178 Well, It Wont Kill Him… Kinda (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 41830K 2022-07-22

Arima and Fafnir never stopped flying around in their fight. They seemed to be continuously fighting in a sort of ethereal form. Their speed never slowed down and a black and gold light kept revolving around each other, producing shock waves every time they collided.

They had already moved a lot from their original fight zone and they had destroyed at least three planets on the way. Maybe others because of the resulting asteroids.

At some point, Arima roared and a great pressure descended on Fafnir. The golden dragon was surprised and froze in place for a moment. Arima moved his draconic body like a human martial-artist. He grabbed the neck of Fafnir and pulled him before striking his face with his knee.

He then spun and kicked him in the chest and took an Iai stance in the same movement. Thunder roared and Arima breathed in ”[Aeterna]” He one more time used his technique and the wave energy exploded on Fafnir.

But a golden s.h.i.+eld appeared and blocked the attack. Afterward, at least a hundred spears surrounded Arima and struck him as they exploded in golden fire. Arima used the Fourth Black Art to protect himself.

In Arima's set, 'Vashta Nerada' is one of the rare Arts which have the characteristic of 'protection'. It's maybe even one of the best.

The black shadow ate the entire explosion and made it disappear while protecting Arima. As the last flames were being extinguished, Arima pointed at his right with Superore and fired. Fafnir clicked his tongue and retreated.

When the flames disappeared, Arima saw that he had indeed struck him with his gun. He smirked ”I'm getting used to it” He said and Fafnir snorted. New golden lights appeared behind him and large gold chains made their way out of the 'Vault'.

They flew around like snakes and surrounded Arima before closing in ”Seriously” The latter shook his head ”You should've just called your magic 'Unlimited Babylon'” He uttered and Fafnir frowned.

”What is that?”

”Like I said” Lightning sparked around Arima ”A name fitting your power” He said and a whirlpool of blue energy gathered around Arima.

The black dragon sighed strongly then took a deep breath as he aspired that blue energy. When he finished, he exhaled again and let out a blue mist. He glared at Fafnir ”[Accelerando]” He chanted and disappeared on the spot just before the chains could bind him.

Fafnir's eyes narrowed and before he knew, Arima was behind him and he had Karma's blade next to his neck. Fafnir immediately transferred away. He looked back just after and the only thing he saw was the familiar energy produced by Superore.

He waved his hand angrily and a giant hammer struck those bullets away. Fafnir looked beyond and saw Arima breathing out a blue mist for a moment before vanis.h.i.+ng again.

The golden dragon s.h.i.+vered and tilted his head urgently. Superore's bullets scratched and burned his scales and flew just in front of him. He then used his wings to spin and escaped Karma's blade too. He gripped the Excaliburs he had in his hands and swung them both at the same time at Arima.

The latter met them with Karma and lightning and fire exploded. Fafnir grunted and kicked Arima away but his leg was also caught by the black dragon's tail in the process. He was pulled and faced Arima's sword again.

He had no other choice, so he used his Manifestation again to leave. But Arima also teleported behind him at the same time ”(What's happening?!)” Fafnir was fl.u.s.tered. He stopped calling his weapons and instead used a huge amount of mana to conjure a giant golden fireball around him which he threw at Arima ”[Dragon's Breath]” He then roared and spat out a huge flame that pushed the giant fireball toward Arima even faster while also making it stronger.

Arima closed his eyes and breathed out even more blue mist than before. This time, Fafnir perfectly noticed it. Time slowed for Arima, or to be exact, the Time around him was accelerating.

”[Furorque tenebris] (Darkness and Madness)”

”[Haec sunt nomina] (These are your names)”

Arima started chanting at high speed. Fafnir had a bad feeling. Just after he launched his magic, he called every s.h.i.+eld he had in his 'Vault' and even called the bell he had used against Layla's Manifestation.

”[Vos autem qui portabant flamma voluntatem mortis] (You are the flame carrying the will of death)”

”[Monstra te orbis terrarum feritate] (Show the world your brutality)”

The golden dragon seemed to be hesitating at bringing out something else but he discarded the idea in the end. He just stared at Arima. But when the latter looked back at him, he s.h.i.+vered.

”[Difficile est docere illos quid est morietur] (Teach them how hard it is to die)”

Arima smirked and pointed his finger at the fireball cast by Fafnir. A small black flame, which also seemed to glow in purple, appeared at the tip of his finger. It wasn't bigger than his fingernail but the flames radiated a strong pressure.

”[Second Blue Art, Nova tenebris] (Dark Nova)”

Arima ended his chant and pinched the flame. The black flame slowly made its way toward the giant fireball and penetrated it. Nothing happened after. It even looked like Fafnir's fire had consumed Arima's magic.