259 Im Not Jesus Christ. (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 43570K 2022-07-22

Arima walked toward the Moses basket that had just fallen down from the sky and crouched right next to it. He looked inside of it and snickered. There he was, staring at the face of his baby-self.

”{That's…awkward?}” Krynox couldn't find the right word for it.

Arima reached for the baby's collar and inspected it without waking him up. He pulled out a nameplate that was hanging around his neck. When he flipped it over, he clearly read the name 'Arimane'.

”This is the day I was sent over in this world basically. Maybe the next reminiscence will be…” Before Arima could even finish his sentence, his surroundings were blurred and replaced by something else.

This time, he had appeared on a peaceful meadow illuminated by three orange suns forming a triangle in the sky. He picked up a flower at his feet and sniffed it for some reason.

”{…What are you doing?}”

”Just…this smells familiar.” Arima looked around and spotted a quite large and exquisite house made out of dark wood. The walls had been covered by many bands of an unknown metal and seemed to be impenetrable as many arrays had been deployed around it.

Arima also sensed countless auras going wild far away from this place. But although it was far, they were slowly coming toward this place.

Arima threw the crimson flower on the ground and silently went near the house. He stepped through the arrays as if it was nothing. They couldn't even detect him. He was simply so powerful that nothing could possibly sense him anymore if he were to not lower his natural presence. Like when a human couldn't possibly care about every insect they pa.s.s by. In this case, Arima was so 'big' for the array that it couldn't possibly react to him.

”{This is the beginning of your life,}” Krynox commented when Arima took a peek through the walls with Natus.

In a really important looking room, a woman was lying on a queen-sized bed while holding a crying baby in her arms. A man was holding her hand as he sat beside her and around them, there were many people such as maids, warriors, and priests. There were even some pets lying around and crying out loud. After some time, the woman stood up and laid the baby in a basket while everyone around watched with smiles filled with hope and joy.

Arima frowned, ”What the h.e.l.l? I'm not Jesus Christ. Stop with that weird stage setting already.”

”{…You were their last hope to preserve the race and the one supposed to inherit Angra Mainyu's legacy. Of course, they would treat your birth with high consideration.}”

Arima groaned and knew with a single glance that everyone in that house was a Life Hunter and obviously, the baby that was just born was himself. Then, his eyes naturally fell on his biological mother.

He didn't know how she looked like at all until now, but when he saw her tears and smile as she tied up the blanket around him, he couldn't help but feel touched and warm. She was a very beautiful woman with light brown hair. Her silver eyes were obviously pa.s.sed down to her son.

Arima then focused on his father with great interest. He was definitely handsome and strong-looking. It was him that Arima needed to thank for most of his facial features as well as his black hair. Not only that, his father was incredibly strong in normal standards. He clearly was at least a transcendental. Not far from becoming a Guardian or Pillar level powerhouse without any blessing from a G.o.d.

”{Just telling you before you can even think about it. You cannot even consider intervening,}” Krynox raised his voice as the auras which were far away were getting close very fast.

”{They are destined to perish while saving you. You managed to fool Time previously by a creating a clone of yourself and giving him Life Hunt. Which led to you right now. But this is another problem.}”

”{One's birth and death are the most important fixed points that none should ever mess with. Try to release your power the day you were born and you may cease to exist altogether.}”

Arima didn't respond to Krynox's words since he also knew about that fact. Although there was still a lot of knowledge that Krynox had and Arima didn't, both of them still had most of it shared together.

Arima observed his parents until his mother wrote his name on the nameplate and put it around the neck of her baby. His father then opened a gate and transferred the baby away.

”Let's go,” Arima mumbled and accelerated the process of his death when he finally had figured it out. His body turned into dust for good afterward.

Arima experienced his second death that day.


When the Lawless Tome was left alone in the collaging 'Haven', he used the limited amount of mana that Arima gave him and stayed active even without a caster. Technically, the Tome could even live as an independent creature if he were to be granted permission.

”/ Channeling the remains of mana. Beginning procedure. ” The book spoke as certain runes were being written on the pages.

As 'The Eternal Haven' was collapsing, everyone existing then could now see a mystifying book behind the blinding light.

”[Vita Venari] (Life Hunt).”

At first, the Tome intoned some really familiar words. He used that ability to absorb the huge chunk of life force left by the Original G.o.d and Devil. He then converted that energy into a driving force for his next move.

”[Et sculpes nomen meum] (I shall engrave my name,)”

”[Si vis ut non] (Whether you wish so, or not.)”

The darkest of magic was being cast. In the middle of the light illuminating every corner of the universe, a dark spot suddenly appeared. Everyone focused their eyes on it as if they were trying to find a way to escape the dominance of the pure white light

”[Quae fides est fides et quaerere] (Faith and loyalty is what I seek,)”

”[Trans spatium et tempus] (Across time and s.p.a.ce,)”

”[Erit sanctuarium in sempiternum hic stantibus] (This sanctuary will be forever standing.)”