28 Madman? (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 45910K 2022-07-22

One day later, around two hundred kilometers away from the Lilin town.

Lanya was desperately fighting a huge goat like monster with a rapier. Even though monsters could be civilized, a lot of them still lived mindlessly in the wilderness so Lanya had to fight endlessly since the beginning and was quite tired. This monster looked like a goat on its two hind legs. He had some horns and was around three meters tall.

”Your breath is too fast, slow down your footwork, your steps are too far apart, you wanted to use a rapier stop trying to slash with it, fall back and pierce, your magic is Light, use it to confuse your enemy in close combat, if you are far away use magic before trying to rush at the opponent and you go after that…” Night ordered without any wasted breath.

For the entire time Lanya was fighting, Night just kept telling something, there was always something wrong. Lanya also chose to use a rapier as a weapon so Arima took out a random one from his storage, surprisingly it was of great quality. His storage already contained too many things, a rapier was just at the top of the pile.

While Night was taking his role of master, Arima was behind, sitting down on the back of huge lion he created. He was silently working on his bullets; this time he was directly engraving on the bullets to enchant them.

On the other side, Lanya finally pierced the head of the seventh level monster and fell on the ground panting. She was full of injuries but she was healing quickly. Actually, at this level, her inheritance only gave her a healing ability, more physical ability and the power of Light.

”We'll rest” Night said after looking at Lanya. The latter breathed in relief, she took out some food out of her own storage and began to eat.

Night headed in Arima's direction ”Arima, can you help me a bit?” He demanded

Arima took his eyes off the bullets he was engraving ”For what?”

”I want to try to awaken her inheritance but I think I need your help for that” Night said

”What do you me to do?” Arima smiled and asked

”When I was training with Jorga he told me that to awaken an inheritance, one need either time or talent. But he said there was a quicker approach. If the person is in a situation where the inheritance sleeping inside his body is shook by a strong external force, then it will awake” Night said

”Oh, Jorga told you that? Fine I can do it” Arima said

Night nodded ”Then, you can do it in an hour or so” Night said and began to eat with Lanya. Arima observed the scene and smiled before going back on his work.

One hour later, Arima approached Lanya ”You'll spar with me now, it's a proposition of your master” He said

Lanya slowly nodded without saying anything. The two readied themselves a hundred meters apart.

Night created a small fireball and launched it in the sky ”When it touches the ground” He said simply and Lanya nodded and Arima just smiled

When the fire exploded on the ground, Lanya took the initiative and kicked the ground, but she froze in her tracks when she was about fifty meters from Arima. The latter had just released his aura with its full potential, the sky was already darkening and Lanya couldn't move under the pressure.

Night frowned at the sight but he didn't say anything to stop them. If Arima said that he'll do it then it was already the same as done.

Arima didn't move but released his second spiritual force, his mana pool. He expanded it, just in a two hundred meters' radius, but it could still be seen by people outside. The release of the mana pool creates a strange smoke around the user. Arima's pool was colossal, it was even enough for the G.o.ds to break in cold sweat.

Each monster who saw the extremely dense mana pool of Arima didn't flee but immediately kneeled and stopped moving while the stronger ones just avoided that zone and left.

It was the same for Lanya, she fell on her knees helplessly. Her body and mind were already being crushed by the aura, now it was her spirit, seeing that mana pool, she felt like an insect. When she heard why Night didn't want to go in Arima's soul, she couldn't understand, but now she perfectly knew why.

She already felt that she was going to fall unconscious in a few minutes.

”It's not over. Hold tight on your spirit, don't let it go, that's my only warning” Arima said suddenly.

Lanya barely heard him and braced herself. Then, for the first time since he came to this world, Arima released his killing intent.


In the vampire castle, the 'Highness' from before suddenly stood up and had disbelief written all over his face.

”Your Highness…” A maid asked him weakly and slightly trembling

”That's impossible! That's not killing intent anymore! What the h.e.l.l is that!?” The vampire shouted


In the beast territory, a land dragon opened his eyes and stared in the distance seriously.

Not far from him, a strange beast also did the same.


In the human country, a man calmly visiting the guild quarters stopped moving. Around him, a handful of S rank and above mercs were also shocked

”This is too dense to be called killing intent” A calm old man said
