123 Its Open (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 57280K 2022-07-22

”{Start now, Lanya}” Arima instructed and Lanya immediately complied. She turned the pages of the book she held in her hands and started chanting.

”[Auribus percipite verba mea] (Heed my words)”

”[Voluntatem meam] (Manifest my will)” The words were being written on the pages as she continued the incantation.

”[Summone gloriam meam] (Summon my ambition)”

”[Et meam impleat votum] (And fulfill my wish)”

Errastas soon noticed the strange fluctuations produced by the Lawless Tome. When his third eye looked in Lanya's direction, his expression turned very ugly.

”You! You're messing around with the Original Laws!” He shouted so strongly that Arima could be blown away if he wasn't careful. He stabilized in mid-air and used every element as his disposition to defend himself from Errastas's blows.

Beside him, Arima had turned back into her human form and used a replica of herself to send waves to help.

Errastas then noticed Chulainn who was condensing a ma.s.sive red stone encircled by fire. That stone had already reached the mile in size. It had become something that even a giant like him couldn't ignore at all.

He thought quickly, he could either attack Lanya who was using the Lawless Tome or he could instead attack Chulainn. He chose to aim at the latter since he felt like it was a bigger threat.

But although he made up his mind, he couldn't act to make his thought real as he couldn't move. He looked down below and saw a s.h.i.+ning, white, giant vine crawling up on his legs. Errastas was shocked, he turned his head and saw Arima smirking at him.

At the same time, he saw something rather disturbing. A third person joined Arima and Lanya's side. Errastas's eyes trembled as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. In front of him, two identical versions of Arima were floating there. Just that one of them was completely unharmed and the other had only one arm left due to the earlier clash.

But there was indeed, two draconic skeletons grinning at him. And he couldn't feel any difference between the two. They had the same aura and presence. It was more than a copy as also he felt the same spirit coming from the two of them.

”[Third White Art, Doppelganger]” The first Arima said a keyword and the one who just joined them extended his hand toward the white vine.

”[Fourth White Art, Mid-Layer, Digillum Aeterna] (Eternal Seal)” He chanted, with the exact same voice as Arima, and the vine coiled even more around the giant, reaching the latter's waist.

Of course, Errastas immediately grabbed the vine and tried to rip it apart. The wine in itself started stretching a bit but it clearly wasn't enough to destroy it.

”It's too late” The two Arima said at the same time ”Right, Lanya?” They both called and the person in question smiled and she stopped on one page of the book.

”[Secundum iudicium tuum] (According to your judgment)”

”[Et implerem] (Accomplish it)”

She finished the incantation and the book trembled and slowly began to float as it left Lanya's hands. It raised in the air and Lanya said the last words.

”[Third Destruction Art, Pars impios] (Lawless Tome)” The book's surface cracked and then shattered with a blinding light which covered at least half of the planet.

When the vision came back to everyone, they all could see a new 'mountain', perfectly exact to the one who was already here. Like a copy. Lanya snickered and the two Arima laughed together.

The looked at each other and brought their fists together ”What a childish magic, don't you think?” They asked each other.

Arima's clone of himself wasn't just a copy. It was definitely another himself, sharing the same soul, created by the third white art. Although it was limited in time and they shared their mana, it still was a scary technique. Arima prepared it the first time when he was. .h.i.t by Errastas. At that moment he had already realized he would need a bit of surprise to get out of that third eye's perception.

And so, he did. The doppelganger conjured the fourth white art and blocked the movements of the giant without him noticing.

Now, it was time for a second 'copy' to take action. The Lawless Tome apparently decided to make a clone of Errastas to fight against the latter. Arima felt it was quite ironic as he himself had used a magic that made a double.

Only Lanya wasn't surprised as she already knew what would be the result thanks to the vision which she inherited from Chronepsis. At her level, she could only see five minutes in the future and the past but it was already more than enough even though she could only use those eyes for the same amount of time, five minutes. With that power, her affinity with the third destruction art was even higher than Arima's, its creator.

”{Yeah, it's cool and all, but,}” Chulainn's strained voice resounded in the group's minds ”{This thing keeps getting harder to control, if you don't hurry up, it'll explode on me}” He said as the red stone he was infusing mana into had already reached 1500 meters in diameter.

”{Don't worry, he's already on it}” Arima smiled and said as the Lawless Tome, under the giant's appearance, attacked its 'model'.

Errastas could only use his magic to stick on the ground as he couldn't s.h.i.+ft his legs position because of the vine around them. That vine was also a magic comparable to the 'Big Bang', it demanded time to cast but once it was on its target, it would be really hard to destroy, even if the caster is of a lower level than the victim, which was far from the truth in the present case.

Errastas engaged into a battle of pure strength with the Lawless Tome. The two giants grappled each other and they both buried their feet in the stone. The earth trembled and Chulainn almost lost control over the 1600 meters large stone.

He grunted ”Hey! Can I release this thing already?!” He shouted toward Lanya who breathed out and got her eyes back to normal. She smiled and pointed at Errastas feet and the area around.

”There” She responded and Chulainn grinned. The giant stone he had formed until now slowly moved and the sigil on his tail revolved.

”[Third Blue Art, Fragor Magnus]” He chanted with his three heads and the stone compressed before becoming a ma.s.sive fireball made of crimson flames.

Chulainn roared and the ball of fire was launched at his target. The ground under him broke and the earth and stone raised for miles as the fireball flew away.

It touched the ground at Errastas feet and exploded. The explosion which followed that was deafening and the ground crumbled. The stone became lava and ash under the influence of those unstoppable flames.

The Lawless Tome, although affected by the explosion too, took the chance and gave a last little push. Errastas couldn't resist as his legs were trapped by the vines and the stone he used to maintain himself was now destroyed. Not only that but the fireball also hurt him badly and the pain did not arrange things.

In the end, he was pushed on the ground by the Lawless Tome. The two colossi's fall crushed everything and both Chulainn and Lanya jumped away to avoid the ma.s.sive rise of dust and stones.