141 I Think Its Time (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 56350K 2022-07-22

The second Arima released the brakes, he ended up in a sort of gray world where everything was stopped. The people stopped moving, the wind, the water, everything. In this world, Arima could only move thanks to Deva.

If he looked behind him, he would also see several silhouettes made of light. They were, of course, his entire group, if you looked at it closely, you could easily distinguish the shapes, particularly Chulainn's.

Arima tried to run into Utain with the bike but he just pa.s.sed through him, he also tried to bring him like everyone else, but he noticed that he could only do that between the moment Deva left the normal world and enters the grayish one.

Arima abandoned the idea of taking Utain and leave him in the middle of absolutely nowhere and immediately went toward the combat zone.

He pa.s.sed by everyone fighting there and found Azes fighting against Baphomet with Zeus. He instantly decided what to do and rode Deva away. He stopped on top of a concealed mountain and made sure to hide his aura and his group's before pus.h.i.+ng the brake pedal.

When he did so, the world regained its colors and his companions reappeared beside him. Arima grunted dismounted the bike. He panted a little and wiped off the sweat on his forehead ”s.h.i.+t, this thing drains my mana when I make short and precise movements” He complained, and the bike turned back into a cube before entering Arima's soul.

”What do we do?” Lanya asked Arima when they were all aware of where they were.

”We need to be quick, that guy will come here without a doubt. Lilis, call Azes and tell him to come here” Arima instructed and Lilis immediately acted ”I hope he did what I asked”

When Azes received the signal, he cast one last magic on Baphomet, which the latter completely brushed off with a single swing of his sword, and hastily went toward Arima's group.

”What's your plan?” Azes inquired when he landed beside Arima.

”Did you retrieve some?” Arima responded with another question and Azes then remembered what Arima had asked him.

”I did” He waved his hand and tens of devil corpses appeared around them. Arima smiled and nodded.

”That should be enough” He said and went to one of the bodies and placed his hand on it ”[Vita Venari] (Life Hunt)” He chanted, and a blue mist escaped the body to form a sphere just above. After that, that sphere grew some sort of tentacles and started sucking the life force of the other corpses. At the same time, a black magic circle formed above that sphere, like a halo.

”This is…” Lilis muttered as she remembered something. It was the same for Night and Lanya. They recognized the runes and formations on that circle.

Arima grinned ”I don't use them often. Here's two of them for you” He declared, and the sphere started to slowly ascend.

”[Auribus percipite verba mea, ut sint imperio] (Heed my words, they are rule)” Arima began chanting and the black circle glowed.

”[Tantum mors tua, erit anima tua erunt] (Only death is yours, your life will be mine)”

The black circle glowed and suddenly expanded, covering the sky. At that point, of course, most of the fighters noticed that circle. All of them, without exception, glanced at the sky and scowled at the unknown runes and formations on the circle.

”[Aliquam venari, dum sequuntur contigerint erit tristis neque turbulentus] (It's time to hunt, the chase won't stop)” While he was chanting, Arima's slowly changed into a silver emperor.

”[Quod est de lege vitae Venator] (That is the law of the Life Hunter)” Arima finished chanting and the circle started spinning, the inner circles also did the same and the runes glowed with a red light.

”[Second Black Art, Vita Messis] (Life Harvest)” Arima said his keyword and the black formation in the sky grew tentacles that first aimed at the corpses across the battlefield. They pierced the bodies and started sucking the life force out of them before giving it to the continuously growing blue sphere.

”This art needs external energy to grow at first. That's what the corpses you gave me are for” Arima explained ”Now, this circle is able to attack others and suck their life force to increase the storage to then attack stronger people. Continuously. But well, it has a limit. It can't rob the life force of people at the second divine or higher considering my own level. Most people can also resist the attraction”

Arima said as he was drawing a second black circle on thin air. This one was simple and had a pentagram in its center like the one Baphomet used ”Next” Arima smirked and declared.

He snapped his fingers and the circle he drew became particles that dispersed in the air. Everyone on the battlefield was still confused because of the black circle that was sucking the life force of the dead and weaker. But they all refrained from destroying it since it could explode and kill even more of them.

Only the stronger ones, almost ignored the circle since they realized that it couldn't affect them and instead worked on finding the caster.

Meanwhile, Utain had almost reached the combat zone and understood what the circle was for in a second ”A large-scale life hunt”

He wasn't the only one worrying about it, in fact, the strongest ones, Poseidon, Hades, Zeus, Michael, Lucifer, Satan, Baphomet, Vastra, Aphrodite…they all noticed that this magic was actually sucking the life force and not the life energy like almost everyone else misunderstood.

And they all knew that; life force draining was the ability of an extinct race. While they were all thinking that, the black particles Arima had released earlier were dispersed across the entire battlefield.

”Your formation will have to leave, Baphomet” Arima smirked and began his second chant.

”[Omnia pervenire non esse in mea potestate] (Everything I reach will be under my control)”

”[Qui sub imperio meae erunt mihi servientes] (Those under my rule will be serving me)” The black particles fell on Baphomet's pentagram and commenced to corrode it. No one noticed that except the caster of the pentagram himself.

Baphomet's eyes narrowed and glanced at his pentagram that was slowly being overwritten by another ”(The same person? How strong is his magic theory? And how can he cast these magics so easily?)” He was astounded.

”What's wrong Baphomet? Don't lose focus!” Zeus shouted and brought his hammer down one more time with lightning. Baphomet sneered and extended his hand toward Zeus.

”[Negative Burst]” A dark dome formed around him and blocked the hammer and the lightning before expanding and pus.h.i.+ng back the lightning G.o.d ”(He really chose his moment. No one can stop him now)” Baphomet thought. At the same moment, a huge sonic boom resounded above him and a shadow pa.s.sed by. Baphomet looked up and snorted ”(Utain)”

”The Destroyer” Zeus also muttered. Apparently, Utain was quite popular.

”He's coming” Lanya informed everyone and Chulainn sighed. He jumped out from the mountain and howled. His transformation began. He recovered his original size and his two other heads. Kerberos officially entered the war and was big enough to be seen by everyone.