Part 10 (1/2)

II. p. 452. See the writer's Elemental Contrast, pp. 26, 27.

Note 12. Mark i. 15. _Repent_ ye and _believe_ the gospel. James ii.

14-17 Even so _faith_, if it have not works is dead, being alone, &c.

Note 13. Rom. v.1, 2; iii. 21, 22, 23. John iii. 18.

Note 14. Rom. v. 5.

Note 15. Rom. viii. 16.

Note 16. 1 John v. 10.

Note 17. Rom. viii. 15.

Note 18. Gal. v. 22.

Note 19. Dogmatik, Vol. iii., p. 285.

Note 20. Mark xvi. 16. Acta ii. 37, 38: viii. 37, &c. Acts ix. 11. &c.

Note 21. 1 Peter, iii. 21.

Note 22. Elementa Theol. Dog., Vol. ii, p. 295. Qui fidem habent, illis beneficia Christi obsignantur et confirmantur. Notandum ergo est, fidem quidem ad salutarem fructum et effectum sacramentorum, non autem ad corum essentiam requiri.

Note 23. Biblische Glaubenslehre von Dr. H. E. F. Knapp, Prop. Halle, 1840, p. 292.



In regard to this error, the author of the Plea, relieves us from the necessity of proving that it is contained in the Symbolical books, by himself not only acknowledging the fact, but also defending the doctrine. For ourselves we do not think it taught as clearly in the Augsburg Confession, as most of the other errors touched on in the Definite Platform. But although not inculcated as explicitly as the others, the substance of the doctrine runs through the entire symbolic system, and therefore is justly chargeable on it. The name is not often distinctly met with there, but the thing meets us on many occasions.

This seems evident even from the following few citations.

_Proof that this doctrine was taught by the Lutheran Symbols and early Lutheran divines.

ART. II. - _Augsburg Confession_

”Our churches teach that this innate disease and original sin, is truly sin, and condemneth all those under the eternal wrath of G.o.d, who are _not born again by Baptism and the Holy Spirit_.”

_Apology to Augsburg Confession_, p. 226.

”Our opponents also agree to the ninth article, in which we confess that _Baptism is necessary to salvation_, and that the baptism of infants is not fruitless, but necessary and salutary.

_Luther's Smaller Catechism_.

”_What does Baptism confer or benefit?_

”_Ans_.--It effects the _forgiveness of sins, delivers from death_ and _the devil_, and confers _everlasting salvation_ upon all who believe it, (not believe in Christ,) as the words and promise of G.o.d declare.”

”_How can water effect such great things?_