167 Where Is Your Story? (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 55570K 2022-07-22

Layla had left the G.o.ds to join Arima. She had a bad feeling from the start and with her time vision, she clearly saw Arima falling into an endless pit.

When she was about a thousand meters away from the 'abyss', she could already see it clearly. She was shocked by the damage Arima had done but still continued forward among the chaos that h.e.l.l was going through at the moment.

It went far beyond some earthquakes or eruptions at that point. Fissures on the s.p.a.ce-Time started to open randomly. Anything touching them would be cut into pieces or reduced to simple dust. Even the air was being aspired like a vacuum.

Layla was using the same kind of magic as the 'Lightning Serpent' and was traveling quickly in the form of a small dragon made of light. But when she reached the 'abyss' her body instinctively froze and she ended up landing just in front of it.

Even as she concentrated all of her willpower, she wasn't able to move more than that. Her instincts were telling her to get away from that hole.

She bit her lip and returned to her full draconic appearance. As she was about to force her way against her own mind, she stopped unconsciously because of a strange feeling she got.

This time, it was pure fear. Her face was slightly pale. She detected a wicked presence coming in her direction. Before she could jump back, two red eyes flashed for second in front of her and then something appeared behind her.

Layla recognized the figure shadowing her and exclaimed in surprise. But she still felt like she shouldn't turn back. The presence behind her was jolting her survival instinct.

”Oh, you're Layla” Then she heard an eerie voice p.r.o.nouncing her name. It sounded as if he had noticed something and then the pressure suffocating her vanished. When she was finally able to look back, her eyes widened as she saw the black dragon with his silver mane glowing.

The grin on his mouth and the mad l.u.s.ter in his eyes made Layla gasp ”Sorry, this body is quite exhausted right now. So I had to sacrifice a bit of my spirit to move it. Didn't recognize you until now. Thought you were a Téras survivor” The dragon spoke while grinning.

Layla shuddered but then stared at the dragon's eyes with a sharp and deadly look ”Who are you?”

The dragon blankly looked at her for a moment and then laughed ”Oh, you're right. You don't know me” He said ”You can call me Malum. Your charming prince called me like so” He joked and Layla frowned.

”{Stop messing around, we need to go}” Night's voice resounded in Malum's head.

The latter clicked his tongue ”I know, I know…you're no fun” Malum turned to look in the distance and the sigil on his chest glowed.

Just after, the sound of an engine was heard and Deva arrived and drifted just in front of them to stop ”We need to go” Malum glanced at Layla and declared.

Deva's engine weakly activated and the bike made a circle around Malum. Like it was probing the new body of its owner. Malum smirked and didn't say anything. The bike made several turns before it started to change shape.

It glowed with a blue light and its size soon surpa.s.sed even Malum's. It seemed to be taking the shape of a living being. It grew two pairs of giant wings and a long body like a snake. Two pairs of horns appeared in the head of the silhouette.

Then, it was the hair's turn to grow along with what looked like feathers. Its head and mouth seemed to be quite threatening too.

”Wow” When the change ended and the light was gone, Layla exclaimed and even Malum was quite stunned.

At first glance, it looked like a three hundred-meters long sky dragon but if you looked more closely, you would some big differences.

First of all, the entire creature was covered by a soft white fur and there were even some black lines on it giving a certain appeal. The wings were not made of bones and a net, like dragons but it was made of feathers instead.

The head of the magnificent beast had four horns on its forehead and had more white hair to cover it. Its face looked like a dragon's but the muzzle and fangs were shorter. Its eyes were glowing with a calm and composed l.u.s.ter.

The beautiful creature, which looked like the progenitor of all angels, looked at Malum with its white and green eyes.

”I see. So, that's your original appearance” Malum snickered and flapped his wings. He immediately flew up and landed on Deva before sitting down. Layla was dazed for a moment but when she noticed Deva was glaring at her, she immediately imitated Malum.

When she landed on the huge creature, Layla was pleasantly surprised by the comfort brought by the fur. At the same time, Deva started moving and no wind was produced as she soared in the sky.

”It should be good now” Malum suddenly spoke and closed his eyes. The next instant, the huge dragon seemed to be asleep.

”{Hey! Don't leave now…}” Night shouted but groaned just after ”{Karma, you can get out now…make sure Arima doesn't fall off Deva along with Layla}”

”{Sure}” Karma got out of Arima's soul and returned to her human form, next to the dragon. She chanted a magic and seemed to have stabilized Arima's body. She then looked at Layla and smiled.

She went to her and sat down. Layla tilted her head and also sat down after she released her dragon form ”So you are both Lanya and Lilis now?” Karma asked first and Layla sighed as she realized what Karma was thinking.

”Yes. I am” She responded and smiled ”But there's no problem. I'm quite happy this way. Although I can't say that I still am either Lanya or Lilis, I know that I'm born from their fusion and that I am a purely different person”

Layla explained and smiled calmly as she looked at Karma in the eyes ”So you don't have to worry the least about that. In fact, I would just wish you consider me as I am. I'm not Lanya or Lilis but just Layla”

Karma's eyes widened. She blinked with a cute face and chuckled. Night was also listening and although he could talk to them through telepathy, he just stayed silent.

”I understand” Karma nodded ”Nice to meet you, Layla” She beamed and gave out her hand.

”Me too” Layla smiled wryly and shook hands with Karma. Night, who was listening, smiled internally.

The group was then attracted by something else. Deva opened her mouth and let out a small roar. But even if it was weak for her, it sounded extremely loud and powerful that you could almost feel some physical pressure.

”{It seems like she is warning us. We'll move out soon}” Night contacted the two girls and said. They nodded and sat down beside the sleeping Arima.

”You said 'she' though. Night, is Deva a female?” Layla asked as she rubbed the soft fur she was sitting on.

”{Yes. I'm communicating with her through Arima's soul}” Night answered and just after, Deva flapped her four wings at the same time.

The sight of h.e.l.l's destruction seemed to become a blurry image. A white ring of light flashed before Deva disappeared in the blink of an eye.