109 A Fox Is Mischievous But A Dragon Is Wise (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 49740K 2022-07-22

It was only a single strike, the first clash, but the wave of energy that ensued, flame and light, would have been enough to destroy anything in a mile's radius if it wasn't for Arima's soul manifestation.

Instead, the only thing that was the same as it would be outside, was the shock wave that just made sway the plants like it was a simple wind and it didn't even reach the group watching as it stopped just in front of them.

Lanya didn't want to lose time and wanted to end this fight as quick as possible, she knew that when you fight with someone as strong as you, the first error, as well as the first clean hit, would always be the main goal and basically, the decisive point.

She instantly pressed the trigger of her rapier and the pellets left the barrels with a detonation because the two girls' swords were entangled, the shot was just aimed at the sky but the noise surprised Velvet and her blade was struck by one stray bullet.

Lanya used the recoil to move and enter in Velvet's blind spot. When she was about to swing her sword once more, the nine tails all produced orange flames and attacked Lanya like they were going to stab her.

She reacted quickly and conjured a huge wall of silver light that illuminated the surroundings and mixed with the dark blue glow coming from the bluestone below it. The nine tails struck the wall of light and it exploded with silver light and orange flames.

Lanya and Velvet both retreated because of the shockwave and they also both glanced at the bluestone after the explosion. Not even a dent. They smiled wryly and charged at each other once more.

Each time the two weapons clashed, a destructive force and aura would spread around. The more they fought in close quarters, the more they started going seriously. Lanya started using her tail a lot more, she was also firing with her rapier when she saw an opening and also made use of her wings to help her in her deplanements.

Meanwhile, Velvet seemed to mainly use her nine tails to fight and combined it with her sword skills. She had a great advantage in the detection area, her ears were not only for the show and she had a great hearing.

Until now, neither Lanya or Velvet used any powerful magic and just fiercely fought in close combat using everything they had. They continued doing that for ten minutes at least, sometimes they would be so fast that you could only hear sonic booms, detonations and metal clas.h.i.+ng.

Only people around Raal's level or higher could follow their movements while the students did their best to even locate the places where the sounds were coming from. Some who were quite smart and used magic to boost their eyes. Lena got the help of her soul beast and watched. Ofia's eyes also had changed and she was following the fight.

Other people were doing the same, particularly those who had a soul contract with a beast that had a better eyesight than a human.

Arima, Karma and Night just had their eyes closed. This place was their territory, they could perfectly feel what happens in it without using any of their senses.

Lanya and Velvet clashed one last time when they both realized that waiting for an occasion to hit the other was too much of an incert.i.tude.

Lanya swung her rapier and left a silver line in midair, she continued to slash with her sword and formed different runes and circles. Velvet's nine tails also moved and started drawing runes and circles like Lanya with red lines.

”[Light Dragon]” Lanya chanted and the incantations she had written became a whirlpool that slowly formed a silver dragon above her who roared and made the air shake.

”[Burning Impalement]” Velvet chanted and the runes became flames that condensed into nine different spears hovering in mid-air.

The light dragon spread his wings and raised his head toward the sky and started acc.u.mulating inhaling, as he did, the different lights filling Arima's soul were absorbed too and a silver light gathered around the dragon's body as his lungs were inflating.

At the same time, the nine spears of Velvet started rotating and a huge amount of flames suddenly appeared behind it like they were ready to propel it. The spear in the middle was particularly big and seemed to be propelled by even more fire.

The two opponents only needed a thought for their magic to be cast. The dragon roared and a giant beam of light escaped his mouth. The huge spear on Velvet's side was thrown at the beam with an unimaginable speed and the two attacks met each other.

The encounter caused a tremendous discharge of energy that spread in the entire realm, although the bluestone was still indestructible for them, some plants around started to lose some of their petals or leaves.

The audience watching couldn't see the fight anymore as the light from the explosion covered the entire place. At that moment, Arima smiled ”A fox is mischievous”

Velvet threw the other spears in eight different directions that went around Lanya and attacked her from the same number of angles.

”But a dragon is wise” Arima muttered.

On her right hand, Lanya's sigil revolved ”[Fourth Destruction Art, Vashta Nerada]” She chanted and the zone behind the huge dragon of light became trapped in darkness, the fire spears penetrated the sort of dark smoke and nothing happened after that.

After a time, the dark smoke dispersed and the spears were nowhere to be seen and Lanya was unscathed. Lanya had prepared the fourth destruction art at the same she was writing the runes for her light dragon.

Velvet smiled ”I see” She waved her hand and the explosion that was still ongoing became even stronger with more fire surrounding it. Lanya's eyes glowed and she extended hands, the dragon roared stronger and the beam of light became bigger.

A last discharge of energies occurred, the fire spear lost any stable form and exploded while the silver dragon howled one last time before vanis.h.i.+ng. The sound and shockwave caused the students to cover their ears in pain. Arima snapped his fingers and the sound from outside disappeared as they were now surrounded by a peculiar transparent dome.

When the flames died down and the light disappeared, Lanya and Velvet were already making the swords talk. They also started using a lot more their magic and aura. The orange fire was filling the air and the crisping sound of the flames could be heard at any time. Meanwhile, Lanya's light was illuminating the place and sending numerous beams of light toward Velvet.