Chapter 56-57 (1/2)

Chapter 56: Trading

Before Yue Qiang left, he took the tiger's broken tail with him This broken tail didn't look like ripped it in his hands, it was thick and heavy He put it into his backpack before saying to Yin behind hiers are, I suddenly recall that there are two used S/L Modules on the table Can it be that these two tigers have used them?”

”That's very possible If these two tigers have used the S/L Modules before, then it indirectly proves one thing: it is possible for theot should not be too low” Yin said, ”This will explain why these two tigers have powers that exceeded a norer's li your strength, that is your stats I sense that you have a rare stat, and at quite a high value as well However, it seems that you can't use it for combat?”

Theheard Yin's description, he i about

When he first entered the game, as it turned out he had a rare stat – Charisma

At the start of the game, he had 8 freely distributed stat points, and he had casually dropped it all under Charisma He didn't think retful he felt of his actions That was 8 freely distributed stat points If he dropped the mobs would've been infinitely easier

As for Charisma points, he had no idea what they could be used for at all…

As he shook his head slightly and wore a bitter saless stat, and one that was crowned a 'Rare Stat' no less Maybe I haven't discovered the real use behind Charisma yet?

While thinking, he typed a line of inquiry and asked tentatively, ”Um… what do you think of me as a person?”

Yin looked a little surprised After cocking her head slightly and giving it a thought, she said, ”Your appearance and ie, and there is an unspeakable sense of vulgarity and abjection to you However… you feel trustworthy This feeling is a bit contradictory”

I feel trustworthy? Is that thebehind Charish

While speaking, the duo walked for a very long tier's domain Then, they continued to traverse for a very far distance and ran into a few scattered hunters, before finally figuring out the general direction of the trading market

According to those hunters, this trading e Market

No ave off a low class and peasant feeling But there were no other places where a great aathered in this vast area

After walking again for a very long time, they finally arrived at their destination

This was a valley There were several vertical streets inside it, and from the layout, it appeared to be the kind of old town made for tourism purposes There were a lot of people inside the market, and it was plenty noisy Froo in and out of the entrance A large green stone was erected at the valley entrance, and five large words ritten on it: 'Green Cow Village Trading Market' There was also a s, 'Honor Bound, Fair Trade'

There was an old man with a white beard at the side On one hand he held two baoding balls, and on the other he fanned a very strange-looking ba chair and basked hi very comfortable

Yue Qiang found the sight interesting He was just about to reach the entrance and enter the market, but he was stopped by the old man

”Ad the folding fan said

100 knife coins for just an ad had only earned a bit aone in an instant In the end, he steeled his heart and passed out the coins

The old aze hovered on Yin a little longer than Yue Qiang He watched her frolancing at Yue Qiang again, he said, ”Never mind I'll just accept 68 knife coins from you Go in”

”This is nice He saw your beauty and gave us a 30 discount right away” Yue Qiang said

”I think it's because of that Charisma stat of yours” Yin said, ”68 over 100 is equal to five eighths Your charisma is at 16 points If this old man isn't affected by your Charishths… don't you think it's too much of a coincidence?”

I have no idea how the author counted this but according to the text it should be 625

”Your math is quite learned…”

The duo chatted rando had planned to roaather information with a carefree attitude, but his attention was quickly attracted by a certain person This because because the person was just too eye-catching in this market

It was ablack bracelets at a stall beside the street What's eye-catching was that his bracelets weren't arrayed on the stall for purchase, but worn on both his arms instead

Yue Qiang immediately recalled a news he had seen before There was a le Satches and wore all fifty or so watches on his ar sleeves to hide the goods, but he was ultimately discovered by the police The picture in the nehen the felloas found out showed that he wore more than twenty watches on each of his arms It was very comedic, and left him a very deep impression

This bracelet selling man before him was more or less the same!

There were at least seventy to eighty bracelets packed densely together on both of his arms Moreover, they were all black in color From afar, he would look as if he had worn black armor on both his arms There was also a white cloth erected beside the felloritten with a treuaranteed

There was no doubt that this bracelet selling felloas Deng Fang

Yue Qiang thought that this felloas extrehter, he walked forwards and asked, ”Hey there, brother I wonder if you can tell me how much is your bracelet, and what effects does it have?”

When he was close, he discovered that this Deng Fang's looks was incredibly si ould one call an honest fool's look Seeing Yue Qiang's approach and inquiry, and noticing that he was followed by a girl of aht red as he stuttered, ”My bracelets can take you into the ground and above the skies; overturn a river and upset a sea All nine-nine eighty one of my bracelets are completely unique and of infinite variation You want to knohat effects they have? Then please observe these five big words then” (minus ten thousand ellipses of pauses and stammers)

After finally stareat difficulty, he stretched his ar scrawl of words on the white cloth beside hiuaranteed'

The second he stretched his arm, the bracelets on his ar all sorts of ringing noises It was incredibly si clinking glass bottles

Yue Qiang could hardly hold his cheer as he listened to the advertise Yin wore a faint smile on her face

He walked forwards and said, ”Can you tell me exactly how much this bracelet costs?”

”My brother Deng Yuan told h it costs only 100” Deng Fang said righteously, ”Many customers would try to cut down the price after all”

This Deng Fang was so cute Yue Qiang wasn't sure what he should say anyain, ”Why do you need to wear all… nine-nine eighty one bracelets on your arms? Isn't it… heavy?”

”My brother Deng Yuan told me that if the bracelets are displayed on the stall, then they would all be duped away in asaid honestly

This Deng Fang was a weirdo, and his brother was even ain, ”Then I suppose that your selling lines and that five words on the white cloth are written by your brother, Deng Fang?”

”That is true My brother Deng Fang is extremely smart…”

Before he could finish, Yue Qiang took a bracelet off his arm and asked, ”Can you help me appraise this bracelet?”

This was the spoils he got when he took down the Zhao Scout It was black in color and had a passable passive skill as well

The honest fool Deng Fang accepted it and examined the bracelet for a while Then, he spoke up suddenly, ”This bracelet… t-t-this bracelet is made by my deceased teacher, and is a lot more precious than all the bracelets I have onsir?”

Yue Qiang did not answer him

This Deng Fang ht look very foolish, but the bracelets he wore on his arms actually did not look like fakes From where he stood, he could see that they were very well ht

This fellow ed in the head, but he did seem to know his trade

After considering for a moment, he suddenly took out yet another bracelet

This bracelet was green, and there were many simple and unadorned rust spots on it It looked incredibly dirty It was the Ring of Earth So of Earth and said, ”My brother, can I trouble you once more to appraise this bracelet?”

Theof Earth, his expression immediately turned serious; far 's black bracelet for the first ti of Earth closely and repeatedly for a very, very long ti

”I a said honestly, ”I doubt evenYuan can see for what it is If there is one person in this in, then he can only be randfather”