219 Easy As Pie (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 50770K 2022-07-22

All the reapers created by the First Black Art revolved around their own cross. They all raised their scythe and brought it down strongly. It struck the ground and formed a small hole. Then, they all started doing that repeatedly.

All of those reapers were crazily digging the ground with their scythe. The Pillars observed the scene with strange looks. They had already tried to destroy them and not only the reapers, but even the crosses were also invulnerable.

At the same time, they all trembled when they felt a warm light illuminating the planet. They peeked at the sky and spotted a really bright star slowly moving toward them. They could also see that it was attached to the rope Arima had thrown previously. That star was even bigger than Melumnia which was the biggest planet in the entire Reality. That thing was a monster of nature. Even a Guardian wouldn't be able to easily face if it's falling on them.

”…Are you crazy?” Ambor muttered unconsciously while his pupils were s.h.i.+fting back and forth, a.n.a.lyzing everything happening around him ”That star alone can annihilate Melumnia. But with that magic he just activated, I can't say if we'll survive…” He told to everyone and glanced at Ahura. She nodded at him and he immediately gave his instructions.

”Everyone, continue fighting Angra Mainyu. Only Trevy and Anubis will get to stop this star” He ordered and the Pillars complied without much hesitation.

”[Resurrection]” Anubis and Trevy chanted at the same time before flying away toward the star. Trevy's body expanded and became a sort of giant devil made of anti-matter. Anubis howled and everything around him transformed into grains of sand. Even the air became sand and followed him.

”[Resurrection]” The Pillars now knew that they couldn't hold back anything against Arima. And even if he looked weakened at the moment, most of them still used their Soul Resonance. All, except Ahura, Ambor, and Afriose, began to incant their Soul Manifestations.

The pressure provoked by the concentrated auras even managed to make Arima groan and tilt ”{…This may end really badly}” Night commented and Arima snorted.

”Will it really?”

”{…Of course. You used the Linearity Law again. You're weak as heck right now. And if you ever try to travel in time again, or even use any other Law, you'll definitely die. I guess we're going to be beaten soon}” Night retorted ”{Or do you have maybe a brilliant idea to get out of here? If Layla was here, there may be a possibility. But you alone; it's almost impossible. Particularly when you trapped yourself in the middle of your own magic along with your enemies}”

Arima snickered ”Easy as pie”

”{Can you make a pie?}”

”…I can” Arima gripped Karma with his deadpan expression and froze when his hand suddenly quivered and refused to move. The many enemies were already rus.h.i.+ng at him, ready to kill him ”We can't avoid it after all… I'm counting on you, Karma” Arima mumbled and his katana s.h.i.+ned.

Ambor's vision was then abruptly overwhelmed by two different magic formations. Both of them were part of the set of Arts he had found out about.

”[Third Red Art, Semita Vitisque Repertor]” Arima chanted and his figure phased. He went through the opening between the Pillars in the blink of an eye. At the same time, he chanted another magic.

”[Bibe sanguinem meum] (Drink my blood)”


”{We're going with that after all, huh?}”

The chain hanging down Karma's handle coiled and swirled. Its shape changed and became a chainmail snake which bit Arima's arm until its fangs pierced the bones. Arima's expression contorted and he gritted his teeth.

While he was escaping everyone, he swung his sword once and halted after he had bypa.s.sed them all. Karma was glowing dangerously while as he stood still. He sighed strongly and his eyes were oriented toward his rear.

Ahura's eyes widened and she jumped back. Loki, Afriose, and Ambor followed her too. They all looked like they had just escaped death. And it was quite accurate. A second later, they saw two individuals falling on the ground. Their heads rolled on the ground and all the Pillars looked at them in shock. One of them was enormous.

Apep and Ishtar died just like that. Everyone was frozen in place. Actually, they had all taken a step back. When Arima swung his sword earlier, most of them immediately reacted and tried to move as fast as possible. In the end, only Ishtar and Apep had died to that strike. Mainly because Arima was aiming at them princ.i.p.ally. Ishtar caused him quite a lot of problem earlier, and Apep could erase his presence easily. That's why Arima gave his all to take care of them first.

Kronos, Lorus, Khione, Baba Yaga, and Nyx had their hands on their neck with a really perturbed look. Kronos frowned as he saw a drop of blood flowing down. When he put down his hand, the wound had healed but there was still a line of drying blood. It was the same for the others.

Arima's sigil glowed at that exact moment. Ambor shook ”What are you doing?! Destroy their life force! Now!” He shouted and Thanatos was the one who moved. He seemed to be totally unfazed by the near death he just experienced. He immediately cast a soul breaking formation on both Apep's and Ishtar's bodies.

Arima clicked his tongue and Ambor sighed. He looked back at Arima and squinted his eyes. They were hurting him badly but he still did his best to a.n.a.lyze Arima's actions ”It's soon over. He just used a technique sacrificing every defense in return for displacement ability. Just one hit, and we win”

Arima snickered and turned around. He raised Karma and displayed it for everyone. The chainmail snake was still there and the blade seemed to grow pulsing veins from the base ”For ten minutes, it will suck my blood. I want to know how much of you I can kill until the end” He smirked.