34 Why Are You Here? (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 45860K 2022-07-22

In the end, Night kept being dragged by Lanya around the city for shopping, each time she entered a store, Night had to stay outside and looked like watch dog protecting the shop which scared the customers. Thanks to that, Lanya didn't stay for a long time in the same store because the staff gave complaints and made Night sigh in relief.

Lanya and Night were walking on the streets and the former was pouting, even though she bought a lot of things already, she was still angry because her master had been slandered as a nuisance.

”Calm down, their reaction is normal” Night said to her

Lanya sneered ”They still were impolite to you”

”I'm flattered but that's okay, forget about that” Night said and he looked ahead, at that moment he saw a group of people walking towards him and Lanya and he frowned. The man in front of the group shot a smile in Lanya direction.

”Hey, the beautiful lady there” He said to Lanya in an overbearing way

Lanya furrowed ”What do you want?” She said coldly, she wasn't naive enough to not realize the goal of that man.

The man was good looking and took out a card and showed it to Lanya ”I'm Puret Dalion, I'm an S rank adventurer” He said with a grin on his face

When Lanya heard that, her mouth twitched, if that guy was really an S rank the he would be around her own level, along with the people that merc brought, she wouldn't be able to win.

”Why don't you join my team, we can do some missions for the guild together” Puret followed, he said politely but he was speaking in a way that insinuated that it was a certainty that Lanya would listen to him.

Lanya gritted her teeth ”I refuse, sorry” She tried to turn around to leave but her arm was caught by the merc.

”Hey, stop that” When Puret was about to say one more thing to Lanya, Night spoke to him in a cold voice.

”Ah?” Puret looked at the wolf that was there ”You can talk? Are you a soul beast?” He was surprised. He turned towards Lanya ”Is this wolf your soul beast?” He asked

”No, that's the soul beast of a friend of mine” She said after a slight hesitation

Puret laughed ”A friend of yours” He observed Night ”A soul beast with only a level six strength, that friend of yours must be weak, what a waste it is for him to have a soul beast” He shook his head and said

At those words, Lanya became angry, he not only insulted her master but also Arima, when she was about to snap, she felt a surge of killing intent beside her

”What did you just say, you d.a.m.n insect?” The source of the killing intent came from Night, although his own killing intent was far from being as strong as Arima's, it was still more powerful than most of the people in this world. Some of the followers of Puret were scared and backed away, Puret himself was shocked

”You can say what you want about me” Night's appearance began to s.h.i.+ft, the red pattern on his body glowed, his neck became longer, he stood up in his hinds' legs and his body began to grow bigger ”But, don't you dare slander my partner!” The shout transformed into a roar when a twenty meters tall dragon was left standing in front of them.

Everyone around was scared witless and most people fled directly.

”A n.o.ble dragon! And a ninth level at that!” Puret was dumbfounded and afraid, then he realized something ”(He is a soul beast, how strong is the person who summoned him?)” He suddenly realized and he lost any kind of preposterous thoughts. He instantly used his magic and fled quickly. If the soul companion alone could beat him, he didn't want to meet the man who summoned a beast like this dragon.

Night looked at him getting away with dagger eyes, he closed his eyes and quickly returned to his wolf form silently. When he finished his change, he let out a breath ”Sorry, I got carried away” he said to Lanya with his usual calm voice

”No, it's okay” Lanya waved her hands ”But, I didn't expect that master would be so angry” She said ”You seem to respect Arima a lot”

Night sighed ”It's not just because I'm his soul beast. With my own volition and ego, I respect that man. You may not know from his usual att.i.tude, but I think he's the most respectable person I will ever meet” He said calmly

Lanya was extremely quiet and listened attentively

”Because I'm connected to him I know that Arima keep hidden more secrets and emotions than I could ever imagine” Night said ”That's why I respect him, he doesn't flee from those things, he keeps them in his mind all the time and place them under control, he never tries to destroy it or forget it” He explained ”When we were on the other continent, we met a person who could see emotions as a coloured aura, when Arima released his own, that person saw the mix of all kinds of different emotions. At that moment, I think they believed that Arima had created those emotions on the moment, but they were wrong. Arima just have too much of them, just that he doesn't show them”

Lanya had a complex expression as she listened to Night, she never tried to look that deeply in Arima's personality. And she never expected him to be that complicated.

Night smiled at her ”You remember the time when Arima bought you from that vampire? Like you said, it was me who asked him. But have you ever thought of the reason why Arima almost ignored you?” He said to Lanya

Now the she thought about it, she thought that Arima was a kind person, but she never thought about why he almost ignored her like that.

”That was because you're not the only one” Night answered for her

”Eh?” She didn't understand it

”Arima knows that in this world, things like slavery and auctions like yours are common. His train of thought must have been something like that when he saw you: 'I won't save the lucky one that I happened to see if I don't save them all'”

Lanya instantly understood it