103 Interesting (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 57160K 2022-07-22

Gaodu's eyes returned to normal after a moment. But there was a new l.u.s.ter in them now. He looked at himself and the clothes he was wearing, as well as the gourd he held in his hand.

”How are you feeling?” Arima descended and asked.

Gaodu smiled ”I feel incredible, so many things entered my head so suddenly”

Arima nodded ”Dionysus is quite a big figure. Make good use of that power” He said ”You can try it now” He then declared before leaving the firm ground one more time.

Gaodu nodded and stared at Lanya. The latter smiled and took a stance. Gaodu drank the wine in his gourd one more time then spat it out just after, the wine became a pink fire which tried to burn everything on his path.

Lanya drew a rune with the tip of her rapier. That rune grew bigger and glowed, the fire became consumed by a veil of light generated by the rune. But that fire then turned into a gas that surrounded her and burned once more.

”Wine… 'fire water' was it? Interesting” Arima said?

Lanya flapped her wings and flew away while blowing away the fire. She once more drew multiple runes with her rapier then swung it the latter. The runes all activated at the same time and a rain of light fell down on the earth, causing countless holes to form on the ground.

Gaodu avoided all of it with a strange footwork which seemed to be some sort of dance. He would vanish from a place to another but it didn't seem like he was teleporting ”Theater” Arima snickered.

Lanya just smiled and went into close quarters once more, when she tried to kick Gaodu, the latter took a step back and evaded the strike with a strange motion. Lanya was a bit impressed but continued to attack him in close quarters along with her light magic.

”I see” Arima said while he was observing Gaodu's footwork ”That inheritance is really interesting. And that footwork is particularly strong”

While he was dodging, Gaodu spilled some of the wine he had in his gourd. When the wine fell on the ground, it glowed then exploded with a discharge of pink flames. Lanya extended her hand and it became covered in thicker silver scales. She then immediately put her 'claw' to cover the source of the explosion then jumped back by riding the shockwave.

”I understand” Lanya exclaimed when she landed. A circle appeared below her feet then glowed with a bright light. The light coming from the sun also seemed to be stronger now for some reason. Lanya kicked the ground once more and swung her rapier at Gaodu.

As he was going to dodge, a sudden beam of light attacked him in his movement, Gaodu then used his gourd to parry Lanya's spear as he was thrown away this time.

”A revealing type magic, huh?” Arima muttered. What Lanya used was a magic theory concerning things hidden or unnoticeable. When she activates this kind of magic, it will reveal to her everything that's hidden from her and stop anything that could try to dupe her. Like what just happened with Gaodu's footwork.

Of course, Lanya was restraining herself, although her opponent was now an inheritor, she also was one. And more importantly, the gap between their life force was too big.

”You still have a lot to learn on your inheritance, you also have to get used to it and the new abilities you get with it” Lanya said to Gaodu ”For now, I'll just help you control your new power” She declared and then started attacking him once again.

Arima smiled at the two then looked around, his eyes scanned the entire zone, for hundreds of miles, and checked the state of everyone. He particularly felt amused when he saw Chulainn and Night teaching so earnestly. They were not that enthusiast to do it earlier, but once those two begin something, they're really serious about it.

In the mean time, while overseeing all of this, Arima started to work on a strange cyan light. He would make it appear above his palm then make it move around. That light was a sort of energy and contained a certain quant.i.ty of power in it. But no matter how hard Arima tried, he couldn't make it stronger or bigger, when he tried to fuel it with mana, there wasn't any effect, even pure life force didn't do anything to it.

”I need those after all” Arima sighed and lamented as the cyan light vanished. He then focused back on his students ”Oh” He noticed something then transferred instantly.

He reappeared tens of miles away from his original position and stared at the two princesses, Ofia and Lena. They were the only ones Arima had let train alone, without any instruction. And apparently, it was the right choice.

”You really did it, huh?” Arima said as he watched the two sisters moving at the same time with the exact same motion. And also, sometimes, Lena would use the eye power of a c.o.c.katrice while Ofia would use the magnificent speed of an eagle.

It was also important to specify that their appearance had changed and was exactly the same for the two of them. Ofia and Lena had still the appearance of a harpy, but it looked like it was mixed between an eagle and a c.o.c.katrice. Their wings were now bigger and combined the feathers of an eagle and the wing-net of a bat. It was a strange sight but not ridicule at all. It was even awe-inspiring.

Their legs that had turned into claws before were now more humanoid and longer. Also, both of them had now a pair of eyes which combined the orange color of a rooster and the sharpness of the eagle's golden eyes.

When the two sisters spotted Arima, they smiled at the same time. That smile was like a child seeking for the approbation of his parents.

Arima shrugged ”You did a really good job” He said and the two sisters high-fived. Arima looked at them and smiled ”In the books I gave you, I put it in a bonus section. It was a theory that I didn't even know if it really worked or not, I couldn't try it after all. The soul connection between two humans. If two individuals were to know each other enough, to be similar enough, close enough, and talented enough, then they could maybe use it. Creating a connection similar to a resonance, between two humans” Arima narrated what he wrote in his book.

”You were the best candidates and you didn't disappoint me, that's for sure” Arima said and the sisters bowed at him.

”Thank you for your teachings” They said at the same time.

Arima smirked ”No problem, but now,” He said as his coat fluttered because of his aura ”I'm curious, show me what that soul link can do”

Lena and Ofia looked at each other and chuckled ”Yes” They responded at the same time and flapped their wings. Their figures disappeared and the two of them reappeared beside Arima, one on each side. Arima was greatly surprised, which is pretty rare.