Part 19 (1/2)


He described his life in the mountains in a number of verses that often seem more Taoist than Buddhist. One of the most lyrical follows:

_Ever since the time when I hid in the Cold Mountain

I have kept alive by eating the mountain fruits.

From day to day what is there to trouble me?

This my life follows a destined course.

The days and months flow ceaseless as a stream;

Our time is brief as the flash struck on a stone.

If Heaven and Earth s.h.i.+ft, then let them s.h.i.+ft;

I shall still be sitting happy among the rocks.23


He was a contradictory individual, one minute solemn in his search for Mind, and the next minute a buoyant bon vivant, writing verses that seem almost a T'ang version of our own carpe diem:

_Of course there are some people who are careful of money,

But not I among them.

Because I dance too much, my garment of thin cloth is worn.

My bottle is empty, for I spurt out the wine when we sing.

Eat a full meal.

Don't tire your feet.

The day when weeds are sprouting through your skull,

You will regret what you have been.24


The life he describes for himself is one immersed in poetry. He is the compleat poet, whose only concern is writing (not publis.h.i.+ng) verse.