96 Youre A Hell Of A Teacher (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 50100K 2022-07-22

After Arima checked his arm, he looked at Ofia who was looking at him. She hurriedly landed near him and bowed to greet him. She was then joined by other students as they greeted Arima, they all saw his injuries and were also even more respectful since they witnessed his Silver Emperor form. They still didn't know how strong he actually was; they didn't even realize that it surpa.s.sed their imagination.

But they knew that the overwhelming presence they felt had no peer in the entire continent. Of course, they all noticed Chulainn on Arima's shoulder, and also recognized the serpent tail and his head, it was a lot similar, if not the same as the monstrous beast they saw arriving through the gate.

In the end, as Arima caught the attention of everyone, the latter waved his hand and every monster in the area disappeared into nothingness. One more time, the students held their breath, their understanding of the world was slowly crumbling apart. Ofia observed with a shocked expression the entire fight zone. She couldn't find any monster on the horizon.

She looked back at her teacher and one more time widened her mind to imagine the full power of Arima. But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't imagine it. It was like every time she tried to probe Arima, her mind would automatically say it's not possible that he is not stronger than this.

”Alright” Arima's voice jolted awake the minds of all his students ”I came here to give you your next training” He declared and snapped his fingers. When he did that, a wave of spirit struck the students and they all felt something strange going through them.

At the same time, an odd figure formed in front of them. That figure slowly became clearer and its appearance was then revealed to each student, shocking them beyond words. A perfect copy of themselves was standing just in front of them.

Ofia was the same, as she stared at her own double ”They will be your training partners from now on. They're you, literally. I want you to fight them, a.n.a.lyze them, and find the openings and weaknesses of your own techniques” Arima explained and everyone finally understood.

They all had the same thought at the same time: ”(It's only an imitation anyway)” The moment they thought this, Arima grinned ”Don't underestimate them, nor lower your guard. They are exactly as strong as you, don't misunderstand. It's me who created those clones, it's an easy thing for me to create something at your level, I could have created a magic beast capable of beating you all at once if I wanted to do so”

When they heard Arima's words, the whole cla.s.s instantly regretted the prideful thoughts they had just earlier. Being prideful and arrogant in front of someone like Arima is the last thing they could hope doing.

”Now, let's start” Arima said and the clones all trembled before taking the same stance and expression as their original.

Ofia looked at her clone and gulped. The exact same stance, the same look in the eyes, reflecting awareness and seriousness. She seriously felt like she was seeing herself in a mirror. Just that her 'reflect' was now physical and was releasing an aura.

Ofia took one step forward, but her clone directly charged at her. Ofia bit her lip, she had to admit that she hesitated in front of her own clone and lost the first move. It wasn't all of it, the clone actually used her resonance directly and became a harpy to attack Ofia.

The latter was shocked and urgently resonated too, she clashed with her reflection with her claws and dug out the earth a bit. Ofia jumped back at the impact and called her bow to shoot. But at the same time, the clone created a bow too and aimed at Ofia.

The two of them shot an arrow of light in the same instant and the arrows filled with energy exploded in mid-air. Even after that, arrows started flying everywhere around those two and the explosions stacked.

Meanwhile, in the whole area, the other students were experiencing something similar. They had been spread across the entire area and all of them were fighting with their clones, but most of them were also losing to the latter. Only the ones like Irian and Ferzia were actually perfectly fighting at the same level as their 'copies'.

Ferzia raised her great sword and clashed with the other side's. The two dark elves, original and clone, were fighting aggressively and smartly. Not even wasting a movement or a second of the fight. The knew each other perfectly, after all, if one makes a mistake, the other instantly recognize it and take advantage of it.

On Irian's side, it was just a brutal fistfight. The two of them were laughing madly, using their claws under the bear form to attack the other. Most of the students kept their distance from them.

Now, back on Ofia. She conjured a sort of light star in her hand and threw it at her opponent and so did her clone. The two stars collided and formed an explosion that released a great amount of light of different colors, producing a magnificent color show.

Ofia retreated after that explosion and one more time shot an arrow that collided with her clone's ”(This isn't right)” Ofia thought while fighting against her reflection. Then, she heard Arima and Chulainn talking since she was pretty close to them.

”You're a h.e.l.l of a teacher” Chulainn remarked and Night snickered.

Arima shrugged ”They'll find out soon” He said and glanced at Ofia. The latter felt the gaze on her and trembled a bit. She focused back on her fight and started thinking about the situation. She looked around and observed her cla.s.smates battling.

She, of course, noticed that the originals actually didn't have the advantage on their clones. But the more she thought about it, the more confused she became. She determined that it wasn't Arima's style to do this. He wouldn't give a training so shallow to them. If they just think about the instructions he gave, it was just self-training.

At some point, Ofia was struck by the shock wave of an explosion and was forced to retreat. At the same time, she happened to witness something a few hundreds of meters away. A pair of students teamed up to fight their clones. At first, Ofia didn't think much of it since she saw that even the clones could imitate teamwork.

But she then realized something as her eyes widened. She smiled, she had finally understood the biggest problem with this training session and what was the best solution to it. She spread her wings and flew away.

Her counterpart couldn't react immediately but followed her soon after ”Lena!” Ofia shouted when she had her sister in sight. The latter turned around surprised and looked at her sister, she saw her pointing at the clone behind her. Lena understood immediately and flapped her wings and flew toward Ofia, her clone also started pursuing her.