51 Ive Got An Idea (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 42350K 2022-07-22

Arima's group reappeared on firm ground this time. The place they arrived to was just a plain with small hills here and there.

Arima frowned and took a step forward before taking another backward. He waved his palm and a transparent sphere formed in his hand. He threw it to the front and it exploded in its course. After the explosion, the air blurred and returned to normal after a second.

”That's not a physical or an illusion barrier, huh?” Lilis commented

”Then what is it?” Lanya asked in curiosity. She didn't even bother about thinking whether or not they could pa.s.s through it. With Arima and Lilis here, no barrier could stop them.

”I'd say it's something like a projection” Arimane said ”It hides things from outsiders. Something like we can't see the city from outside but they can see us from the inside. But most likely, just entering isn't enough to get rid of this projection. It's like walking in the enemy territory while being blind. Well, I can sense their presence though” He explained

”How do we break it?” Night asked, it seemed like he was liking to be carried on Arima's shoulder and didn't move at all since the moment he jumped on it.

”We don't break it” Arima said and called Karma ”We cut ourselves in” He said and unsheathed his sword

”…What's that supposed to mean?” Night was confused

”[Primum, confractus] (First, Break)” Arima broke the first seal and raised Karma. The blade became endowed with a transparent, white and blue aura ”[Quod temporaria Inanis] (Temporal Void)” He chanted and swung his katana effortlessly. A wave, made of the two different colors, flew away and halted in mid-air to clash with something invisible, but it only lasted a second and the attack pa.s.sed through. A vertical cut appeared in mid-air and behind, the landscape of a city along with some people, was revealed. It felt like a sort of painting.

Arima sheathed Karma ”See? Done” Karma disappeared in red particles ”s.p.a.ce magic is the best to cut barriers, add Time magic to it, and it can cut through any magic arrays” He said and jumped in the crack of the barrier with Night on his shoulder.

”…Did he just say time?” Lilis mumbled ”The hardest magic theory to understand in the entire universe?” She said and looked at Lanya who was staring at her with innocent eyes and she sighed ”Of course, you don't know how tremendous it is. If Cronos knew this, he'll go on rampage” She muttered and followed Arima. Lanya let out a chuckle and followed too, the crack on the barrier closed afterwards.

Inside the barrier, Arima was admiring the vehicles that were used here. It was simple carriages but they weren't pulled by beasts or monsters but simply by using a magic crystal that collects the mana of the conductor and propels the wheels.

”And here I thought I will never see anything like that in this world” Arima uttered ”But apparently, the demons are actually a kind of scientific race” He said started appreciating the view.

The city was a bit different from the ones he had seen before, it was perfectly arranged, the houses and buildings looked very neat and clean. And even the type of gla.s.s used was different, it was simply of better quality.

The second thing Arima saw was a cake shop in which he directly entered. He looked around for the most good-looking cake and chose it. He directly cut a slice of it and ate it. The cream on the exterior melt in his mouth and tasted like candy. He then felt biting on a biscuit layer and touching the chocolate inside.

It was so good that Arima almost cried ”Is it that good?” Night asked and a flash pa.s.sed through Arima's eyes, he cut another slice and put it in the mouth of the wolf cub on his shoulder. The latter was caught off guard and almost spat it out to complain, but when he tasted the cake, his expression endured a total change. He began to chew on that cake earnestly and asked for more after that.

Lanya laughed wryly and Lilis sighed ”Let's go visit ourselves, they'll come back after they're done” The latter said and dragged Lanya away.

After that, it was, of course, shopping time. For both sides, Arima particularly started to buy every patisserie in the city.

When Arima was walking on the streets and looking around, he felt something and looked at the sky, he saw that the sun had bulged a bit and he smiled bitterly ”Well, of course it can't be perfect” He commented

”Yeah” Night nodded ”By the way” He then said

”Mh, what?” Arima asked

”People have been looking at me for a moment now, it's uncomfortable” He complained

”Oh, that” Arima smiled and glanced at the people around. There were a lot of them who would smile and look at Night. No matter if it was girls or boys, they would find him cute, holding onto Arima's shoulder. What would they think if they knew that even in that form, Night could kill all of them in one magic ”Don't bother, it's normal, everyone is attracted by cute things” Arima said

Night's eye twitched ”It doesn't make me feel better” He said. Arima smiled and his look fell on an interesting shop. In front of it, a short man, which seemed to be a dwarf was working on a man propelled vehicle with two wheels, you could see a saddle and a handle bar.

Basically, it was a bike. He was working on it while it as upside down.

Arima became curious and approached ”Hey, how do you call that?” He asked to the dwarf. The latter glanced at Arima and Night.

”I called it ricycle” He answered to the question

Arima chuckled ”You should call it bicycle” He said. The dwarf looked at him one more time then restarted working on the bike ”Why do you work on that?” Arima asked ”I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't like it, it's not made to work with magic after all, and it's not that fast”

The dwarf trembled and stopped his movements for a second and then resumed ”…Because I have a poor magical ability, I decided to live without it, the things that weakness brought me in the past made me like this” He said after a short silence

Arima smiled ”I see” He walked towards the dwarf, he crouched down on the other side of the bike and looked at the dwarf ”Look at this” Arima said and conjured a black flame in his right hand, the dwarf frowned but waited. Arima then conjured a ball water in his left hand ”You know what happens when water is heated to a maximum, right?” He asked to the dwarf.

”Yeah, of course” The latter responded

Arima nodded and put the fire he created under the ball of water, the heat of the fire was such that the water started evaporated instantly. Arima caught the vapor with magic and made it sustain its gaseous form. He then made the vapor fly around him ”That's what you call steam” Arima said