137 You See? Wasnt That Hard (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 48990K 2022-07-22

After a few hours, Arima had already dispelled all of his parallel minds, the magic circles had become too complicated to be resolved by a secondary mind.

When there were only ten circles left, Chulainn and Karma had stopped to decrypt the array. Since these two were the ones that had less technical knowledge on arrays' theory.

Karma was given sentience by Arima but her ability in that area couldn't be compared to Night's who was Arima's soul beast. And Chulainn was just not suited for this kind of work.

The only people who managed to continue were Lanya, whose mind had been boosted by Chronepsis, Night, Lilis and of course, Arima who had an unbelievable understanding for magic although he was born in a world without it.

After another few hours, there were only two circles left and everyone except Arima couldn't continue. The difficulty was so high, and the focus required was inhuman ”How can he keep going?” Night muttered while sweating.

Lanya inhaled to try getting back some mental strength and looked at Arima ”I don't know. His focus also went beyond everything I can imagine”

”Yes, I bet he couldn't even hear us if we talked to him now” Lilis added. Meanwhile, Karma and Chulainn felt a bit awkward since they bailed out much earlier.

”Where does he get that energy anyway? When I think of him, I can only think of a lazy guy” Chulainn commented and Arima turned the circle into a green one. He then touched the last circle without any other comment. When he interacted with it, every green circle around merged with the last circle and made it bigger.

After a few seconds, the last red circle became a huge one with a ten meters diameter. Arima rolled his eyes in a circle and started once again.

”No idea. I just think that he does things to the end once he starts them” Lilis waited for Arima to continue before answering to Chulainn.

”Mm, if you say so…” Chulainn responded and squinted his eyes to look at Lilis ”I have a question for you. Did you go inside the Time Garden?”

Lilis's eyes widened in surprise and looked back at the small pup. She hesitated for a moment and nodded ”I see. So, did you see it?” Chulainn then asked.

”I did” Lilis answered.

”Saw what?” Lanya inquired. She was perplexed about what they were talking about.

”Arima's past” Chulainn declared and Arima's hand trembled. The circle acted strangely too and Arima's entire arm was crushed by an odd force. His group reacted and was about to go toward him but Arima waved his hand and told them to not move.

”Just a rebound” He said and glanced at Lilis for a second ”I will just tell you this. My past is not something I like to hear or recount” His voice resounded clearly in everyone's ears and Lilis perfectly got that as a warning. Arima shook his arm and healed it before continuing.

”I don't believe it. That guy was still paying attention to the conversation” Chulainn muttered with a shocked expression.

Also, after that, everyone just stared at Lilis. Now, they were all curious about Arima's past. Particularly Lanya who had now taken interest to it. And she understood, as much as everyone else, that she wouldn't get any answers from Arima himself. Lilis smiled wryly and shrugged to them.

Thirty minutes mater, Arima finally finished the last circle and the whole thing just broke like gla.s.s. Only a second after that, they all felt that the flow of water was pulling them down and it was growing stronger.

Arima frowned ”This attraction is strange. It's like the entire water around us is…oh” He didn't finish his sentence and immediately went upward at full speed. He didn't need to say it for everyone to follow him.

As they were going up, the flow of water was turning even more odd and chaotic. When everyone reached the surface, they saw a sky totally different from h.e.l.l's. It had the usual color you would see in almost all world, a clear blue.

Arima didn't bother to look up though and just looked below so did everyone else ”What the…” Chulainn muttered as he witnessed the sea slowly getting farther from him. But it wasn't him going up but the sea itself going down.

After a moment, a huge sound resounded everywhere, as a meteorite had just fallen. The red water also acted strangely and was slowly disappearing in the next instant. What emerged from the water first was a mountain peak on the horizon.

After that it was just a matter of time, while the water was going down, mountains, rocks, trees, even some houses, were revealed. The water continued to be drained until the ground was visible.

Arima's group admired the scene thunderstruck. They looked around and observed everything there was in this unknown place ”There are people down there” Night remarked as he looked down.

The group followed his words and noticed some people leaving the houses ”That's strange, those houses didn't suffer any damage from the fall of the red sea” Lilis said and squinted her eyes ”Also, those people are weak…”

”You're right, the strongest I see is only at the third level of the Mortal Realm” Lanya uttered as her eyes s.h.i.+ned with a blue and golden light.

”You're right…” Chulainn muttered and floated toward Arima's shoulder and sat on it ”Hey Arima, I don't know anything about the true emplacement of Origin. But I'm sure it should be beyond the red sea. I don't know who said that first or how long it has been, but I don't think that it's wrong since the entire h.e.l.l has been told the same thing” He said and Arima glanced at him.

”And there's one thing I can say about this place” Chulainn added and Arima nodded.

”This is a pocket world” Arima declared and it was Chulainn's turn to nod.

”What is a pocket world?” Karma tilted her head and asked.

”A pocket world is basically a smaller world existing in the boundaries of another one much bigger” Lilis answered ”The popular a.n.a.logy is a bubble on a soap. In this case, h.e.l.l is the soap and this place is the bubble” She explained

”Arima, what about...” Arima teleported away while Lilis was talking to him. She sighed and followed him along with everyone.