152 Quite Bothersome (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 48950K 2022-07-22

Everything slowed down again. Time gathered around Arima as he started to chant. Baphomet trembled because of the crus.h.i.+ng pressure and the alerts his instinct was shouting at him.

”[Mors aeterna] (Death is eternal)”

”[Vita est unum diem durantia] (Life is ephemeral)”

”[Sapientia non est datum] (Wisdom is not given)”

Arima started what he considered as his most potent magic. Not the most destructive, of course, that designation was for another Art.

Arima gently flapped his wings and slowly left the ground. His bit his lollipop and destroyed it before blues flames started to appear here and there.

Just a single flame each time. Not bigger than three centimeters each. But their number had already increased to almost a million. The sky was filled with it.

”[Ne forte oculis elevatis occurras superbiae] (When you look up, you meet your pride)”

”[Oculos claudat caelum et ad inferos per scriptor] (Heaven closes its eyes to see through h.e.l.l's)”

The small flames began to move. They gathered together but without merging together, they started to revolve around a certain point to create something like a spiral. A magnificent sight that everyone on this battlefield couldn't ignore. Not even Hades and Poseidon, the two most narrow-minded people here.

”[In mundo fluxus meus intercluditur] (The flow of the world is stopped)”

”[Capto et torquem anima tua] (Grab the chain in your soul)”

”[Et sic in tenebris] (And bring it into darkness)”

Arima continued his incantation and one final flame appeared in his palm. His lifted his hand high and looked at it. He softly blew at it and the flame started to ascend. It ultimately arrived in the middle of the spiral and every flame finally started to fuse together.

”[Et elegit eum voca] (Call it a choice)”

”[c.u.m te mors et obtulerunt uri] (Death will be offered while you burn)”

”[Sicut favilla dimittere] (Just release the ashes)”

”[Et evanescet ad consummationem saeculi] (And disappear at the end of time)”

Arima finished his incantation and there was now a giant blue sun in the sky. This magic was actually something he first used against Koden, the lich who he met back in the continent of the Republic.

It was a magic combining, fire, life, and death magic. An anomaly which shouldn't be possible to exist. But Arima still cast it. His strongest purifying magic, that can burn anything.

”[First Blue Art, Estuans sors] (Burning Fate)” He chanted and the sun glowed strongly before it entered the dark clouds previously created by Baphomet.

Arima released the Time he had gathered around him and Baphomet fell on his knees. His expression was complete chaos. His mana was going wild and his veins bulged. The dark energy escaped his body without his own volition.

Arima looked down at him and closed his eyes. A blue light then illuminated through the clouds ”Burn it” Arima murmured.

Everyone heard the fire becoming stronger and looked at the sky. From where the sun had penetrated the clouds, the blue fire spread at incredible speed.

In just a minute, the entire sky was covered by that dazzling light. The clouds were no more and they were replaced by an azure fire.

Just like that, Baphomet's Manifestation ended and the caster's magic circuits were damaged. The sky kept burning and Arima slowly made his way to Baphomet.

”Do you have something to say?” Arima asked. It wasn't scorn or mockery. He sincerely asked.

Baphomet burst into laughter. He looked up at Arima and smiled ”Not really. Well, can I ask you a favor then?”


”It's quite simple. First, thank that human for me, and them kill him just after” Baphomet smirked and told his demand.

Arima chuckled and nodded ”Not a problem. Killing him was a matter of fact since the beginning. Well, I don't know if I'll actually be able to do it myself. But I'll add the thanks if I ever meet him. I just don't know if Ifrit already killed him” He shrugged responded.

”That's enough” Baphomet sat down and closed his eyes like he was meditating. Arima nodded and started walking away.

”Why did you ask me that?” Baphomet spoke up after a few seconds of hesitation and Arima stopped.

”There's not really a strong meaning to it. I just thought you looked like me” Arima answered. He flapped his wings and disappeared within an instant.

Baphomet snickered and stretched his neck to look up. The next instant, the only thing he knew was that he was surrounded by blue fire. It wasn't hot and it didn't burn. But his body was still turning into ashes.

He peacefully closed his eyes and when his body was gone, his soul was the new target. The blue fire reached Baphomet to an ethereal level and his emotions were cleansed. He disappeared from this world in the next instant.

Arima landed lightly in front of the G.o.ds while a giant azure tornado made of fire was raging behind. It didn't create any wind, shakings, or heat. The ground didn't even suffer a dent. That tornado's span reaches tens of miles and was really intimidating.