13 ... Why Is It Purple? (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 53890K 2022-07-22

Arima was sitting on the top of the outer wall, ready to watch the next fight. He had a pouch in his hand and was eating the candies in it. Night was next to him, also looking below.

In block D, Aria and Rehard, the 'paladin', were facing each other.

”Are you ready!” James said ”3, 2, 1. Fight!” And the fight started.

Aria kicked the ground first and charged at Rehard, the latter raised his s.h.i.+eld which gave out an almost blinding white light.

”[Icicle]” Aria used an ice magic to counter the s.h.i.+eld. A dozen of icicles condensed in mid-air and flew towards Rehard. As the icicles were coming at the same speed and direction, Rehard waved his s.h.i.+eld to alleviate the impact and clear all the ice in one go. At that moment, Aria swung her two meters long spear at him and Rehard had to counter it with his longsword ”[Light pillar]” He chanted, his sword glowed, and a white pillar directly fell on Aria from above.

”So, this guy uses light magic, huh? He is looking more and more like a paladin” Arima observed the fight while eating ”He has a good defense and a good crowd control; this guy is more suited for warfare” He ate his last candy ”But he's no match to her” He casually said.

Night nodded in agreement.

On the stage, the temperature suddenly dropped. Ice spikes sprout out from the ground and pierced the white pillar in countless places before it froze and broke in fragments. In the crystal spectacle, Aria struck at Rehard with her spear enveloped in a blue hue. This time, when she hit, the ice transformed into water and pushed back the paladin by pus.h.i.+ng him like a tide.

”[Ice pole]” Aria chanted, her spear froze completely and she threw it. It planted on the ground in front of Rehard. The ice spread and trapped his legs in ice, he felt a numbing sensation rising in his whole body. Before he could say or do anything, Aria was in front of him. She placed her palm on his chest ”[Ice coffin]” She chanted and Rehard continued to freeze until he became a block of ice in the form of a coffin.

Aria let out a breath which crystallized due to the cold. She swung her spear one more time and crashed the coffin with the shaft. Rehard was freed and fell on the ground, unconscious.

”It's over” Arima yawned ”I'll go to sleep” He jumped off the wall with Night. A short while after, James announced the victory of Aria and the next fight between the latter and Arima.


Finally, the next day, the final came.

On the stage, one more time, Arima was facing Aria. This time, Night was beside him, he was excited that he finally could fight.

”Ready!” Like always ”3”

Aria clenched her spear ”I'll do my best. Sentio” She called a name and a huge snake appeared beside her. He was as big as an anaconda back in the old world. But this serpent was a bit unusual, he was light green in color with a few darker scales at some places, he had two little horns on his head, his eyes were green and had slit pupils. And the actual dexterity of this snake allowed him to stand on his tail if he wanted.


”Oh, a snake?” Arima was a bit surprised ”(Well, it's a cold-blooded animal so it kinda suits her)” The snake in question turned to look at Arima and Night, when he looked at the former, he didn't react but when he saw Night, he pupils narrowed even more and he unintentionally moved back his whole body.


Arima smiled and nodded his head to Night. The latter laughed and activated his magic. It was only returning back to his original body, so it wasn't that hard. Night turned back into a dragon in front of everyone, cracked his neck and slammed his tail on the ground ”Finally” He said.

The spectators were silent. Aria was shocked ”(I actually pet him!)”

Even James forgot to finish the countdown. But n.o.body waited for him. Aria decided to attack first and charged, she was pretty fast and wielded her spear to strike Arima, on the other hand, Sentio jumped on Night and wrapped himself around his arm and tried to bite his neck.

”[Karma]” Arima called his sword and easily blocked Aria's spear.

”[Fire scales]” Night used his fire magic to ignite his scales. Black flames covered his entire body. Sentio hissed and hurriedly backed off. He glared at Night and chanted ”[Water rain, Ice rain]”

Water condensed above Night and clashed against the flames, it weakened them, then the water froze and attacked Night directly with ice shards. Within a few seconds, the whole place became filled with steam. The vein-like red lines on Night's body glowed, he deployed his wings, blowing away the steam and charged at the snake. He chose to attack in close combat, maybe because he took it from Arima, but he seemed to be skilled in martial arts.

Though it was awkward to see a dragon giving kicks and punches.

Sentio was forced to stay on defense. Originally, he is not a soul beast who fights in close combat at all.

”[Scintillam ferram] (Wild spark)” Arima sped up and slashed with Karma from a different angle, Aria was fast too and blocked it with the shaft of her spear ”Your spear is pretty tough. But that's not enough. [Sunt robore]” He used more strength and slashed the spear.

Arima frowned, he wanted to continue the momentum and attack but his hand and arm were frozen. Aria took the opportunity and placed her hand on his chest ”[Ice coffin]” Then what happened next was the same as before, Arima froze until he became a block of ice, a lot bigger than with Rehard.

Sentio smirked while fighting with ”Looks like your friend lost” He said in mockery. Night glanced calmly at the ice coffin for a second. The red lines on his body s.h.i.+ned even more and some flames escaped through his teeth. He opened his mouth and roared.

A ma.s.sive flame erupted from his throat and burned everything in a straight line until the wall of the coliseum. Sentio was struck directly but managed to avoid life-threatening injuries thanks to a magic s.h.i.+eld.

When Aria was about to rush to help him, she heard a voice ”[Fulgur]” Thunder rumbled, the ice coffin cracked and black lightning exploded from inside. Arima walked out totally unharmed.

Aria was shocked, he didn't even look agitated or tired, he didn't suffer any injuries, not even a scratch. Actually, the enchantments of his clothes activated automatically and he didn't even need to use magic.

”[Spaera](Sphere)” Arima waved his hand and conjured a dozen of small spheres above his palm. Like previously, a complex circle formed but this one was red and orange. He threw the marbles in the circle when they got out, they were filled with fire and electricity and flew toward Aria. The latter waved her spear and created a strong cold wind, freezing and blowing away the marbles.

The spheres exploded in the air and released an explosion of black flames and lightning. Aria looked at that and gulped, those attacks were a lot more destructive and powerful than the ones with the wind.