Chapter 289 (1/2)

”Click Click Click... ”

The woman's face lingered on the door, and even the saliva flowed out. With an undisguised eagerness,

she was really hungry.

Just like a big pet dog at home is preparing for dinner, I wish I could jump on you directly, and scratch the ground with my paws and press it down.

Zhou Ze turns on the tap and pours the cold water on his face. He needs to calm down, especially at this time.

First of all, this should be no longer a mirage.

But just because this is not a mirage, it will feel more terrible and more incomprehensible.

Although Zhou Ze is a ghost, but in the real world there will be this situation, he is still a little difficult to accept.

In particular, his biggest dependence is now running into the mirror. He can't hear what he's shouting or what he's scolding.

If Zhou Ze can make friends now,

it must be:

I'm Zhou Ze,

I'm in a panic.

The old Rune paper has burned most of it, just a little less.

Close the toilet lid, Zhou Ze sits on the toilet and slowly closes his eyes. He needs to be quiet and calm.

If I can't live without the help of that consciousness, I'll still fart and wait for others to wake up and finish the shift.

The most reliable dependence of a man is himself.

”Whoo Call........ ”

Take a deep breath and calm down.

Because he closed his eyes, Zhou Ze did not see the man in the mirror at this time. After he saw Zhou Ze sitting down quietly, he gradually stopped struggling, growling and scolding, and began to stand still.

Outside, there is a woman waiting for dinner. Boss Zhou doesn't know that the woman outside is a white bone spirit. There is a contradiction between ghosts and ghosts.

She was born out of the absurd.


The last Rune was burned and turned to ashes.

At the same time,

the door was also knocked open, and

the woman rushed in with a kitchen knife in her hands.

Zhou zemeng opened his eyes, and the samurai armor appeared on him. The reason why he didn't summon the armor before

was that he was confident in his ability to wake up the consciousness and enter the zombie state. Everything can be killed in a second.


he needs to use his power as fully as possible.

”Sonorous! Sonorous! ”

The kitchen knife was smashed on the armor crazily. Zhou Ze almost fell down because of the terrible impact force. There were terrible dents on the armor. God knows how strong this woman is!

Even if it's an ordinary kitchen knife, it's estimated that a cow can kill in a second after being waved by her.


Zhou Ze's fingernails clasped each other's wrists, then quickly turned sideways, pushed forward, and the woman was pushed to the other side by Zhou Ze.

The woman's face and chest are stuck on the wall tiles of the bathroom, and she keeps wriggling. Her clothes have cracked before, but at present, no normal man can appreciate this kind of ”beauty”.

Many people say that to appreciate a person, you have to look at his or her inner side rather than the surface.

But when you really tear up the bloody epidermis so that you can see inside thoroughly,

you will think,

it's better to look at the skin,

it's better to look at the appearance!


The woman's arms are standing on the wall, pushing back, and the tile on the wall begins to crack, like a spider's web, extending out constantly.

Zhou Ze's left fingernail turned into a sickle, which directly pierced the back and waist of a woman.

Women have no pain, no screams, and even look back and continue to drool at Zhou Ze.

It's like,

How are you!

”Go down!”

Zhou Ze's whole body strength has been put on, even his weight has been counted in, and the woman's upper body has been forced to be pressed down. There are not many flesh and skin faces left, but Zhou Ze forced them into the toilet.

The woman began to struggle desperately,

she wanted to get up,

wanted to catch Zhou Ze,

wanted to enjoy today's feast!

But Zhou Ze's two long nails stuck her body like steel bars, which was like a stapler, holding her here.

The toilet space is so large, coupled with the existence of the toilet, which makes Zhou Ze to use space to limit women.

The struggle of women continues, the sound of fingernails rubbing against bones is so harsh,With her constant struggle, Zhou Ze can still see that there is blood slowly seeping out of the nail plate. Obviously, her nails are beginning to be a little unbearable.

In the journey to the west, if it wasn't for Tang Sanzang to argue over and over again, sun Dasheng could kill Baigujing with one stroke, so most people think that Baigujing can only change its appearance and cheat people, which is no big deal.

But boss Zhou is not sun Dasheng. In front of him, there is a real feeling of ”knife and gun can't enter”. The skeleton is the same as high-strength alloy.

You should know that boss Zhou's nails were sharp enough to ”cut iron like mud”, but under each friction, they can only leave a light white trace on the other's bones, not even the groove!

”What to do!”

Cried Zhou Ze.

In the bathroom, he and the woman are the only two people,


Zhou Ze is clear, and there is another one in the mirror.

If boss Zhou can't hold on tonight, he really becomes the woman's plate of Chinese food. It's not just Zhou Ze who dies.

In the past, why did the other party insist on waking up to help zhouze when he was in danger again and again?

that's why.

he and zhouze are actually one person, and when zhouze is finished, he will be finished.

So even if he has to pay a great expense and price every time he wakes up,

but he has to wake up again and again to help Zhou Ze wipe his buttocks.

Zhou Ze in the mirror stretched out his hand,

like peeling a banana,

slowly peeled off the skin of his fingers, revealing the white bones that made people's scalp numb,


seemed so smooth,

so quiet,

this kind of quiet is not only reflected in the detail of no sound,

but also that of the body,

for flesh and blood,

for pain,



he put the white bone finger into his mouth and began to suck it up slowly.