6 Ill Stay Here For One Month (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 24940K 2022-07-22

After reaching the library, he noticed the building was very huge. He entered and instantly no more noise was heard, only the sound of the pages flipping ”(I cannot hear the noise outside anymore, is it some kind of soundproof barrier?)” He wondered. He walked to the front desk.

”h.e.l.lo, is it the first time you come to our library?” The women seated behind the reception asked in a quiet and calm voice

”Yes, I would like to inform myself on a few subjects” Arima followed the rhythm

”I see, here is a map which will help you find the books you're looking for, and there is a fee of one gold, I hope you'll understand” The receptionist said

”Yes” Arima gave one gold coin. After all, it was a library made for the sake of people learning, and the books were expensive, if there was no fee then this place couldn't sustain its service. Arima received the map and thanked the receptionist and began to look for what he wanted. He looked for history, geography, magic, almanacs and other things he could be interested in.

After reading for a few hours, Arima already learned a few important things. He began by looking for geography and actuality. He learned that this planet was at least four times bigger than Earth. He searched for the continent he was in and got the information he wanted.

On this continent, there were only four countries sharing four million square kilometers. There was the biggest, The Empire in the north; the Kingdom of Terses in the east (where Arima is right now); the market Republic in the south; and finally, the Alliance in the west.

Arima learned that The Empire and the Kingdom were on bad terms. And the Alliance was a country created by demi-humans to protect their lives, all kind of people lived there: therianthropes, elves, spirits, half-breed, demons… Of course, the Alliance is constantly cautious against humans. And finally, the Republic is a colony of another continent, a country which specializes in marketing. They are also one of the founders of the guild which is considered as a neutral organization. The guild is everywhere on the continent but each one of the countries doesn't have the right to order around the guild. For instance, there is a guild even in the Alliance because it seems that the Republic don't allow slavery and even trade with the demi-humans.

The other thing important Arima learned is about the monsters in this world. First of all, you could find the monsters, the magic monsters, the beasts, and the magical beasts. The monsters are beings like orcs, goblins, zombies, golems, and the beasts are wild animals who evolved and became stronger but basically like stronger lions, tigers, wolves, snakes and of course the appearance of beings like dragons, griffins, and others. Next, there is their ranking, their strength can be measured in 10 levels. For example, one beast could be level one, two, and three, until ten. Each level had three cla.s.ses, low, middle and high.

For example, a level one, lower cla.s.s, monster, would be as strong as a normal soldier, and at high cla.s.s, his strength would be sufficient to beat ten normal soldiers.

So, it's like that:

1: Normal soldier defeated

Level one: 1 to 10

Level two: 15 to 50

Level three: 60 to 100

Level four: 110 to 150

Level five: 160 to 300