160 Its Over (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 49440K 2022-07-22

Ifrit's Manifestation was as simple as it was scary. It was just a physical-s.h.i.+ft type but in his case, the effects were tremendously bigger and stronger if you made the comparison to Utain's and Vastra's.

Well, the first aspect was definitely…size. If before Chulainn was the biggest here, he had now been taken over by two individuals.

Ifrit had become as tall as Hephaestus. His appearance didn't change much except that. The only thing worth mentioning was how fierce looking his muscles had become. His horns grew longer and as before, a fire was burning above his skin as if it was some sort of clothing or armor.

Ifrit smirked and clenched his fists. Blood colored fire gathered around his knuckles, ready to explode. Ifrit never fought with any other weapon than his own body and magic.

He immediately kicked the ground and punched Hephaestus while changing the landscape with a single stomp. Hephaestus also swung his arm and when the two fists clashed with each other, the air exploded and the wind created a perfect spherical crater.

Ifrit grunted and took a step back after the shockwave. His fists coated with fire were vaporizing the blood that was flowing out. He only clashed once with Hephaestus, but his body was already numb.

It didn't take long for the Demon to attack Ifrit again. With a simple headb.u.t.t, the Djinn was pushed back even more.

He clicked his tongue after leaving a gap of a mile between them and formed a giant fireball above his hand in the span of a second. Ifrit roared and kicked the huge fireball which looked like a sun. The crimson fire reached its target and exploded.

At the same time, Zeus had already gone over the clouds and gathered his magic. He raised his hammer and the clouds below him started to turn black and denser. Thunder roared and lightning escaped from the dark clouds to connect with his hammer.

From the ground, it only looked like the clouds had turned a bit dark but from above, everything was filled with lightning. Zeus gritted his teeth and seemed to struggle. He reinforced the grip on his hammer before throwing it downward with extreme speed.

The hammer fell through the clouds and reached the ground at the speed of light. It penetrated the fire created by Ifrit and then brought down with him a pillar of bright, white lightning.

The fire and lightning joined together to create a discharge of energy that easily provoked an earthquake and creva.s.ses to open on this barren land created by the First Blue Art.

When the magic died down and when Hephaestus figure was just barely observable. The others began to attack. Chulainn seemed to have recovered his power as the Guardian of h.e.l.l and howled as he jumped at him.

His fur was s.h.i.+ning with a crimson light and seemed to be on fire. In front of his wide-open mouths, three magma rock-like stones were hovering while glowing with a red hue.

”[Third Blue Art, Fragor Magnus]” He chanted and the stones compressed and were replaced by an erupting fire. He barked and the three fireb.a.l.l.s made their way toward Hephaestus.

The latter looked emotionlessly through the smoke of the previous attack and lifted his hammer before striking against thin air. Red cracks appeared on the surface of reality and beyond Hephaestus's vision, the world broke part like he was looking through broken gla.s.s.

The air itself seemed to be cut part and the three fireb.a.l.l.s of Chulainn were suddenly stopped and then ripped apart as they exploded. Hephaestus just raised a wall of black metal and protected himself from the flames and shockwave.

Profiting of that, both Poseidon and Hades appeared just in front of his head and struck him with their weapons. It was unreal as the giant's body was pushed back by two figures that were not bigger than ants for him.

Poseidon made good use of their size to pound Hephaestus with all they had. The latter could only suffer at first but then something helped him out of nowhere. A pair of eyes glinted from his shadow. Ominous and thick darkness clad him like an armor and protected him from the two G.o.ds' a.s.sault.

Hephaestus immediately put strength in his arms and swung his ax and hammer at the same time. As if he was relieving his frustration, he swung his arms with great speed and hit the two G.o.ds. Poseidon was struck by the ax and barely managed to avoid life-threatening injuries by parrying with his trident. But the flames and shock still hurt him as he was sent flying.

Hades could only grit his teeth as he took the hammer and its strange ability with his s.h.i.+eld. Like before, the red cracks appeared and Hades felt like his organs were being twisted.

”Tch” But he didn't renounce yet and did something quite odd. He created a giant fireball with a single thought. But it was just simple fire. That thing couldn't even make a small burn on Hephaestus.

But he sent it above the huge Demon ”Hey!” He then shouted as he s.h.i.+elded himself from the hammer and then crashed on the ground.

”I know!” Poseidon responded as he was getting up from the rubbles. He planted his trident on the ground and extended his hand toward the sky. Then, like Hades, a sphere of water was formed of approximately the same size as the fireball.

Hades and Poseidon both chanted in their minds, and the two spheres collided. The hissing immediately resounded and the steam covered the battlefield.

Hephaestus frowned and wanted to blow away that steam but his body suddenly stopped moving. He looked down and saw a perfectly white ground below his feet.

From outside of the steam cloud. Azes was holding a parchment and the words on it were fading away quickly. He nodded toward Gabriel and the latter did the same.

She clasped her hands together and her holy presence increased quickly ”[Divine Protection]” She chanted and waved her hand.

Eight small spheres of light formed around the cloud of steam. Those lights instantly connected together to form a cube. Then, the walls were created and a light cube was formed, confining the steam.