Part 33 (1/2)

Out Of Love K. G. MacGregor 44120K 2022-07-22

Judith had no doubt about the veracity of Carmen's simple declaration. Even before they moved into this realm, her body had known Carmen would be a perfect lover. ”You don't have to make it about me all the time.”

”What if I want to?”


”And what if I want to make it about you?” She wrapped her arms around Carmen's neck and pulled her down.

”I've always thrived on compet.i.tion.” Carmen latched her lips onto Judith's earlobe for a gentle nibble. ”I love it that you like to share these wonderful things with me.”

”I draw the line at animal costumes.”

”d.a.m.n. And I have this great duck outfit.”

Judith chuckled and tightened her grip. ”You're so good for me.”

”Because of the animals?”

”Because I know you love me. I can feel it.”

”That's probably just my hipbone.”

”You aren't capable of being serious, are you?”

”I'm serious about you.”

Their playful mood s.h.i.+fted dramatically as a tremor seemed to pa.s.s between them. Carmen followed her words with a deep, soulful kiss.

”Tell me what that means.”

”You don't know?”

”I want to hear it from you.”

Carmen didn't answer right away, but Judith knew from the rare pensive look this wouldn't be a lighthearted response. ”It means I think about having you in my life all the time. I want you to be a part of it all-my family, my friends, my work. And I know how hard it is for you to imagine a life like that, but it doesn't stop me from wanting it.”

For Judith, it wasn't hard at all to dream about a life with Carmen. The hard part was her obligation to Victor.

Carmen went on. ”I want to show you off to all the important people in my life, even though every one of them is going to think I'm insane.”

”Because I look like Brooke?”

”And because they're all going to think the same thing you did-that you're a subst.i.tute for something I couldn't have.”


”I don't think that anymore.”

”I know you don't. We couldn't do this if you did.”

”Why does that worry you?”

”I just want people to know this is about you and me.”

”That may not be something they'll accept right away. But if we love each other, it's going to show eventually.”

”I know.” Carmen laid her head on Judith's shoulder. ”I'm worried about what Brooke will think.”

”Have you thought about when you're going to tell her?”

”I'm having dinner with her Monday night. I plan to do it then. Don't you wish you could be a fly on the wall?”

”No, I don't want to be anywhere near. You two have to work that out on your own.”

”I don't suppose there's any chance you . . .”


”My brother Paul is a plastic surgeon. He could give you a big nose and a pointy chin and a-”

”You are insane.” She should have known Carmen couldn't stay serious. At least she hoped she wasn't serious.

It was easy to see why Carmen liked it here, Judith thought.

The neighborhood was old and distinguished, and who could beat having a park and Lake Michigan practically in your front yard? Not to mention the Starbucks around the corner. Though it was only her second visit, she was starting to feel at home, enough to make the coffee run by herself while Carmen talked to her mother.

She balanced one cup on top of the other and reached for the door. It swung open as the doorman got there just in time.

”Thank you.”

”You're welcome,” he said. He continued to hold the door for another woman she had noticed getting out of her car at the curb.


She stepped onto the elevator and shuffled the cups again, balancing the drinks so she could punch the b.u.t.ton for Carmen's floor. The other woman jumped on and pressed a number, and sensing Judith's predicament, asked, ”What floor?”

Before she answered, she looked up. The woman before her was Brooke Nance, and she looked every bit as shocked as Judith was. ”Uh . . . seven.”

They couldn't stop staring at each other, but neither spoke.

The pictures Carmen had shared didn't do justice to the brilliant blue in Brooke's eyes. Those had to be contact lenses. No one had eyes that color. And Brooke's blond hair was longer now, long enough to pull back from her face. She was even prettier in person, and that was saying something.

The door opened on seven and Judith immediately stepped off without a word, turning left down the hallway in the direction of the stairs. This was going to freak Carmen out, and she didn't want to make it worse. If Brooke said anything-and of course she would-Carmen would figure out she had run.

She exited the stairwell at the outside of the building and followed the sidewalk back around to the front, where she crossed the street to the park. From a bench, she could watch the main door of the building, and wait to return when the coast was clear.

” . . . No, Mom. I do want everyone to meet her, but she has to leave early in the morning.” Carmen had finally broken the news to her family that she had a new girlfriend, and that her girlfriend bore more than a pa.s.sing resemblance to her best friend. Now their curiosity was piqued and they couldn't wait to meet Judith.

”Sundays are hard for her because she needs to get back to New York . . . I told you, her brother lives in a group home and she picks him up every Sunday to go to dinner at her mom's.”

A shuffling sound at the door told her Judith was back with their coffee.