Chapter 1142 (1/2)

”Uncle, you can take uncle home and have a rest first. I'll take care of it here.” Zhou Hao took a look at feiyasna's mother who had fainted because of his excessive sadness, and said in a deep voice.

”I see!” Liu Yingwei sighed. He also understood that it was useless for him and FISU to stay here, and now feisu is so sad that staying here is not good for her. So she gently helped her out of the ward!

Sitting beside feiyasna gently, Zhou Hao looked at her in a coma and sighed, ”fool, why do you want to block for me? I'll be fine! ” Zhou Hao looked at her face when she was talking. Because of the blood loss, her face turned white and even her lips were bloodless. However, it gave her some morbid beauty!

”Can you do me a favor?”

”I don't like one night stands!”

”What are you talking about...”

At this time, Zhou Hao's mouth slightly cocked up and thought of the way he and she had just met. At that time, she just wanted to help herself

A lot of love has a good time because of this kind of casual chat, Zhou Hao and feiyasna is also so.

”You can't sleep like this, I still have a lot of delicious food to eat, and I'm going to drive you for a ride. Don't you like this feeling the most?” Zhou Hao gently stroked her cheek, such a deep mouth said.

”You helped me this time. I'm not the kind of ungrateful person. Can you give me a chance to repay me?” Zhou Hao's mouth showed bitterness. Looking at her like this, Zhou Hao took a deep breath, and his soft and low voice came from his mouth!

When the moon shines on my face

I think I'm going to change my appearance

there's a soup called tearing heart and lung

drinking it has magical power

close your eyes and see heaven

that's where you smile

I dodge countless hunters' guns

drive away the sadness of climbing out of the grave

for you, I become a werewolf, Get crazy

for you, put on a thick camouflage

for you, Can we meet again after a change of heart

can we meet again

I have been begging for thousands of years in front of the Buddha

I am willing to exchange several lifetimes for our one life love relationship