42 So? Convinced? (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 48210K 2022-07-22

”{So, your impressions?}” Arima asked to Night with telepathy

”{Strong. Very strong. It became quite fearful, even just with the first seal released}” Night answered.

Arima smiled ”{Well, that's the kind of results I wanted}” He said ”{By the way, don't forget to take the memories of those two}”

”{Mh, yeah, of course, but is it necessary?}” Night asked

”{Remember I said that I would bully the humans a bit? I wasn't joking, investigate if there is some people that need to disappear}” Arima casually said ”{Also, where is that woman?}” then asked

”{Lilis? I think she watched the whole fight but I'm not sure myself where she is. Why?}” Night answered

”{Nothing, then that's okay. I'll finish what I have to do here and I'll come back}” Arima finished by saying that and cut the link.

”Well” Night approached Fayla and restrained her with magic before waking her ”[Penitentia conspiciunt]” He chanted before she could say anything. Night was big compared to Fayla the latter couldn't escape when such a huge pair of eyes was looking at her. She was directly struck by the magic and her head began to ache.

She held her head for a moment and each regret she had done her best to forget resurfaced to torment her. After a minute she fell on her knees crying.

The flames in Night's eyes vanished and he looked at the woman crying in front of him ”Well, you're not that bad of a person” He said to her while she was awake ”But falling in love with that prince in your childhood was a really an unfortunate mistake” He said to her and she stopped crying. She looked at the dragon looking at her

”…Can you help him?” She asked strangely, maybe it wasn't even enough to understand what she was talking about. But Night looked towards a direction and smiled

”Sure” He said when he saw Lanya dragging Drannoc like a stained clothing. The latter was in tatters and had multiple injuries along with broken bones and a jaw displaced. Lanya had just a small cut on her cheek and had an extremely unpleasant expression.

”Don't tell me you beat him like that just because of that cut, right?” Night asked and Lanya looked away. Even though people can use healing magic in this world, everything depends on the injury. Lanya's cut was made by the prince as he injected a lot of his aura and mana.

”What did you do? It feels like he used his ultimate attack to cut you on the cheek” Night commented after checking the cut. He healed it and then grabbed the prince before tossing him beside Fayla and healing him a bit at the same time.

”He threw himself at me the second he saw me with a really infuriating expression” She said with coldness in her voice.

Night smiled wryly and woke the prince up after restraining him ”What is that?” Drannoc looked around like an idiot and then his eyes fell on Lanya ”You! How dare you?!” He shouted and then paled after remembering something and looked down on his crotch and saw dried blood.

Night's eyes widened and he looked at Lanya in shock ”Don't tell me you did what I'm thinking” He said

Lanya became fl.u.s.tered really quick and was itching to kill that prince. Night sighed and looked at Drannoc ”Hey, look at me” He said and the prince finally turned in his direction.

”You, Fayla hasn't taken care of you already?” It was the first thing he asked

Night pointed behind him ”If you're looking for her, she is there” He said

”What?” The prince turned around and froze when she saw Fayla sitting down with a calm face that had lost most of the coldness she had before. He frowned and turned back to Night ”What are you going to do? If you kill me, you can be sure that you will die along with all the Spirits here” He said with a haughty voice.

Night grinned ”Ignorant prince, tell me. Do you know what I am?” He said

”What you are?” Drannoc furrowed

”My name is Night Bahamut, it was given by Arimane Blade, I am a soul beast” He slowly said

Both Drannoc and Fayla became shocked at those words ”A soul beast…?” The latter mumbled and an immense feeling of fear sprouted in her.

”Impossible!” The prince shouted ”To beat Fayla, that means you're around the late ninth level! Your master should then be at least at the late tenth level or higher. My father is at the tenth level but even his soul beast can't beat Fayla!” He began to shout in shock to rea.s.sure himself that there is no way that someone this powerful existed and he didn't know about it.

Night grinned ”Sorry but, it's true. Also, you got something wrong, Arima is indeed at the tenth level but his full strength is far higher. If he wanted, he could destroy your entire country without my help” Night finally said

The prince was speechless and started to think of what he should do ”You don't have to think that much” Night interrupted his thoughts ”You won't have to decide by yourself, [Penitentia conspiciunt]” Night's eyes burned and Drannoc started screaming from the top of his lungs.

His state right now was a lot scarier than Fayla ”What are you doing to him?!” She shouted

”The same I did to you” Night uttered expressionlessly ”But thig guy's consciousness and guilt he is supposed to have are not something that can be compared with yours” He explained.

Fayla looked worriedly at Drannoc and waited. The prince kept screaming in pain for ten minutes straight. His hair already had become white and his face was covered in dried tears. When he stopped screaming, his eyes had gained a new l.u.s.ter.

”I'm sorry” He bowed his head slightly and said in a very composed voice compared to before.

Night nodded ”Since I took your memories, I only need you to do two things for me” He said and showed two fingers to the prince ”One, return to your city, spread the information about a man named Arimane Blade. His t.i.tle is the 'Kind Demon'” Night told the first thing and the prince nodded. He already knew that to redeem himself he had to at least listen to Night ”Two, I'm going to give you a list of people and I want you to gather them within three days” Night's eyes glowed and the prince received the list in his mind. He seemed to be shocked by something but still nodded in agreement.

”Now, you can go” Night said and the dimension broke like gla.s.s and they returned to the room they were supposed to be

Drannoc stood up, he looked behind him and smiled gently ”Should we go, Fayla?” He asked and Fayla's expression brightened and happily nodded ”You can go first to prepare the escort” Drannoc said to her and she left in great mood.