175 Second Resurrection (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 43500K 2022-07-22

Layla's wings glowed as she charged at Fafnir while checking every future possible and every possible path to take. But no matter how she thought about it, she could only continue to attack as fiercely as possible. There was no way around.

When she closed the distance, Fafnir smirked and one of the golden lights flew quickly and stopped right in front of him. The light faded away and a giant decorated golden s.h.i.+eld was hovering there, protecting Fafnir.

Layla tried to bypa.s.s the s.h.i.+eld but even if the latter didn't move at all, she was not able to pa.s.s as she stumbled upon an invisible wall. She clicked her tongue and thrust her sword at the barrier. The tip of the sword wielded a small light sphere and exploded when it touched the wall.

Multiple silver circles formed and tried to go through the barrier as they corroded it. The gold s.h.i.+eld from before cracked and broke after a few seconds.

But when Layla managed to do so, what came to her next was a golden ax almost as big as Fafnir himself. It was shockingly fast and the blade was not escapable. Layla parried the giant weapon with her rapier. And even if it was a bound weapon, it was far from Karma's level and cracked under the weight. A rapier was not meant to parry to begin with.

Layla decided to do it differently as she discarded the idea of countering with her weapon. She concentrated her mana into her body and strengthened it with the light attribute. Her eyes glowed. She transformed into a beam of light and punched the ax at full strength.

The golden weapon deviated and even cracked under the might of her body and the tough scales. Fafnir snorted and the next weapon was a hammer. Even more tough looking and bigger than the ax.

Layla gritted her teeth when she saw the hammer falling on her like a meteorite. She was being played with and it irritated her deeply. She clenched her rapier and met the hammer with the tip of her blade.

When the two weapons touched, a silver light escaped the rapier and covered the entire hammer like a spider net. The rapier cracked even more because of the clash but a small hole started to be dug on the hammer.

Fafnir was quite impressed actually. These were not his strongest weapons, but he thought that this hammer was enough to finish her. He wanted to continue watching but tried to transfer beside Lanya in the end but ended somewhere he didn't want to again.

His eyes widened and laughed just after ”I see, so that's why you couldn't predict my weapons apparitions and movements. You were focusing your vision on me”

Layla bit her lip as the hammer was falling even harder. It wasn't obvious like this, but the strength behind that hammer could've easily destroyed a planet. She let out even more mana and cast a ma.s.sive quant.i.ty of silver light which pushed the hammer with her.

The 'strings' of the net also tightened and also tried to cut through the golden weapon ”You can see the future but you are not able to keep attention to many things in a fight” Fafnir mocked and strangely stood up on his hind legs.

His body started to transform. His legs became longer and his upper body changed too. After a moment, Fafnir had become a three hundred meters' tall n.o.ble dragon with incredibly large wings.

He stared at Layla and grinned ”Let me tell you, this does not represent all of my strength. If you only take guard against one thing. You'll never win”

He said and raised his hand. He pointed his palm upward and chanted ”[Dragon's Wrath]” A huge fireball, which soon turned even bigger, was conjured.

If it wasn't for the fact that Fafnir made it right in front of her, Layla would've never believed it was magic. That fireball had the size of a small moon and its glow and flames were perfectly identical to those of a burning star.

”I'm a dragon after all” Fafnir remarked ”Try to take this too” He declared and waved his hand. The sun moved slowly at first but then deformed unnaturally as its speed increased and went toward Layla like a bullet.

The latter looked at both the hammer and the fireball and her expression darkened. At this point, she knew that she had no other choice and closed her eyes. If she doesn't do it now, she will die.

”[Second Resurrection, Maiden Ostara]” She chanted just before the sun touched her and exploded. The flames spread around in s.p.a.ce. It looked like they were floating. The silver net lost its grasp on the hammer and the golden weapon was lifted again. It went out of the explosion while fuming.

It placed itself vertically then fell again on the exploding fire and struck the whole thing. The fireball was struck in its center and was blown away by a golden discharge.

This clash of magic created a powerful wave which spread around in outer s.p.a.ce like a GRBS*. When it reached Karma's group, it was surprisingly Deva who protected them. She just opened her eyes and an odd transparent barrier stopped any wave coming at them.

But except on their side, the wave didn't stop and the closest planets were struck by the pressure and their orbit was forcefully changed. Maybe the inhabitants even felt an earthquake across the entire surface.

When the chaos of mana and aura finally stopped, the area finally returned to normal and the only light illuminating in the dark s.p.a.ce was Fafnir's natural glow. Layla's figure had disappeared and one may think that the fight was over then but not only Fafnir but even Jorga and Karma were looking around with confused expressions.