting riches except by discovering this potential.

If you are careful enough to look deeply inward you will discover that all the things you will ever need during your stay on campus, and even beyond, are embedded in the endowment of G.o.d upon your lives. Your riches are hidden in your potential. All the money you will ever need in life will come from the potential. All the cloths you need to put on, all the books you need to buy, all the foods you need to eat, all of them have been divinely provided and hidden therein. Even the woman you will finally get engaged to will be attracted to you by your potentials. Why wont you then search inward to discover what this endowment is, so that all your needs will begin to materialize; not out of the blues, but out of the endowments G.o.d has bestowed on you?

The discovery of this latent ability is what provokes the response of money to you and makes wealth readily accessible to you. Until you discover that potential, the money you envisage may not come. Until it is discovered, the connections you need may not materialize. Until it is discovered, the a.s.sistance you desire will not surface. Until it is discovered, you may be stagnated on the same spot for as long as it would take you to.

Discover yours today; potentials are not a.s.sumed, they are discovered. Until you discover it, you do not recover from the ghastly blows of poverty. But when you do, you will know it; and so will others around you.

In order to discover what your potentials are, you will find these questions quite helpful -

(1) What am I gifted in?

(2) What do I love doing?