263 Neutrality Is Beauty. (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 76890K 2022-07-22

In the middle of a desolate land, a silver-eyed man wearing a black velvet coat crouched down and waved his hand above the ground. His look was concentrated as if he was trying to find something.

”Around here, huh?”

He muttered and a red hexagram surfaced from the depths of his pupils. It glowed and the sky brightened. A black and a white light then emerged from the man's chest. They both formed the shape of a heart and seemed to be alternatingly beating together.

The black heart which seemed to be made of darkness was sucking in everything around it while the white heart, which resembled more a crystal, was exuding a glorious aura.

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”[Fifth Forbidden Art, Adversus, Phoenix Crystallo] (Crystal Phoenix).”

He intoned with a soft and aloof voice. The two hearts resonated together and invoked a phoenix made of crystal in the sky. Its wings covered the sky as they were deployed. Although the phoenix's body was magnificent and bright, its eyes were an amalgam of fluctuating shadows darker than black.

The bird shrieked and dived toward the ground. It went through the man who summoned it and merged with the earth.

A few seconds later, the ground shook as a humanoid-shaped mound was raised. A crystalline liquid fell from the sky and infiltrated the ground. The previously desolated nature was revitalized and the 'mound' slowly became organic.

Two horns grew on its head, its legs gained fur and hooves, the hands recovered their claws, and the rest of the body was recuperated until it was very imposing and muscular.

When the ground stopped trembling, and everything came back to normal, the five-meter tall monster that emerged from the ground opened its eyes.

He looked left and right before staring at the man who resurrected him.

”…So, we meet again. I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting this,” The goat demon opened his mouth and grinned. ”Did you get into fas.h.i.+on, Arima? Your coat is quite fancy.”

Arima chuckled. ”Good comeback, Baphomet. Don't you want to know why I revived you?”

”I honestly don't care about the 'why'. But the 'how' is another story. How am I supposed to interpret my current situation?”

”You're not an undead or an artificial life if you are wondering,” Arima smiled. ”Back when I killed you with Estuans Sors' flames, I made sure to retrieve your soul and conserve it. So, I actually didn't remake your soul or anything of the sort. I just rebuilt your body and gave you back your soul. Nothing too complicated.”

Baphomet snickered and clenched his hands. ”I see. Well, since I'm alive now. Why don't you tell me about what happened after you 'killed' me?”

Arima shrugged. ”Sure.”

He then proceeded to explain what happened during the war between Heaven and h.e.l.l.

Baphomet listened silently and nodded. ”I see. So, you killed Karaskan in the end, huh?”

”Indeed. You're not angry? He was your brother after all.”

”So, you knew.”

”Of course. There's nothing much I don't know in this world anymore. I also met your father in fact. It's partly because of him that I came here today.”

Baphomet was visibly surprised. ”My father…? What about the other reason then?”

”Simply because I kinda like you. You were honorable even though your reputation wasn't that bright.”

”Well, thank you, I guess. As for your question, I'm not angry. That idiotic brother knew what he was doing since the beginning. Death was in his plan as well.”

”I understand.” Arima nodded. ”Anyway, now that this is done, go in there,” He said and a large gate appeared behind him like a mirage.

Baphomet looked at it and frowned. ”Isn't that a soul gate?”

”It is. My soul gate to be exact. Go in, your father is there along with everyone else.”

Baphomet chortled and walked past to enter the gate. ”Are you making your own soul into a house?”

”Right. My group is working on building a nice and cozy mansion at the moment,” Arima replied and Baphomet almost tripped in front of the soul gate. He meant that as a joke, but he got a serious answer in return. ”You'll see it when you go in. Go first. I have things to do before.”

”What things?”

”Well, first and foremost, I temporarily reconstructed this portion of h.e.l.l to make your resurrection easier. But now, I need to destroy it again because I will soon be getting rid of all the Original Lands across the five mother realities.”

”…what?” Baphomet was stunned and Arima smiled before pus.h.i.+ng him inside the gate without looking at him.

Arima cracked his fingers after and looked around. ”Let's start.”

”{Wait, what about them?}” A calm voice echoed in Arima's head. ”{Should I remember you that you killed many G.o.ds and angels last time because you were in a hurry. As well as the Plane Guardians.}”

Arima groaned. ”I collected all of their souls. I'll resurrect them as I destroy their home and export them somewhere else.”

”{...Arima. That's not it.}”

”I know.” Arima abruptly turned very solemn and serious.

