88 Not Bad (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 51110K 2022-07-22

Lightning escaped Superbia's barrel and created a sort of web that covered everything around, the ground and the sky.

Inside the 'cylinder', the upper part was filled with the dark press while the lower part was filled with purple lightning. Arima kept concentrating on the plasma and particularly the bullet inside the chamber.

As he was charging the gun, the strange light that was in the magazine, slowly left and gathered on the tip of the bullet inside the chamber.

At some point, the ground Arima was standing on crumbled and became a crater. He smirked and put his finger on the trigger.

”[Gun Metuunt Blasphemantes] (Rail Gun)”

”[Ultimum quantum magicae] (Ultimate quantum magic)” Arima chanted and black light invaded the area along with the lightning.

”[Prod Materia]” Arima pressed the trigger and a purple and black ray shot out from the barrel. The bullet was covered with a dark aura.

When the bullet touched the huge press falling down, it felt like time stopped. The dark aura around the bullet spread around it pierced the press. That dark aura then recovered the entire object. And while the plasma was attacking it, the press suddenly disappeared, in less than a second, without any warning.

The entire object had disappeared. At the same time, a small cyclone was created because of the difference of atmospheric pressure and left soon after.

Arima breathed out and put Superbia away when he saw the barrier created by the Lawless Tome had vanished. Just a second following that, a white sphere suddenly formed above Arima. The latter looked at it and furrowed.

The light exploded and blinded him for a moment. He could only sense an aura approaching him, he took out his katana and clashed with the owner of that aura. He recovered his sight in just a second and he was already fighting in close combat with Lanya.

Continuously reinforcing his eyes to resist the light produced at each slash ”Hey, shouldn't you be almost out of mana, Lanya?” He said.

”It should be okay” Lanya smiled and answered. Arima frowned and infused his katana with lightning.

”[Aeterna]” He chanted and struck Lanya with a dark wave of lightning. The latter conjured a wall of light and was thrown away.

While Arima was fighting, he was trying to find out their plan. But it was hard to deduce everything from scratch. But he at least knew that the third art wasn't supposed to defeat him, the proof is that Lanya attacked him instantly after, without any worry on her face.

”(Did she wish something else from the book?)” Arima wondered and looked around very quickly. He couldn't spot his students. And coincidently, he suddenly reacted and moved away from where he was standing and a sort of cyclone suddenly fell from the sky and crushed the place he was before like a drilling machine.

Arima looked at the figure in the sky, flying around and his eyes widened ”A harpy?” He muttered. The figure was Lena. Her appearance now was the result of her resonance with her soul beast. She grew a pair of wings from her arms and her legs became strong claws.

Just after, a beam of light attacked Arima, this time it was Ofia but coincidentally, her appearance was almost the same as her sister. Her soul contract with the c.o.c.katrice made her look like a harpy too.

”You certainly are sisters” Arima smiled and commented, after that point, it was just a matter of time before every student started attacking him from everywhere. Arima countered with the same number of magic, slowly taking out the casters. While he was doing that, he thought that something was strange, he couldn't feel the auras of his students.

At the same time, he was defending against Lanya's direct a.s.saults and his best students' attacks. Particularly Ofia, Lena and Isla.

When Arima started to wonder where Balan, Melody, and Irian were, Lanya suddenly backed away and chanted before planting her rapier on the ground. Arima widened his eyes as he felt the ground trembling. The earth itself started to produce light. Arima quickly created a sphere of darkness and entered it.

In the next instant, a huge pillar of light emerged from the ground and raised until it pierced the clouds. It almost broke Arima's defense. He had to admit it, Lanya's affinity with light was better than his, even in the absolute domination level.

When the light died down and the pillar vanished, Arima got out of his sphere and looked at Lanya who was panting, she had used the rest of her mana. But for some reason, she was smiling at him.

Arima then felt a presence behind him and instantly turned his head to look behind. In the corner of his eyes, he spotted Irian in his bear form with bloodshot eyes, ready to strike him. He didn't sense him before because he couldn't feel his aura.

Before Arima could react, he suddenly felt an immense pressure crus.h.i.+ng him. The ground below him was crushed by his own body and he himself fell one knee. His eyes flashed with surprise and he looked to the front. Melody was one more time using gravity, Balan was beside her and every other student was sharing their mana with her.

Arima snickered and turned around the fastest he could. In the end, the pressure really hindered him and Irian punched him. Arima could only cross his arms to guard himself. He was instantly thrown away and flew for a few tens of meters before spinning in mid-air and landing on his feet.

Arima looked up and saw that Irian fell on the ground, his whole body was weak and his arm was broken. He had used 125% of his strength on this strike, the recoil was obvious.

At the same time, everyone stared intensively at Arima. The latter shook his head and sighed, he pushed back his left arm's sleeve. Then, everyone could see, a drop of blood fell on the ground. There was cut on Arima's arm.

When they realized what they did, everyone cheered. They successfully injured Arima. The latter allowed them to rejoice for a few minutes before clapping to get their attention, Arister also came back meanwhile.

When everyone looked back at Arima, they noticed that his injury had already closed and even his clothes were perfectly clean. They suddenly felt strange, the result of their hard work was that simple cut, and it was healed in just a few seconds. What is worse was that Arima obviously held back against them, even after the suppression at the tenth level.

Since the students knew they couldn't kill him, they used their full power. On the opposite, Arima had to be careful as to not kill them. Heck, he could have beaten almost everyone with a single large-scale magic.