118 Well Cheat A Little (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 49540K 2022-07-22

For the life force test in the second round, the students were allowed to use resonances as much as they wanted. So, at the moment, one could see numerous transformations occurring on the entire stage.

The judges smiled wryly as the pressure from the three cla.s.ses was a bit overkill even for them, so they had to help each other to resist the aura.

But as they were doing that, they suddenly felt a ma.s.sive force joining the fray. They all looked at Arima's cla.s.s and saw the two princesses holding their hands. The two of them had an almost identical appearance now, two harpies. But what shocked them was an aura that could rival with theirs coming from the two of them.

They also felt two other auras at the ninth level and one of them was particularly wild and strong. It was crucial to know that the more you go up in the levels, the harder it is to raise your life force. For example, going from level seven to level eight could take a year, but going from eight to nine would take five years.

The judges all knew that but now they felt two auras at the tenth level in a cla.s.s composed of kids under the age of eighteen. They were dumbfounded and seriously started to wonder if they should ask Arima to be their teacher.

Even Raal couldn't help but wonder how strong he could become if he let himself be taught by Arima. Karia smiled wryly and she was the first to recover before counting the score for each cla.s.s.

It took the jury ten minutes before they signaled the students to stop ”Okay, I'll announce the results” Raal shouted for everyone to hear.

”Group A: …290, 2.9” He actually hesitated before giving the final score of Arima's cla.s.s. But he then continued with the other cla.s.ses which were not bad at all.

”Group B: 269, 2.69” Velvet's cla.s.s wasn't bad either but, in these circ.u.mstances, the difference between the group B and group A was really big.

”Group C: 274, 2.74” Olien's cla.s.s was surprisingly above Velvet's as even one of his students was at the ninth level.

”This concludes the life force evaluation” Raal said ”Now, only the group A will be left on the stage. You all will be evaluated on aura and killing intent's control one more time since resonances can improve these types of variables by a great margin. After them, it will be group B and C. The cla.s.s with the biggest score will gain three points, the second will get two and the third will obviously get one point. As you all know, by the end of the compet.i.tion, the cla.s.s with the most points like those will win. After, of course, taking the multiplications into account”

The students nodded and the two groups which weren't evaluated stepped down from the arena. Only Arima's cla.s.s was left and they started gathering their aura in the middle of their own killing intent.

Raal observed them and he grinned when his eyes fell on Kine. He was a blood eater himself. When he felt the energy of the blood aura, he, of course, was quite happy. Particularly when he noticed that her killing intent was bigger but also calmer than before.

It was the same for Airon. His control over his killing intent was a lot stronger. Gaodu's overall control was also really impressive. And that wasn't the end, the control shown by Ofia and Lena was almost perfect.

”It's fine, you can stop” Raal said and the students sighed before releasing their resonance and getting their spiritual forces back.

”Next. The results will be given at the end” It was Karia who said that and the group A left the stage to leave the place for Velvet's cla.s.s. The control they showed was quite beautiful as all of the judges reacted very positively to it.

Then, after that, it was the last group's turn. When those students released their spiritual forces, the judges' eyes narrowed as almost all of them jumped away from the students. They couldn't react at what they had just done since it was completely in instinct.

Raal and Karia were definitely the strongest judges here and they both stared at a certain student among the others. His expression was 'empty' and his eyes dull, even his body language only demonstrated calmness. He was the one who had an aura at the ninth level in the precedent test. The scariest thing was that he didn't use any resonance to reach that level.

But even with all of that, the killing intent he was releasing was too big for a student. He didn't even care about controlling it at all. He just purely released his entire killing intent.

Arima glanced at the kid and frowned. That kind of killing intent wasn't really strong to him but it was kind of impressive. He was just confused since that intensity could only be created if you killed hundreds if not thousands of people in your life.

”Stop” Raal said with a darkened expression and the cla.s.s stopped showing their spiritual forces. Raal then called the other cla.s.ses and nodded toward Karia.

The latter stepped forward and gave the ranking ”The ones with the best control are group A, followed by group B and then… group C” The ranking was ironically in the alphabetic order but it didn't amuse anyone as they knew if this was an evaluation on killing intent intensity, the third cla.s.s would have won without a doubt, just with that single student's performance.

”The points will be attributed now. A: 3, B: 2 and C:1” When Karia said that, a projection in the sky showed the same numbers ”Now let's not stay on this, we'll follow immediately with magic theory. The order will be the same, cla.s.s A will pa.s.s first” She said and the tournament continued.

For that particular evaluation, there wasn't any surprise, Arima's students had spectacular theories and they easily won as their teacher predicted. The two other cla.s.ses were unexpectedly tied and both ended in the second place.

So, the points were now, ”A: 6, B: 4 and C: 3” Raal quickly announced and then called the teachers separately, the next test was on mana core manifestation. For this test, it's not all the cla.s.s which is evaluated but a single student from each of them.

The teachers are supposed to choose that student and send him on the stage. Arima chose Gaodu. Velvet chose a female student of hers who was named Mila. And without surprise, Olien chose the student with the astounding killing intent named Yrion.

The first one to pa.s.s was Gaodu, once on stage, he activated his inheritance without any hesitation. He was soon surrounded by a divine aura and his appearance changed in consequence.

Arima watched this and wondered, it was the same situation as Chronepsis. Dionysus is supposed to be one of the strongest and popular G.o.ds of Greek mythology, not far from Zeus and Poseidon themselves. But Chulainn affirmed that Dionysus never became a Heavenly G.o.d and this time, Arima checked if it was actually true or not.