238 Fall Down (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 44370K 2022-07-22

Arima's group surfaced in the middle of s.p.a.ce next to a bright and mighty star ”Oh, s.h.i.+t” Arima cursed and the green mist coming out of his body literally consumed a part of the star.

”Hey! What are you doing?!” Chulainn shouted and just after, Arima lost the control over the peculiar power around him and the trio disappeared again.

This time, they ended up in the center of a planet and almost destroyed it before they went missing again. The last place they ended in, was shockingly the Heaven of that reality. It looked a bit different from the one they knew. The main difference was unmistakably the large c.u.mulonimbi transporting temples and shrines in the sky.

Arima, Chulainn, and Flavio crashed among the blooming flowers. They dug the earth and upturned the soil but they had not the time to be caring about that. Both Chulainn and Flavio jumped away from Arima as the green mist around him constantly opened s.p.a.ce cracks. The noise it produced sounded like thick gla.s.s breaking apart.

Even Arima himself seemed to be affected as some of his scales were splintering and letting his blood flow down his body ”d.a.m.nit! Will you stop, already!?” He shouted and punched the ground. A large chunk of earth instantly came out of the ground and formed a new chain of mountains.

In the center, the demon sighed and stood up. He waved his hand annoyingly and forcefully closed the s.p.a.ce cracks ”Done” He muttered and jumped out from the mess he had made of this place. He landed next to Chulainn and dusted his robe. He also looked at himself and clicked his tongue.

Now that he was not an undead anymore, he had to be more careful about his body. And even if his body's regenerative abilities were enough to heal the small injuries he just suffered from in a few seconds, it wouldn't work for bigger injuries carrying more intent and aura.

”What the h.e.l.l was that? I wasn't dreaming, right? We were traveling through s.p.a.ce” Flavio raised his voice and Arima shrugged.

”You could say that it's what I used to fuel the reality portals. It's a special formation I made inside my soul realm. I actually didn't expect it to become what it is now. But apparently, I can weaken and make my way through matter and time at my will. Basically, I attained the power to manipulate s.p.a.ce with my mind and body only”

”…Seriously?” Chulainn's ears were bending in random ways.

”Yes. But that power is really tricky. First of all, it's very hard to control. Well, I got the hang of it I think, but you saw what just happened. My body could have been shredded to pieces. The other thing is that the core of the formation, the mutated neutron star, kinda acts like an engine”

”The more it is used, the more heat it will produce. Then, that heat will have no choice but to be evacuated to the water around it. Ultimately, if the water gets too hot, it will probably hurt my soul. So, I have to wary of that”

”That's an interesting ability” Flavio commented but his eyes were not looking at Arima. It was the same for Chulainn.

”I can't say the opposite” Arima snickered. He cracked his knuckles and looked up. There was already an army of angels coming toward him. He opened his eyes wide and Natus revealed itself in all of its splendor ”Luckily, they are not that broken. Almost none are below the Heavenly Realm but none of them are above it either. Well, it's possible that the leading G.o.ds have the power of the average transcendental”

”…It's not that rea.s.suring for me” Chulainn growled and Flavio rolled his eyes.

”Do you think it is for me? I may have been granted power by the Original G.o.d as a Pillar but if I'm not able to use magic against transcendentals, it's gonna be a ha.s.sle for me too” He sighed ”Why are we here anyway?”

”The Sanctuaries” Arima responded and the green mist appeared once more. The temperature suddenly raised, a lot more than earlier ”There are two special places in Heaven; The Sage's Chamber and the Time Garden. Together, they are called the Sanctuaries”

”I know what it is” Flavio frowned ”But no one can use the Sanctuaries unless they have the permission and apt.i.tude for it. Even Ambrogio tried to visit them but didn't even manage to go through the entrance”

”Do I look like Ambrogio for you?”

”…Well, obviously not. Since you're the one who killed him” Flavio uttered ”When are you going to revive him anyway”

”He slightly annoyed me so I'll do it when I feel like it. Anyhow, I will use those Sanctuaries. That's the only reason I came here”

”…Sure, I can understand if you want to go for it but why didn't you do it back in the other reality? Heaven was perhaps destroyed in your maternal plane, but you could have gone to another easily”

”The reason is simple; because it wasn't at my level. The moment I would try to enter them, they would come tumbling down in front of me. So, I thought that the Sanctuaries of this reality may be a lot tougher and capable of welcoming me”

”What do you want to do with them exactly?” Chulainn inquired while observing the swarm of angels.