173 Thats My Goal (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 51860K 2022-07-22

The blue and black pillar of energy was produced from the barrels and struck the ground like a hammer. The shock wave made the entire planet shake. The soil and stone were easily pierced by the plasma and opened the path to the core.

Superore's bullets reached the center area of Fantasia in no time. When the pillar of energy was no longer observable from the surface, Arima put away his gun and just waited as the bullets were digging further underground.

After a minute, Fantasia became unstable. The wind pressure raised and the entire planet was cracking and quaking. At the same time, Fafnir's aura reached an unbelievable level. It covered the whole surface and even killed most weaker creatures.

Even Arima was shocked by the pressure of this aura but he didn't take his objective out of sight. He flapped his wings and flew into the hole he had just created with Superore. He never stopped to accelerate and even started to enlarge the hole with just the wind pressure created by his displacement.

”[Aperi iter ad aethereum] (Open the path of the ethereal)”

As he was falling inside, Arima extended his hand and started chanting the Second White Art ”{Hey, will it work? This Art requires quite a lot of matter to work}” Night asked.

”{If I use the surrounding aura, and the matter around the center, I should be able to activate it}” Arima responded ”{In any case, last time I used an entire planet because I wanted to go to h.e.l.l but right now, I just need to bring him somewhere far, just to gain some time. Should be easy}”


Arima smiled ”{Imagine someone trying to teleport me against my will. What do you think I will do?}”

”{You would definitely try to stop the magic and if you can't, you would retaliate somehow before you are sent away…. ah}” Night noticed by himself as he was talking.

”{You got it}” Arima said as he entered the outer layer core of the planet. The temperature should be rising but it wasn't the case.

Arima's eyes sharpened as he stared down and continued to dig further down the path formed by his bullets.

”[Detrahet me in somnis etiam fines se nisi arcerent illum] (Bring me to horizons only restrained by my dreams)”

”[Materia obliviscentes] (Forget the material)”

A silver gear s.h.i.+ning brightly appeared in Arima's hand. It started spinning while also sucking Fafnir's aura. At the same time, an earth-shattering roar resounded and even pushed back Arima who was flying toward the center.

Arima clicked his tongue and his sigil glowed. His wings released some red mist and his speed increased even more as he went against the pressure.

A second roar thundered and Arima countered it with his own. A clash occurred with just their voice and from the center, the planet was struck again. Cracks appeared down there and opened until the surface to create some impressive pits.

Layla sighed as she looked at everything with her 'Unblinking Eyes'. She s.h.i.+fted her attention somewhere else and flapped her wings.

She approached Deva with incredible speed and landed on her ”Deva, please go there” Layla said as she sent the location by telepathy.

Deva looked up at her and slowly moved afterward. She left the ground and her feathers glowed as she ascended. Layla saw her mana deplete and wondered how Arima managed to give enough mana to return from h.e.l.l. Just the small jump she was going to make was enough to take a quarter of her entire mana pool.

Jorga and Karma were with her and calmly looked as Deva prepared to go. Oulan couldn't join them as the white and large creature warped before he knew. He could only wonder why Layla had just left while he observed the hole Arima made.

”[Uti originem ducere] (Use the origins to lead me)” Arima said the last line of his incantation and the gear was spinning so quickly at this point that it looked like a turning wheel surrounded by vapor.

Arima reached the place where his bullets weren't able to pa.s.s and gathered mana in his left arm ”[Terminus Confractus, CCC]” His muscles contracted and produced some vapor too. A red hue then shrouded his hand before he punched the last wall separating him from the 'core'.

The planet almost changed its...o...b..t as the stone at its kernel crumbled. Arima instantly heard another roar which pierced his eardrums and made him grit his teeth. A great aura pressured him as he entered an area full of golden light.

”[Second White Art, Calces Porta]” Arima moved his left hand which was holding the silver gear and threw it right in front of him.

The gear s.h.i.+ned again and became bigger. The silver light merged with the golden one and something that even made Arima shudder occurred. A pair of crimson eyes, glowing with a color even more bright and deep than his own, opened among the light just above the Second White Art.

The pair of eyes locked on Arima with clear rage filling them. A giant claw also grabbed the silver gear and tried to shatter it. But as the gear wasn't breaking, even the eyes looking at Arima s.h.i.+fted in surprise. Fafnir turned even more angry as he realized what this magic was going to do.

He looked back at Arima to see two barrels pointing at him. Two waves, black and blue, struck him in the head. He howled strongly and the planet trembled. The reason he raised his voice was more irritation than pain.

Fafnir snapped and let go of the gear to attack Arima instead. His eyes moved and were suddenly very close to Arima. The latter crossed his arms and tried to block the claw with multiple layers of magic barriers. But they were destroyed easily and Arima took the blow and was sent flying away, crus.h.i.+ng even more stone underground.

Arima coughed blood and smirked. The gear suddenly expanded and covered Fafnir. The latter could not react in the end, and was teleported away.

The blood on Arima's scales evaporated and he quickly went toward the center again. The golden light had faded away and it was now an empty nest. When he saw how big this place was, Arima thought that Fafnir was bigger than Deva.