21 This Guy Is Easy (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 54080K 2022-07-22

The next day, Arima directly left to the frontier, when he arrived, he only saw some soldiers around but there wasn't any fight, the main fight wasn't here.

Arima looked around ”I might as well pa.s.s by the main battlefield” And left somewhere with Night.

Arima directly transferred to a place totally charred by the combats and magic a.s.saults, there wasn't any fight right now, but the two sides were clearly opposed here. After all, it's not like people fight each second in a war. Also, the magic in this world allow the use of large-scale attacks which can annihilate a great number of people in one go, so each side has to be careful in their actions.

Arima used a detection magic and determined that this main battlefield expanded in a hundred miles' radius, the number of soldiers was around 50 to 100 hundred thousand on each side. The number of deaths amounted to twenty thousand on the Kingdom side and ten thousand on the Empire's side.

Arima suddenly teleported and appeared in the sky, 70 miles away from where he was just before.

”[Superbia]” Arima called his sniper and pointed it to the ground. At the end of Arima's sight was a small fortified camp, he was aiming at a huge tent in the middle.

He smiled ”[Gun metuunt blasphemantes] (Rail Gun)” Arima chanted and the barrel of his gun began to emit a dense black light. Inside the chamber of the gun, the adamant.i.te bullet was vibrating and revolving at an unimaginable speed.

Arima pressed the trigger and the bullet flew along with all the plasma acc.u.mulated, the bullet became a huge black pillar which descended and literally annihilated the tent and everyone inside. After the pillar vanished, a bottomless-looking hole was present there.

Before anyone could react, the chain command of the Empire was destroyed.

”How much?” Night asked Arima

”40%” Arima responded.

Night trembled when he heard that. That meant Arima just used 40% percent of the gun's full potential without any enhancement circles and only lightning magic.

”That was better than expected” Arima smiled and said, he looked at his gun before calling it back. He glanced at the chaotic camp below ”That should be enough” He said.

Following that, Arima left to the nearest city because it was where the Emperor was staying temporarily. When arrived, he sneakily intruded in the city and searched around, he soon found the biggest structure with the most guards in the area.

Arima didn't want to lose time, he directly rushed and killed the guards in front with Ira, according to the rumors, the Emperor was extremely strong if he could kill him quickly that would be a huge economy of time and effort. When Arima was about to enter by the gate he jumped really high and placed himself above the residence. He wasn't about to use Superbia if the Emperor is as strong as the rumors, he should be able to avoid it because the only demerit of this weapon, along with Ira, was that the attacks followed a straight line. Even if the pillar from before was only 40%, it could be more powerful, but it couldn't be much wider.

Instead, ”[Pentagram caelesti], [Clara iudicium] (Heavenly pentagram, Bright judgment)” Arima chanted and an enormous purple circle formed above the whole residence, in the latter was the famous and well-known figure of a pentagram.

”[Ultimum praecantatio, Stabat nubes perosus intercisis] (Ultimate magic, severing cloud pillar)”

Arima finished his chant and the pentagram glowed, the earth shook, a purple light blinded everyone around, the light seemed to be produced by anything that was under the circle until everything exploded in a frightening huge pillar that went as high as the clouds were. When the light disappeared, what remained wasn't a hole or a crater. What remained could just be described in one word, nothing. The buildings, and everything other than the earth and nature, were turned to dust.

What was left was just a perfectly flat terrain. But Arima wasn't happy, he looked in another direction and clicked his tongue.

A middle-aged man with sharp eyes was standing outside the zone of effect. His body was in tatters and blood was dripping from his mouth. It was the Emperor. Although he looked like he avoided the magic, he actually barely saved himself with a s.p.a.ce technique.

He looked with shock at Arima, to answer if the Emperor was strong, it was a yes, his strength was around the eight level. But the man he was looking at, almost killed him in one attack. He gritted his teeth ”Liano!”

He called, and a big lion appeared beside him ”Resonance!” The beast and the human alike shouted at the same time. When the resonance was over, the Emperor now had golden pupils, his air changed color, his teeth and nails sharpened and his body size increased by two times.

He kicked the ground and charged at Arima. On the other side, Night changed into a dragon and he also resonated with Arima. The transformed Arima went to clash directly with the Emperor.

When their fists met, Arima held an obvious dominance, the Emperor felt a great pain in his arm and kicked Arima, the latter blocked with his other arm and attacked back. For a few seconds that felt like minutes, the two clashed with their fists and kicks.

The shock waves of the fight destroyed the structures in a hundred meters' radius.

The Emperor drew the sword he carried at his belt and slashed at Arima, the latter flapped his wings and backed away.

He looked at the Emperor and smiled ”I'm Arimane Blade” He said and called Karma.

The Emperor seemed surprised ”I'm Kalsus Kation” But he returned the greeting.

Arima nodded and wielded Karma, he swung his katana at Kalsus, the latter responded by deflecting the strike with his sword and sending a punch to Arima's chest.

”[Propero]” Arima revolved and avoided the strike, he swapped Karma's sheath with Ira and pointed the gun at the Emperor's head, Kalsus's eyes narrowed and urgently tilted his head, just before Arima shot, profiting of that opening, Arima conjured a black sphere of flames and lightning, and hit Kalsus with it.

The Emperor was taken in a big explosion and coughed some blood, his resonance almost stopped. At that moment he already realized that he couldn't win against Arima and now he was seriously injured, while the other party was still unscathed.

He took out a strange stone, it was golden in color and the size of a fist. He clenched the stone and broke it. After that, a golden aura enveloped his arm until the shoulder.

The Emperor roared and the whole area became covered in a golden light.

Even Arima was pressured.

In the sky, a golden sun, the size of the entire castle formed.

Arima's eyes narrowed ”(What the h.e.l.l is that stone?)” He couldn't even use any s.p.a.ce magic because that golden sun was disturbing the s.p.a.ce. He called back his scabbard and sheathed Karma. He took an Iai stance.

Black flames and lightning gathered, not only around his sword but also around him in a ten meters' radius. He also created a gray circle at his feet to stabilize and condense the fire and the lightning.

”[Terra Aeterna] (Eternal night over the world)” At the second the Golden sun began to fall, Arima unleashed his technique. The two attacks clashed with one another.

It was like a moon fighting with the sun. The black moon and the golden sun exploded together when they couldn't sustain themselves anymore and a huge shock wave spread across the city.

Anything in a mile radius was blown away and everything behind that point would be hit by a strong wave.

The Emperor and Arima protected themselves with their respective protective magic. Arima glared at Kalsus ”[Dimensiva gradus] (Dimensional step)” He took a step on thin air and it felt like time stopped, the air around his feet cracked like a mirror, he vanished and reappeared in front of the Emperor almost instantly.

He grabbed his throat ”That was a good fight” He said. His eyes flared with a blue flame and the Emperor's eyes burned with the same light until they became stone. Different from the slave dealer he didn't raise his voice once while he died.

Arima cremated his body and a.n.a.lyzed the memories he just received. He looked in a direction.

”{What do we do? We have another problem now}” Night said after also seeing the memories of the Emperor.