Chapter 24.5 (1/2)

Chapter 24.5

At the place in the road on the way to Ararime Town.

[I think we should confirm our monster followers’ skill.]

[“Pachi Pachi”]


As Jin said, everybody is excited. It is natural.

[What kind of a farce was that?]

[Please don’t say such a thing…]

Because of Sera’s harsh comment, Jin and the others are startled.

[Uh… I couldn’t understand that. Sorry.]

[I intend to confirm monster follower’s skill and characteristics right now.]

[Did <help> tell you anything?]

If Jin uses help, he can confirm skill and characteristic of monster followers immediately.

[No, I want to see the real thing. In my former world, there is a proverb that says, “Listening one hundred times isn’t as good as seeing one time.”]

[There is a proverb like that, after all. After listening to Mio-chan, I think Jin-sama and others’ world is more advanced than this world.]

It is natural for fantasy worlds to be less advanced because of magic. In addition, this world has different rules, so knowledge over there might be useless here.

[We got off topic a little. For now, let’s show monster follower’s skill.]


[The order is from the time we became companions, so the first one is Dora. Please show your skill.]

Dora was my first companion. I tamed her after I rescued her from a thieves’ den. Her race is Dragonewt, which is one that can take both human and dragon forms.

<originally,></originally,><draconic magic=””> and <flight> were the only skills I have.>>

[Then start with <draconic magic=””>. It seems Dora can use breath of either Fire or Ice. The element of breath attack is dependent upon the element of the individual dragonewt. So Dora, please shoot either one over there.]


Tirst, Dora shoots a breath of fire (Spec: “Yol Toor Shul” XD) and then one of ice. (Spec: “Fo Krah Diin” :P)

in succession.

[Okay, thanks. It is really powerful, after all.]

[I think it has more range than before.]

Maria noticed that smallest of details.

[It seems so. About five meters more. It is because I leveled up her <draconic magic=””> skill a little while ago.

[Eh… Dora-chan alone is unfair.]

Mio is a little sullen because of my favoritism.

[Dora’s <draconic magic=””> is really rare. It can be leveled up by points only. It can’t be helped, right?]

[Oh, that is right. Except for Dora, I’ve never see any Dragonewts at all.]

[Next is <flight>. Can you fly in the sky?]

<human or=”” dragon?=””>>

I confirmed (secretly) that Dora can fly in her human form, too.

[If it isn’t much of a problem, please fly in human form.]


She tightens her fist and puts it in front of her chest and draws out a power.


Dora’s back lightens up and feather wings from her feather dragon form appear when that light has settled.


[Oh, it is in human form, but isn’t this your third form?]

[Wow! So cute!]

[Uwa, she looks like an angel.]

All girls become delighted, too. Her appearance is exactly like an angel. And her overall impression is exactly like that, too.


Dora is floating in the air without flapping her wings.

[As I look, her wings hardly move. In this world, it seems dragon’s wings don’t need to flap since they are organs for floating in the air by maintaining magic power.]

[Come to think of it.   Wings like that couldn’t support her big body, at all.]

For birds to fly in the sky, all parts have to be light. You could say that birds are tough, too. But I have no idea how huge dragon’s wings would need to be to support its huge body. And the muscles required for flapping would be huge, too It is virtually impossible.

[And yet, the concept of <flight> for both birds and dragons are really on the verge.]

[If the result is the same, it will be bound to the same skill.]

It is a little unreasonable, but it will be more trouble if it has more subdivision.

[Could you hide your wings? They stand out too much.]



[Next is Tamo-san.]


Tamo-san, who usually doesn’t talk, is a rare metamorph slime I tamed on the way to Konoe Town with <going easy=””> and <stomach punch=””>.

[Since Tamo-san has <mimic> and

[If you say so, but don’t you hate man eaters?]

[It is dead. It can’t do anything, at all. And I don’t hate man eater themselves.]


Since I have no intention of stopping, Sakura gives up on trying to convince me.

Actually, Tamo-san finished eating the man eater and started transforming.

[Amazing. It is completely the same.]

Sera was right. The man eater that was eaten has returned in a perfect state by Tamo-san’s <mimic> skill.