Chapter 402 (1/2)


Stearina seemed busy, so she said:

“Well then, I’ll be looking forward to seeing you in the afternoon.”

And then left the dining hall.

The participants would be introduced in the afternoon.

Each participant was assigned to their own exhibition area -which would be more appropriate to call ‘booths’- but even if those aren’t appealing enough to those attending, some participant has a designated time to make a special presentation at a special stage.

There also were huge Magic Screens installed everywhere around the hall for those who would be too far from the stage to see well enough. Of course, there also were loudspeakers prepared on every corner to ensure everyone could hear what was going on stage clearly.

The ones who could actually use this system for special presentations were about a third of all participating Magi Craftsmen. Those participants without achievements could not enjoy such benefits.

Of course, Jin was one of the participants who could use the special stage. And since he had come from another country in order to participate, Jin’s designated time to use it was one of the first ones on schedule.

*   *   *

Noon came and the Expo was opened to the public.

Jin was standing at his own booth.

“Let’s see, my presentation will be the third one. Look after my booth while I’m gone.”

“Yes, leave it to me.”

Edgar nodded. Elsa had brought Edgar along as one of her works.

“…That concludes my presentation.”

The first on-stage presentation had finished.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Jin gave the things for the presentation to Reiko and both left the booth.

The second presentation was Stearina’s.

“Next is the Magi Craftsman from Celuroa Kingdom, Stearina Beta.”

The appearance of such a beautiful participant caused a conspicuously big round of applause.

“This is my Crystal Golem, Selene.”

There was a loud cheer after Stearina’s golem appeared on stage.

It was a golem made out of a blue-ish crystal. It seemed to be more complete than ‘Ceres’, which Jin had seen in Egelia Kingdom.

“Hmm, that blue hue can’t be crystal, right?”

Jin secretly used Analyze Magic in order to ascertain the material properties of the golem while looking at the stage.

“Ah, so it’s blue topaz, huh?”

Topaz is a mineral even harder than crystal. It’s rare and expensive, especially the yellow ones, which are called “Imperial Topaz”.

In addition to the yellow ones, these gems can also be colorless, pink, brown, or blue.