116 Its Time For A War (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 46030K 2022-07-22


After the three days of wait, the cla.s.ses were finally called for the start of the compet.i.tion. As Arima explained before, the eliminations will be one cla.s.s vs another.

The entire eliminations will unfold during a single day. And the students won't even have the time to rest for the next day when the main compet.i.tion will happen. It's made on purpose for the students to learn how to save their forces and also to compete under pressure.

The morning of that day, Arima led his cla.s.s to a similar arena as the FDA, an area closed with s.p.a.ce magic. Their opponent this time was one of the cla.s.ses from Heriz Land. Of course, Arima didn't have any information about the students composing that group.

But the moment he laid his eyes on them, he was already sure of the victory. He just sat down in the stands and closed his eyes, waiting. His usual group also followed him and casually waited with him. The teacher on the other side felt provoked and sneered.

Soon after, the ten judges arrived and took their places in the middle of the arena. Arima didn't found Raal and Karia among them which meant that they were overseeing another match ”It's time to begin, we'll begin with the cla.s.s from the Heriz Land. Students, please release your auras at the same time. Also, please understand that the use of the soul contract or a soul beast is prohibited in this test” One of the judges announced and the concerned partic.i.p.ants readied themselves.

They then all started to release their aura to full power. All the judges breathed in and concentrated to precisely evaluate the magnitude. After a minute, they signaled them to stop ”Fine, let us talk for a moment” The judges gathered and discussed for a minute.

”We decided the final result. The strongest aura we sensed is at the seventh level, the lowest is at the fourth. We then counted the number of people for each level and counted points corresponding to their level. The final result is 210, the multiplicator will be 2.1” He declared.

”Now, it's time for the Main Land's representatives” The judge said and Arima's students confidently showed off their strength.

When the aura hit them, the judges were shocked. For this evaluation, any enhancement by soul resonance of any sort wasn't allowed. But the strongest auras they felt was at the eight level. And the fact that there were even two of them was even more astounding. After that, they felt five at the seventh level.

The two who were releasing the biggest auras were, of course, Ferzia and Gaodu. The latter had suffered a huge boost thanks to his inheritance and the former was overwhelmingly talented from birth. And then, there were the seventh levels like Ofia and her sister. But it was also important to say that almost everyone was at least at the sixth level thanks to Arima's insights and training.

”That's enough” The judged finally said after their momentary shock ”The final results are 245, they will then receive a multiplicator of 2.45” He announced and the Heriz cla.s.s's mood plummeted. 2.1 and 2.45 didn't seem to be that different but that actually meant a huge difference in ability and practically set their opponents' victory in the stone.

”The next part of this evaluation will be on aura's control and killing intent control. For this, please release your aura and make it as calm as possible. Then, release your killing intent and do the same while maintaining your aura. The two cla.s.ses can go at the same time” The judge instructed and the students immediately did as they were told.

It only took a few minutes for the judges to a.n.a.lyze every student's control ”It's over. We have rated you with a score between one and ten, for each individual. We will add up all of those scores and make an overall score for the cla.s.s and then use the multiplicator” The judges announced and concerted a bit before giving the results.

”Main Land, 303, times 2.45: 742. Heriz Land, 304, times 2.1: 638” The judges gave the results and the cla.s.ses were surprisingly almost equal. But with the multiplicator, Arima's cla.s.s still won easily. It was also true that Arima didn't teach them a lot about control. He just told them that it was important.

”Okay, it's time now for the theory evaluation” The judges didn't wait for the students and just announced the start of the next part.

”We'll start with the Main Land for this round. Please come on the arena one by one” The instructions were given and the first one to enter the arena was Isla. She just went first without telling anyone and her comrades could only look as she jumped on the arena.

”Let's start then. We need to be quick since there are a lot of people to test. So, show us your best theories. In both elemental and non-elemental categories”

Isla smiled and nodded. She decided to first go with mind magic. She gathered her spirit and released a powerful mind wave around her than even made the judges frown. The theory was strong thanks to Arima, but it should be stronger than that with the exact theory Arima had taught them. But it always depends on everyone's capacities.

Magic theories can be different for everyone, they can even be of opposite senses for the same element. Basically, a magic theory just needs to make sense and the more logical and deep it is, the stronger the magic will be.

For this test, the students are noted on the efficiency of the magic, how strong was the magic compared to the mana used and the time spent casting. But you could also be evaluated on particularities like for example, what Isla did just after.

She cast the Eternal and Infinite Water Arima had given her. The moment the magic was conjured, the judges were completely overwhelmed this time. They couldn't understand the theory behind it at all. They could only see something like a jelly that could transform into vapor. They also felt that it was extremely strong and efficient.

”You can stop now” One of the judges said with a bit of sweat on his forehead. The judges then talked with telepathy and nodded toward each other ”We give you an eight for your mind magic and a ten for your water theory. Your final score is nine”

Isla received her score and smirked before returning to her cla.s.s. Her friends welcomed her and Arima observed with a smile.

After that, it was a simple 'butchery' for the other cla.s.s. All of Arima's students had a high score on theory. The most talented in that category, like Ofia and Balan, even got a ten out of ten for both parts of the test.

n.o.body got a score under seven during the entire test. The team from Heriz felt even more down. They also underwent the test and the final results were given shortly after.

”Main Land, 351, times 2.45: 860. Heriz Land, 304, times 2.1: 638” The judges gave the results that everyone expected.