170 The World Serpent (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 40790K 2022-07-22

”So, what are we supposed to do now?” Layla asked while tilting her head ”Are we going to open this planet and destroy what is at the center?”

Arima and Jorga both looked at her silently ”Your friend is a bit scary” The latter commented and Arima shrugged.

”It's not like she's wrong. If we want to stop that, shouldn't we kill it while he's still weak? I'm not sure I want to fight a 'transcendental'” Arima said and Jorga mused.

”In fact, I don't know what we can do”

”What do you mean?”

”If I'm not wrong, Fafnir is not only at the center of this planet, he's also the core itself” Jorga declared. Arima frowned and Oulan paled ”If we kill him now, the planet may lose its attraction force, gravity, atmosphere and everything else. It will basically become a rock in s.p.a.ce”

”But in that case, even if we don't kill him, once he's awake the result will be the same if leaves the center” Layla couldn't help but remark.

”It's as you say, our problem is not only to defeat Fafnir but to also prevent the decay of this planet…” Jorga paused ”This has become quite complicated” He added and the old dragon's expression fell.

”What if we take the core of another planet and swap it with Fafnir when he comes out?” Karma suddenly talked with her puffed cheeks. She had her mouth full of sweets.

Everyone looked at her in both surprise and contemplation ”{Well, it's technically possible if we're willing to destroy another planet… we need to find a planet we can destroy then, a deserted one would be perfect. But the core of that planet needs to also be big and pure enough for Fantasia}”

Night spoke up in everyone's mind, jolting Oulan's mind without any warning. Arima pondered for a second ”I can do that. I just have to find one” He said and stood up.

His shadow covered the mountain top again as he deployed his wings ”How long before this guy wakes up?”

”From what I can predict, around two days” Jorga answered and Arima nodded.

”That's good enough, I'll have enough time to recover all of my mana” He said and saw that Layla and Karma were standing up too ”You two stay” He instructed and both stopped immediately ”I won't go with Deva. I need to recover my strength, not drain it even more. Even before when I was unconscious, she sucked my mana dry to come here” Arima complained and teleported in the sky.

”[Fulgur Anguis] (Lightning snake)” Arima one more time transformed into a large black lightning snake with a pair of wings and flew away with a speed that even was too fast for Layla.

The latter sat down and looked at Jorga ”What is it?”

”I was just curious about something… you remember me of how I was some time ago” Layla said.

”I make you remember yourself? What are you talking about?” Jorga furrowed.

”I also didn't have my full inheritance before” Layla responded and Jorga's eyes narrowed ”It was Arima who made Chronepsis come out two times…I feel like it's the same thing with you”

Jorga looked at her clear eyes and wavered. In the first place, it wasn't obvious with their appearance but their respective strengths were worlds apart and now Layla had basically received all of Chronepsis's knowledge and experience.

”…Those eyes are certainly worthy of Chronepsis's legacy” Jorga smirked ”You're right but at the same time you're not. It's not like I never received Jörmungandr's power before. The truth is that I just inherited a fraction of his knowledge and refused to get any more power”

It was Layla's turn to be surprised ”Why?”

”Why? Well, do you know what are inheritances exactly?” Jorga laughed and asked. A frown appeared on Layla's enchanting face and Jorga smiled.

”Inheritances are quite simple. Before I say anything else, I need you to know that individuals like that, appearing across the world, are not really chosen-people. To be exact, they are suited to receive the inheritance” Jorga explained.

”For example, now that you received your own inheritor's memories, do you know the reason why you were chosen?”

”He said it was something about my soul…” Layla answered ”But I didn't learn it from him, to be honest. It was Arima who said it to me”

Jorga nodded ”Yes, I'm sure the inheritor of Chronepsis needs to have a quite special soul. The simple fact that you are the product of two different people's fusion is already a proof. Arima said he used one of his magics to do it but it shouldn't have worked, or at least not this well. I'm sure he's aware of that as well”

”Sorry for being rude, but your appearance, for example, shouldn't have been so perfect. Your body should've been unbalanced or even maybe completely distorted” Jorga said and Layla hugged herself while sending a glare to the big serpent.

Jorga laughed bitterly ”Anyway, tell me another thing, when you received the inheritance, did you have a certain physical situation that connected you with dragons in some way?”