9 Youre A Total Freak (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 29220K 2022-07-22

After leaving the coliseum, Arima headed straight to the east gate. He wanted to do something that all the powerful people did in this world. The soul summoning.

It's a summoning ritual which creates a soul beast from your own soul, the stronger you are the stronger your soul beast is, and they grow stronger with you. Usually, they have the appearance of a beast and possess their own ego. But the summoning actually has a low chance of succeeding. The probability is something around 0.1%. But Arima oddly knew that he was going to succeed, you can call it either arrogance or confidence, it doesn't matter.

Arima arrived in a plain, then he started drawing something in mid-air with his fingertip. After some time, a glowing, blue magic circle was drawn. It was floating and had approximately a two meters diameter. When Arima finished drawing it, it moved on its own and placed itself on the ground before starting to expand, it soon became ten meters wide. Arima looked at it for a moment then took out a knife and cut his own wrist with it. He extended his hand to let the blood fall on the circle, the latter began to glow with a red light. Arima placed his hand on the circle and sent his mana in, a large quant.i.ty of it.

After that, the process really started. The runes and inner circles of the original drawing began to turn and spin, the glow became even stronger. From the outline of the circle, blood spurted out like a whirlpool. This blood gathered in mid-air to form a small black sphere. This sphere was perfectly round and was surrounded by a red aura.

In no time, the black sphere changed form, it first expanded to create something like a torso, then the arms and legs, which could be called claws to be more accurate, sprout out of it, next, ahead was formed, and its neck stretched out. Red lines spread on the body, forming a pattern. Finally, an explosion occurred, a black and red pillar rose toward the sky, even Arima almost took a step back and had to cover his eyes.

When the situation calmed down and the dust dispersed, what remained was enough for Arima to exclaim in surprise ”Wow” That's all he could think of.

A crater, and in its middle stood a ten-meters-tall, a bipedal black dragon with its wings and dark red eyes opened. That dragon looked at Arima.

”Are you my master?” He opened his mouth and asked. He spoke in a male voice and it sounded calm and strangely wise.

”Master? If you mean to ask if it's me who summoned you, yes it's me” Arima answered with a smile.

”I see” The dragon jumped out of the crater and landed lightly in front of Arima. The disparity in size was obvious but the dragon still crouched on one knee and slammed a fist on the ground ”Then I'm at your service” He said

Arima nodded ”Okay, but remember, with me, there is no such thing as a master and servant, you'll be my partner, I am Arimane Blade, call me Arima”

The dragon looked deeply at Arima and nodded ”I understand, Arima” He stood up

Arima looked up ”Do you have a name?”

”No, it should be you who give me one” he answered

”Okay, then, I'll call you 'Night', and I'll give you the surname of 'Bahamut', which suits you pretty well” Arima said.

”Then It's decided, my name from now on will be Night Bahamut” Night took up his new name.

”Good, first, spar with me” Arima uttered, he called Karma and released his aura.

Night wasn't surprised, he smiled, showing his fangs ”My pleasure”

The two charged at each other with the same kind silly smile on their face.


The next day, the plain had lost all of its verdure and the trees in a kilometer radius were cut, destroyed, burned or crushed. Along with the crater from the summoning, the flames still burning, strange holes on the ground caused by lightning, deep cracks on the ground, this place looked like an actual battlefield swept by a natural catastrophe.

In the middle of it, Arima sheathed his katana, his face and clothes were dirty, some blood was still dripping. But in front of him, was Night lying on the ground, looking a lot worse. His wings were pierced, scales were destroyed, and he was bleeding from everywhere. He suddenly snorted and black flames left his nostrils ”Arima” He called.