210 This Is Hilarious (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 50640K 2022-07-22

While Arima's group was starting a fight, which was about to shake the world, Harion was standing on top of a large mountain along with a handsome man with sharp features and a really cold expression.

”Hey, Vlad, when's the plan supposed to begin?” Harion asked.

”Lady Ahura told us to act when Afriose would be ready to use the Stavrós Astéri. You would know that if you had attended the recent meetings”

Harion clicked his tongue and looked away ”I was gathering my army as I was ordered. How could I be present?”

Dracula hummed and looked up at night sky. The planet they were standing on right now was a very special one. It was situated at the border of the farthest Plane there is from the center of the Reality. It was filled with s.p.a.ce magic, and right in the middle of a chaotic magic field which always occurs at the borders of a Plane. If you looked at the sky, you would be able to see every Plane as a big s.h.i.+ning star.

And at that moment, they were all forming a straight line. Only one of them was slightly off. Harion stared at it for a moment and sighed ”Anyway, it should be soon. Lady Ahura and Ambor did a really great job… That's a really bold plan now that I think about it”

”They decided to push the planes instead of waiting for them to align. They could have destroyed one by mistake and completely spoiled the plan of using Stavrós Astéri. But they did it in the end” Harion muttered and Dracula snorted.

”Of course, it worked. Lady Ahura is the most powerful individual in all realities” He retorted and Harion laughed wryly.

”Maybe you're right” He said and looked at the giant gate in front of him ”She even made this ridiculous gate to transport our troops and boost them at the same time. It's even better made than the Heaven and h.e.l.l Gates. Her ability has no boundaries” He stated and Dracula immediately agreed.

Shortly after that, someone ran up the mountain and kneeled next to Harion ”I have something to report to you, General”

”What is it?”

”A large-scale fight just erupted at the center of Melumnia. The First Guardian's castle has already been destroyed and four of the Guardians, Ambrogio included, are battling against a certain individual”

Harion's eyes widened ”Who is it?”

”It's…” The man hesitated for a second. Bracing himself to tell this unbelievable information ”The Kind Demon”

”What?” Harion exclaimed and Dracula raised an eyebrow.

”The man who was chosen by Raylein to be the next Seventh Guardian is currently fighting them. The ones engaged in that combat right now are Ambrogio, s.h.i.+va, Shakti, and Victor”

”No way… at best he's a transcendental. He can't win against a Guardian” Harion mumbled ”How is that 'Demon' holding out?” He hastily asked.

”He's… pus.h.i.+ng them back” The messenger responded and both Harion and Dracula were astounded ”Actually, he has two people at his side. Two dragons to be exact and he himself actually transformed into a dragon”

”A dragon? Is he from the dragon race?”

”We don't know. But we know that among the three dragons that are there, one of them is him. As for the two other dragons, one of them, a literal skeleton, is incredibly strong. He's holding out against s.h.i.+va and Shakti at the same time”

Harion listened to the astonis.h.i.+ng news and started laughing ”This is hilarious!” He laughed even louder before waving his hand at his subordinate ”You can go now. Contact the rest of the army and tell them we'll act soon. The Stavrós Astéri has been advanced and will be occurring today. We will charge in Melumnia and invade them. Those new factors don't matter”

”I'm sure that if even that Kind Demon wins his fight, he will be defeated under Lady Ahura's and Afriose's ability” Harion said and the messenger nodded before jumping down the mountain.

Dracula followed the messenger with his eyes until he left, then looked at Harion ”Are you sure that person won't cause us any problem?”

”Don't worry, didn't you say Lady Ahura was the strongest of all?”

”…I did say so”

”Just enjoy this moment” Harion said as he saw the last Plane in the process of aligning with the others.

If you were looking at that planet from very far away in the sky. You would see that the whole surface, except the mountain occupied by Harion and Dracula, was covered by countless soldiers of different races. Some were giants while others were not even as big as a finger. Among them, there were a lot of pale looking ones with two fangs sticking out of their mouth. They were commonly known as ghouls, servants, blood-suckers, etc. They were all Dracula's converted p.a.w.ns.

The army that was in standby on this planet wasn't the only one. This kind of thing was happening in at least a thousand other planets. They were all waiting for Harion's and Dracula's order to go through the gate leading to Melumnia.


The skies of Melumnia had been replaced by a blazing azure fire. The earth and the elements had been put into chaos. Blood was splattered everywhere. Ambrogio waved his hand and countless puppets made of blood jumped and attacked Arima.

They were all mindlessly shrieking as if they were a dying soul put into a new body. Arima's eyes flashed and he swung Karma. Lightning exploded and all of the blood puppets were destroyed in a single hit.

”Behind you!” Layla shouted and Arima's sigil glowed urgently. The blue fire in the sky fell down as a huge pillar right behind him. Arima heard a grunt and Ambrogio escaped the flames with a trail of blood following him.