24 Were Off To A Great Start (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 44710K 2022-07-22

It has been an hour since Arima left, even with his extreme speed, he still needed at least three hours to reach his destination. He couldn't teleport because he had no idea where he would appear.

While he was flying, he suddenly spanned in the air and stopped his momentum forcefully, his sudden brake created a depression on the surface of the water.

There was a giant tentacle blocking his path. And after that, seven other tentacles surged from the water and surrounded him.

”d.a.m.n octopus” Arima said and looked just below, a shadow was getting bigger under the surface of the water and a giant circular mouth emerged and threatened to eat Arima ”[Superbia]” the latter called his rifle and pointed it at the mouth ”[Gun metuunt blasphemantes]” Arima chanted and he fired, a slightly bigger pillar of black light than before, pierced through the giant octopus, the latter died and his body floated above the water. Its body measured around thirty meters and each of his tentacles were twenty meters long.

Arima looked at the carca.s.s and pondered a bit before flying to it and landing on its head.

”{What are you going to do?}” Night asked

”Normally, he should still have his life force for a moment, I thought that I should try that” Arima posed his hand on the octopus ”[Vita venari]” He chanted and his eyes glowed, he felt his body getting stronger a bit ”It's miles away from the quant.i.ty I received from the Pope, maybe it was because he was a bearer of a G.o.d's power that I received that much at that time” He said, he looked at the octopus and stored him in his storage after freezing it.

While he was using ice magic, he suddenly felt something strange. And after that he froze in shock.

”{Arima?}” Night interplead him

”It isn't only my body and mana that changes, my affinity and ability with elements also improve, I just checked, my light magic increased by at least two fold and just now my water affinity improved a bit” He said

”{Then, doesn't that mean you could gain an absolute control over all elements?} Night also was surprised

Arima grinned ”This power, I don't know how it works but it looks like it will be entertaining. But I think it's only really profitable when I absorb the life force of people as strong or stronger than me” He said and resumed his travel.

On his next two hours of flight over the sea, he met a few other behemoths of the waters, he killed them and took their life force afterwards. When he finally saw firm ground in the horizon he already had harvested seven big beasts and his water affinity increased by a fold.

When Arima arrived on the continent, he landed on the beach. Wherever he looked, he could only see a rocky area. He wondered if he should scan the continent now but gave up on the idea. From what he read, there is people on this continent that are without a doubt, stronger than him, apparently the ranks of the guild can go up to SS and SSS here.

Arima decided to fly deeper in the continent. From what he knows, this continent ia as big as Russia in the old world.

Arima continued to go further for around ten minutes, until he arrived in a jungle area. He frowned and entered inside, he met a few insect monsters in there, he just killed them with one bullet from Ira. Thanks to the orichalc.u.m, the power of his weapons increased by a large amount.

He advanced like that until he found a monster which could resist his bullets. It was giant arachnid, it looked at Arima like he was its prey, it opened his mouth and let out a screeching sound.

”Shut the f.u.c.k up” Arima said and shot a black beam at the head of the spider which exploded. Arima called back his gun which still had a few strands of electricity on it ”I never liked spiders” He said and continued until he got out of the jungle and arrived at the border of a barren land, as far as the eyes could see, there was only a desert.

”What the h.e.l.l is wrong with the natural formation here? Is this a biome system?” Arima snapped but he still continued and stepped on the sand.

When he did, the ground trembled and huge amount of sand erupted. Arima couldn't see a thing until the sand fell, and his eyes narrowed. In front of him a giant centipede was looking at him and was ready to attack.

At that moment, Arima didn't think and just teleported away. He reappeared in the sky, almost a kilometer away from the ground.

”{Is it just me, or were you just scared right now?}” Night asked

”…” Arima was silent and just rubbed his face with his hands ”You see that thing down there?” He asked

”{Yes, what about it?}”

”Imagine the same thing but a lot smaller, and suppose there is around a hundred of them, imagine that they are crawling on you and-”

”{It's okay! I understand your point}” Night interrupted him

Arima shrugged and looked at the ground, a normal person wouldn't be able to see the ground, but to Arima it was a piece of cake.

”I should have done that since the beginning” He said ”We're off to a great start” He complained a bit and looked around and spotted a small town a few dozens of kilometers away from his position, just out of the desert.

Arima dived and flew in that direction, as he was approaching, his expression changed. He landed in front of the gate.

He looked at the guards and furrowed ”What is that?” Arima muttered

The guards at the gate weren't humans. They were goblins, kobolds, gnomes, golems, lesser zombies and even skeletons. In short, they were the monsters cla.s.sed as the weakest's.

Of course, when Arima arrived, he was still in his dragon form, he gave a lot of shock to the guards but they began to shout soon after.


When Arima heard that, his already strange expression changed even more. He heard them talk just now. He didn't really care about that fact particularly, after all, if they could build a town they sure had a way of communication.