”{…Then, you should go visit 'her' at least. I don't think that woman will let you off the hook. No, it's just impossible. You killed countless innocent lives when you blew up that plane. You can't escape the responsibility. And you obviously didn't recover their souls in time. Go apologize before it's too late at least.}


”{What? Are you scared?}”

Arima clicked his tongue and conjured a portal with a snap of his fingers. ”Shut up.”

”{Splendid. It seems you need your ego to be hit a little to act.}”

”No. That woman is indeed scary. You're correct about that,” Arima responded and went through the portal he made.

”{…}” Krynox fell silent.

Arima arrived at a place that could only be described as absolute and utter void. There wasn't even any color or matter. No light or even darkness. There was only a faint presence of Time. If a normal human was there, he would die in less than a millisecond. And there were many different possible causes.

”{Your twenty-five-year-old worth acc.u.mulation of fire magic was really dreadful. It's scary just to think about it.}”

”See? Now, recall that freakish woman. She actually ignored the pain of the continuous flames burning, not her skin, but her internal organs and flesh and impaled me with her remaining arm. If you were to see that disfigured black and red skull trying to drag you with it to the grave even after suffering such an explosion, anyone would be traumatized.”

Arima quivered and Krynox's silence only meant agreement.

Arima's sigil, Natus, glowed and the void was gradually filled with new energies, particles, and matter. The colors came back and soon enough, the sky of Heaven was back, the ground reformed and nature bloomed once again.

Arima inhaled when he had finished and landed. He stayed there for a few minutes and pinpointed the exact location of 'her' death. He braced himself and cast the Fifth Forbidden Art. The crystal phoenix was invoked and an otherworldly beautiful woman appeared in front of Arima. The process was similar to Baphomet but instead of an unrefined mound, she had been revived out of s.h.i.+ning topaz.

Even Arima couldn't explain that. ”(Is this supposed to represent her value to the world?)” He thought.

Her amber hair fluttered and her dark golden eyes glared at Arima. She immediately tried to use her magic, but nothing happened. She noticed that she had lost her life force but didn't give up and summoned her transcendental weapon. Since it was stored in her soul, she still had it.

Arima sighed and wordlessly waved his hand. The woman's spear was flung away before piercing the ground.

”Ellen Rahlena,” Arima slowly spoke and Ellen froze because of his dark and grave tone. She then waited for him to talk as she stared at him with an icy look. But then, her pupils dilated and her mouth gaped ever so slightly.

Arima kneeled in front of her and put his fist on the ground. ”I'm sorry,” He said. Nothing else. There was no sugar coating, no excuse, no explanation, nothing.

He only said two words then closed his mouth, waiting for a response.

Ellen decided to speak after several minutes. ”…What are you apologizing for?” Her voice was clear and proud. She didn't hide her unfriendliness.

”To achieve my goal, I had to kill the World's Sage and rob his heart to be able to gain a body strong enough to face the Original Creators. So, I had to eliminate you. I also had to eliminate the Plane Guardians to make myself a place in the Spiritual Realm. And, in the process, I used a magic that brought destruction to an entire plane. I killed billions of families and races and I couldn't retrieve their souls. I'm deeply sorry.”

Ellen's fists trembled. ”…Will you let me take your life as compensation?”

Arima smiled and stood up. ”No. My life doesn't belong to me anymore. I cannot offer it to you. And I wouldn't be arrogant enough to weight my life over all of those lives I've ruined. There's no compensation to talk about.”

Ellen closed her eyes and spoke indifferently, ”I also have no right to accept your apologies. But for now, I want you to revive the lives you killed in this Heaven. You did it for me, I guess you can for the others as well.”

”I'm sorry, only those I've confronted,” Arima said and Ellen didn't answer. He still nodded and many small phoenixes materialized and flew off. ”The angels, G.o.ds, and Guardians I killed with be resurrected. And I will once again apologize; I can't bring back the World's Sage since his soul was residing in his heart which I a.s.similated.”

”That's enough,” Ellen raised her voice and Arima squinted. ”Please leave.”

Arima shook his head. ”I have to stay actually. I will restore this plane that I destroyed then teleport every revived survivor on a random planet. I will soon make the Original Lands collapse, so you can't be here. You all will be as weak as humans since I took your life force. Start anew and live modestly. You will realize it's a valuable experience to drop from the top to the bottom.”

”…Do what you want.”

Arima nodded and prepared to transfer every one he resurrected when Ellen interrupted him, ”Wait. What is your name?”

Arima froze and replied after a bit of hesitation. He bowed and put his right hand on his chest. ”I am now the Kind Demon, G.o.d of Eternal Night, Arimane Reigen Blade.”