38 If Were Lucky (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 41250K 2022-07-22

Arima reappeared in a dark place after his teleportation. The first thing he saw was a huge shadow in front of him that looked like a monster's leg.

Arima slowly raised his head to look up, the 'thing' in front of him became clearer and clearer in his mind, until he thought of something that matched perfectly the figure in front of him.

When he finished raising his head, he saw a pair of green eyes looking at him from above. Arima forgot to react, not that he was scared or surprised but he seemed to be in daze.

”Mh, what's wrong? This is the first time a human has this kind of reaction in front of me” A strong voice resounded

”No, just” Arima began to talk ”It was unexpected” He said

”Unexpected?” The voice was confused

Arima nodded ”Yeah, in my homeland, your kind is extinct, I only saw your image in books” He smiled ”That's why, it took me off guard” He said

”Extinct? Me?” The head of the figure moved and asked.

Strong hind legs on which he stands, small front claws, a long neck with a threatening head at the end of it.

”Tyrannosaurus Rex, that's your name from where I come from” Arima said

”Tyrannosaurus Rex? What a strange name” The T-Rex shook his head

”It's also called T-Rex, basically, the important thing in the name is 'Rex' which means 'King' in another language” Arima explained

”Oh, I quite like the name, I'll take it if you don't mind” The dinosaur began to laugh and his mood made a 180° turn.

”Hey, stop blabbing already. Seriously, why did you need to lock yourself in there to find him?” Another voice was heard and the dark place suddenly trembled and a ray light illuminated the area.

Arima looked behind him, he saw the wall sliding. It was actually a land dragon that was grabbing a huge boulder that blocked the entrance of this place, which was a cave.

An imposing land dragon put his head inside the cave ”Let's go, the old geezer told you why you're here, right?” The dragon said while looking at Arima

”Oh, right” The T-Rex forgot about the main reason he called Arima. He stood up and left the cave. Arima followed him.

”By the way, how did you find me?” The latter asked in curiosity

”That old geezer doesn't have that much of a fighting strength, but his ability with magic control is something out of this world. He can find anyone on this continent without him being detected” The land dragon said while pointing to the T-Rex following them

”That's impressive” Arima honestly said ”Even I almost failed to realize that you detected me”



The T-Rex froze on spot and the dragon looked in surprise at Arima

”Seriously?” The T-Rex looked at Arima and asked

”Yeah, before you started a telepathic link with me, I sensed your spirit scanning me” Arima said casually

The dinosaur laughed bitterly and the dragon laughed cheerfully for some reason ”See that, old geezer? A human beat you in your own domain that you took thousands of years to master!”

”Shut up!” The T-Rex snapped and shouted

”I just felt it, anyway. I don't think I would be able to do the same as he did, scanning the continent and find me without anyone noticing” Arima said

This time, it was the dinosaur's turn to laugh and the dragon to fall silent ”That's true, totally true” He kept nodding

”Can you stop now, though? Your personalities are kinda 'heavy' and it annoys me” Arima suddenly said and the two beasts instantly closed their mouth.

After a few minutes they arrived on the top of a mountain and stopped in front of a ma.s.sive creva.s.se.

”So that's the volcano you were talking about?” Arima said after looking down in the creva.s.se

”What is a volcano?” The dragon tilted his head and asked

”That's how you call this type of natural formation” Arima said shortly. He sat down and closed his eyes ”[Index mundo] (World Index)” Arima chanted and scanned then entire mountain and concentrated on the underground.

”What are you doing?” The T-Rex was surprised by the sudden wave of spirit

Arima opened his eyes and stood up ”Just a scan to see the magnitude of the volcano's threat” He said

”The results?” The dragon inquired

”Bad” Arima said ”The magma chamber is too big, we're lucky that one side of this mountain is touching the water, but” Arima looked left and right ”If the lava comes out of this entire creva.s.se then this continent could be at least half destroyed”

”You're serious? I thought that it could only threaten our territory” The dragon said in shock

”Yeah, and what's scary is that the magma is unusually dense and hot. Or maybe it's just something that is different in this world” Arima mumbled the last part