184 What A Joke… (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 43550K 2022-07-22

Fafnir's weapons started flying everywhere. The cannons he had summoned kept firing without rest and every single blade there was attacked Arima and Layla without stopping a single second. Even the Bell of Mictlan was ringing uncontrollably. It seemed that Fafnir didn't care really much about his own health at the moment.

Because of the bell's influence, almost every magic was being halted during its activation. But it didn't matter for both Arima and Layla. They simply used their bodies to fend off every weapon and would launch a dragon's breath together from time to time.

Thanks to the Resonance, both of them went through a huge increase in strength and their teamwork was also as perfect as you could expect it. It felt like they were a single person with two different bodies. Even Arima's doppelgangers couldn't be more synchro than that.

The timing of their attacks was always on point. If any of them had to block one of the giant weapons, he would catch it directly and stop it in its advance. He would then tilt it sideways for the other to blow it away. Afterward, the one who was holding the weapon would take care of the weapons behind the other.

It was happening with so much accuracy and speed that you could barely see it. It continuously happened and even Fafnir was getting a headache from witnessing all of this.

After only a few minutes, both Arima and Layla had already reached Fafnir's body ”d.a.m.nit” Fafnir clicked his tongue and waved his hand. All of his s.h.i.+elds appeared to protect him like an impenetrable carapace.

A golden fire then erupted from gaps between the s.h.i.+elds and produced an explosion which blew the dragons away. But it was only for a single second and the two helped each other to move out of the area.

They then inhaled and spat out a huge wave of dark and silver fire which clashed with Fafnir's golden flames. The three dragons roared and an even bigger explosion shrouded s.p.a.ce and a few planets around.

Arima and Layla were pushed back but Fafnir's defense also broke. The golden dragon's eyes flashed with anger and he teleported just behind Layla. He then raised Excalibur and swung it vertically at incredible speed.

But Layla didn't even look back and his sword was blocked by Arima's claws. The latter smirked and kicked Fafnir's weapon away. He then took a stance and taunted his opponent while Layla joined him too.

Fafnir's expression twitched. He threw away his swords and also prepared for a barehanded fight. The two sides had an extreme difference in size and physical strength but they were still going to fight with their fists.

Layla's eyes flashed and it was the signal for Arima to move out. He flapped his wings and reached the golden dragon's neck. Fafnir snorted, he tilted his head and s.h.i.+fted his neck with it. He then used his tail to strike Arima, who blocked it with a side defense.

Layla arrived just after and tried to attack the dragon's temple but Fafnir blocked her with his palm easily. Arima moved next and he went all out as he deflected Fafnir's tail with one punch.

Fafnir's eyes widened and flapped his wings to spin. He used that movement to kick Layla and punch Arima. The former escaped like she knew it was going to happen and the latter met the golden dragon's punch with his own.

The two surprisingly canceled each other. Fafnir's eyes narrowed and he continued to a.s.sault the 'small' dragon in front of him. But each one of his attacks was being countered by the same move. Meanwhile, Layla kept bothering him as she flew around and attacked him from time to time when he expected it the least.

She managed to land a few hits but each one of them didn't do almost any damage; to the point, Fafnir came to ignore her. Arima smirked when he saw that and continued his little 'game' for a minute before suddenly charging toward Fafnir.

He also took a slight curve and went toward the giant dragon's right side. Fafnir frowned and tried to teleport but his pupils shook when he noticed he had not moved. He had forgotten about it. About the girl who could restrain his movements.

In the end, Arima reached his destination and attacked Fafnir's right side; his arm, and his ribs. The golden dragon was confused but he still moved his body to counter him. But when the giant tried to move, his muscles suddenly contracted and he was not able to move further. Fafnir's expression revealed the shock he suffered as Arima violently pounded his right side.

Fafnir did his best to protect himself but his entire right side was numb and he couldn't move it as he wanted. He then recalled how the other dragon had attacked him, solely on his right half. He rolled his eyes at Layla to see her smirking at him.

He glared at her but soon was forced to recede as his scales broke and blood flowed down because of Arima. He immediately stopped thinking about using his physical ability and was about to invoke his weapons when Arima abruptly raised his strength above its limits again and moved at high speed.

He arrived right in front of Fafnir's torso and stared at the place where he had seen the cursed gold before ”[Terminus Confractus, CD] (400)” Arima's body cried in pain. He brought his right fist to his waist and punched with all of his strength.

”[Fourth White Art, Lower-Layer, Imago Autem Bunraku] (Strings of Bunraku)” He chanted at the same time and white strings infiltrated Fafnir's body through his injuries.

The golden dragon coughed blood which stained his s.h.i.+ning scales and was sent flying toward a near planet. He crashed on the ocean and a circular tide was immediately created.

Fafnir returned to the surface in rage but his body suddenly stopped moving as he was about to fly away. He couldn't do anything as his body fell backward and floated on water ”What…” He was both scared and thunderstruck.

The water came back just after and swept over him. When Arima and Layla arrived, the golden dragon had already been pushed back to the sh.o.r.e and was now resting immobile on the sand.

”What did you do?!” Fafnir shouted the moment he saw Arima coming down. The latter landed on Fafnir's body and sighed as he sat down.

He grabbed something from his storage and threw it in the air. It was giant candy which he took inside his mouth. Layla chuckled as she returned to her human form. Arima was also returning to his original appearance as a dragon.

They ended the resonance. Fafnir's expression fell. This meant that they deemed this fight to be over. He was overwhelmed with both shame and anger. He tried to summon his weapons but they didn't come to him. In fact, he could even see some of them falling on this planet like meteorites. They had lost their owner and were now deriving in s.p.a.ce.

Arima looked up with difficulty. Just this small movement brought him great pain. Layla worriedly looked at him and tried to heal him as much as she could ”Now there's a great treasure deriving in s.p.a.ce” He muttered ”I'm sure people will fight for it” He added and looked at Fafnir with a smile ”Even you”